Open laszlorepassy opened 1 day ago
Hi! I registered a sandbox account using the email I activated it and it already has 2FA. But when I try to register a sandbox app I still get the following error:
Nie możesz zarejestrować nowej aplikacji Aktywuj konto oraz włącz dwustopniowe logowanie.
Please advise. Thank you, Laszlo
You have not fully activated your account. You can activate this account on your first transaction.
If you want to test sales-related functionality, register a new company account.
Hi! I registered a sandbox account using the email I activated it and it already has 2FA. But when I try to register a sandbox app I still get the following error:
Nie możesz zarejestrować nowej aplikacji Aktywuj konto oraz włącz dwustopniowe logowanie.
Please advise. Thank you, Laszlo