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Access denied for sale/product-proposals in sandbox #6017

Closed din1s closed 1 year ago

din1s commented 2 years ago


I'm trying to add a product to the test environment, an error is returned "Access denied". I created an authorization token without specifying a scope, It looks like the problem is with account activation. I found a similar thread ( Can you activate our account? Client ID 105468968

din1s commented 1 year ago

How are books with Cyrillic titles added here

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

Sorry for my mistake, it seems I was trying to use one of the characters that were not allowed. You can use Cyrylic and below is the list of all allowed characters:

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwvxyzäöüøòß0áčěířšťůúýžœæàâçéèêëîïôûùüÿ€×ąćęłńóśźżµ⌀ľÞаурсİРСх̱ğÑφмкБвσНбμŐейãĕďŏṣõъňåтӧðūăгβÕÃşÅḥŜñлёКőģėāТņдΦяÐĽōīи0123456789!@[]#$%^&*{}().,,,/\|? ;~²³`''’´\""\"„"″<>_:-=+0…–°° ‰§ґєжзіїопфцчшщюьАаБбВвГ㥴ДдЕеЄєЖжЗзИиІіЇїЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуФфХхЦцЧчШшЩщЬьЮюЯяĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻÁáČčĎďÉéĚěÍíŇňÓóŘřŠšŤťÚúŮůÝýŽž

din1s commented 1 year ago

Good afternoon!

We also have a question about changing the status of orders to the status "PICKED_UP". When and under what conditions is this status established? The customer says that the clients' order status is already "order received", and we get the order status "SENT". Why can this be so?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

Hi, you can change this status manually anytime you want via PUT /order/checkout-forms/{}/fulfillment, it won't change automatically except the scenario when a merchant has subscription enabled and she/he provides tracking number - then the status will change automatically to SENT if she/he choose this option in the Order settings on our website.

din1s commented 1 year ago

The customer says that they have everything connected and they transmit track numbers. As we understand, the "Sent" status changes automatically for them, but the "PICKED_UP" status does not. Can the PICKED_UP status change automatically on your side at all?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately not, only the "SENT"/"DISPATCHED" status can be changed that way:

Zrzut ekranu 2022-10-19 o 12 24 47
din1s commented 1 year ago

Tried to continue adding products. Unfortunately, when creating a trade offer, I get the error "The maximum allowed length of a single word in the offer title has been exceeded (30 characters)."

Headings with such a plan "Chitat,risovat,hohotat!", "Organizacionno-tehnologich"

din1s commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately not, only the "SENT"/"DISPATCHED" status can be changed that way:

Zrzut ekranu 2022-10-19 o 12 24 47

Can you please tell me where these settings are located in the account?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

Headings with such a plan "Chitat,risovat,hohotat!", "Organizacionno-tehnologich"

You can just add space between "," and "-", for example: "Chitat, risovat, hohotat!"

Can you please tell me where these settings are located in the account?

It is in Orders tab, and then "Settings" in the top right corner.

din1s commented 1 year ago

Good morning. Unfortunately your advice didn't help. We even removed all symbols except for letters, but still trade offers are not added with the same error "The maximum allowed length of a single word in the offer title has been exceeded (30 characters)." Product name example: "Normat pravov obesp vospi" "Ist relig tayn relig obsch" etc.

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

Ok, I see, the reason is the length of the words in the product title (not in your offer). I'm passing this issue once again to our team responsible for this service. Sorry once again for inconvenience.

din1s commented 1 year ago

There is also a question about the delivery status - in the personal account we see that the order has been delivered - But when receiving information on the order via "order/checkout-forms/" we do not see that it has been delivered. How can we get this information?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

When it comes to the problem when too long word names - could you please send me all of the offer titles with which you've received error messages? We need to change all of the product names that have been entered improperly, for example, "Normat.pravov.obesp.vospit.deyat.v VUZah Rossii T.1" (dots instead of empty spaces).

There is also a question about the delivery status - in the personal account we see that the order has been delivered - But when receiving information on the order via "order/checkout-forms/" we do not see that it has been delivered. How can we get this information?

This information relates to parcel tracking statuses from the carrier and we don't return it in the order details, this is not the same as seller status in "fulfillment.status" field. You can receive those information only if you shipped parcel via Ship with Allegro - the endpoint responsible for this is GET /order/carriers/{carrierId}/tracking?waybill={waybill}.

din1s commented 1 year ago

Good afternoon. List of products for which errors occur:

Lechenie izbegayuschego/ogranichitelnogo rasstroystva priema pischi Osnovannaya na seme terapiya Organizacionno tehnologicheskoe proektirovanie pri proizvodstve rabot na obektah stroitelstva Simptom sindrom diagnoz Bolezni pochek i mochev sis" Chitat risovat hohotat!Smeshnye kartin myshki Mashi Organizacionno pedagogicheskaya kultura obrazovatelnogo uchrezhdeniya Optimal proekt assemblern progr matem algor Lab pr Ugolovnoe zakonodat sovr Rossii Proekty probl prog V raznyh zhanrah Stati rasskazy esse stihi Enciklopedicheskiy slovar spravochnik Vyrazitelnye Russkiy tradicionalizm:istorii ideologiya Vyp VII Intermedialnost filologicheskiy kontinent Elektrodinam volnoved struktur Teoriya vozbuzhdeniya Prostr vrem neodnor proces neupr deform metallov Modelirovan mehanodiffuz processov v mnogokompon Matem model i eksperim issled osn konstr geterog Avtomatiz tehnol postr nestruktur raschet setok T 4 Progr razr obr obl «Chtenie hud l» «Kommun» v st g Pobeditel Sozidatel Uchitel:pamyati pr Kirillovoy Poryadok isp treb neimusch har soderzh v ispol dokum Effektiv metod ravnom priblizh osnov na polinomah Tehnolog nasled v seriyn proizv gazoturb dvigatel Rukovodstvo po sportivno funkcion klassif plovcov Rekomendac dlya rukovodit fizkult ozdorov klubov Kompleks kontrol integral funkcion podgot futbol Dokument obespechen upravl deyatel v fizk organiz 7 Vseross nauchno praktich konfer po ekzistenc psih Avtokarta: Penzenskaya Saratovskaya Tambovskaya obl Pravovoe regul finansir obrazov org Vopr teor i pr Transform modeley prav regul obekt innovac infras Sovr tendenc razv zarubezh trud prava v usl globalz Region aspekt ekonom bezop strany v uslov globaliz Narodnoe predstavitelstvo Ch1 Istor teor korni tv Metodolog osn organiz effekt deyat po pravam chelove Dokumentir protivopr deyat osuzhden v ispravit uchr Globalnye vyzovy ustoych razvit mir ekonom Uch pos Vved apel poryad peresm sudeb resh po grazh i ug dela Analiz i ocenka deystv sist kontr realiz fed proek Finansovo pravov regulirov platezhn i raschet sistem Probl bezop oborot cifr finans aktivov v kriptoek Pravov regulirov nesostoyatelnosti (bankrotstva) Osnov kreativ ekzistenc obuchen inostr yazyk v neyaz Konceptolog v sovremenn gumanitarn issledovaniyah Gosudarstv regulirovan nacional ekonomiki Uchebnik Vnutren kontrol v upravl riskam hozyaystv subekt Aktualn probl podgotov shkoln i student k profes Klassnyy rukovoditel(vospitatel) Praktich mater Laboratornaya diagnost urogenit hlamidiyn infekcii Mnogomassht udarno volnov processy v tverdyh telah Lazernyy ekologichesk distancion kontrol atmosfery Iz istor russ perevod hudozh liter perv chetv XIXv Kombinirovan vodorodn energetichesk ciklov s atomn Kompleksnaya pererab mnogokomponentn zhidkih sistem Adapt invar algor obnaruzh obekt v Matlab Uch p 2iz Osnovy energosberezheniya Uch pos 2izd Elektrodinamika i rasprostr radiovoln Uch pos 2izd Praktikum po tehnol otrasli(tehn hlebobul iz) 3izd Farmacevtiches himiya Fiz him metody analiza lek vesch Deviacii v profes socionomich tipa Teor empir issl Otvetstven transgr korpor grupp: teoriya i praktika Matematika Kurs razvit intellek reben [Metod pos] Ist relig tayn relig obsch obr i obych Dr mir 2 toma! Autizm Mify diagnostika korrekciya Normat pravov obesp vospit deyat v VUZah Rossii T 1 Stihotvoreniya Poemy Stihotvoreniya v proze Risunki liceistov faksimil izd per vyp (1811 1817) Mihail Kuzmin Iskusstvo zhizn epoha+antologiya Regionaln mnogoobraz arhitektury russkogo barokko Endoskopichesk diagnost lechenie zabolevan pischevoda Znakomstvo s narodn izobrazit priklad iskus v DOU MGU imeni M V Lomonosova Sbornik spravochnik Mezhdunar sborn master iskusst Internat Art Masters UMK Lit cht 2kl Klimanova Goreckiy Zach rab Ch2 FPU UMK Lit cht 2kl Klimanova Goreckiy Zach rab Ch1 FPU Prog razr obr obl «Chtenie hud l» «Kommun » sr gr Progr razr obr obl «Chtenie hud l» «Kommun»2 ml gr Obobschenno sopryazhen preobrazovan i integriruemost Kompl program adapt fizich vospit neslyshaschih detey Pravoslavie Literatura Revolyuciya Vospominan general feldmarshala knyaz Prozorovskogo Elegantnost zhenschin Tualet Pricheska Duhi Krasota Stenogramma sudebn zasedan Specialn Sudebn Prisut Poln neobhod samouch domash remesel V 2 h t KOMPLEKT Kommerchesk encikloped Nastol spravoch kniga V 4h t Ist relig tayn relig obsch obr i obych Dr mira Persiya Ist relig tayn relig obsch obr i obych Dr mira Indiya Ist relig tayn relig obsch obr i obych Dr mira Egipet Ist relig tayn relig obsch obr i obych Dr mir Kitay Inter zapisk d/molod lyud zhelayusch sdel v obsch razvyaz Illyustrirov praktichesk putevoditel po Sevastopolyu Illyustrir praktich putevodit po Chernomorsk poberzh Iz proshlog Vospom fligel adyut Imperat Nikolaya II Iz zapis oruzh ohotn Kostrom guber + Ohota s damami Zapiski ruzheyn ohotn Orenburg gubernii Drevne cerkovno slovyansk yazyk Fonetika i morfolog Domashn pivovar Domashn prigotovl razlich sortov piva Damskie mody XIXv Istoriko hudozhestv monografiya Osnovy elektrotehniki Praktikum Uch pos SPO ANTI/Fabrika Flirt Time Anatomiya odnogo realiti Rassledov kontrab narkotich sredstv perem v mezhd Teoriya pravov regulir iskusstv intellekta robotov Teoretich osnovy model unific grazhd zakond Rossii Slovar voronezh delov pism XVII–XVIIIvv T 2 (Z–M) Slovar voronezh delov pism XVII–XVIIIvv T 1 (A–Zh) Ross polit zaschit istor pravd i protiv propag fashiz Psihologo pedagogich soprovozhd lic s narushen sluha Praktich primen metod klasteriz klassif i approks Pravoslavno slavyansk civilizac v geopolit ucheniyah Pravovoe regulirov iskusstven intellekta robotov Osoben realiz social otvet zarub korprac v Rossii Organiz i osuschestvl vnutr finans audita v sist MVD Moderniz sovremen social ekonomich politiki Rossii Migrac v uslov krizisn razv mirov soobsch i ee riski Mezhdun stand finans otchetn dlya mal i sred predpr Matematichesk modelirov investic i finansov resheniy Lichnostno razviv inoyazych obrazov v nachalnoy shkole Landshaftno ekologich issledov Moskvy dlya obosnovan Konstituc pravov osnov vneshn polit v zarub stran Konkurentosp social ekonom sistem v uslov cifrov Istorichesk preemstven tradiciy rossiyskoy civiliz Istor i sovrem problem ekon razv Respubl Tatarstan Issled fenom bystrorast komp Respubl Bashkortostan Informac bezop finans kredit organiz v usl cifr Globaliz i institucion moderniz ekonomiiki Rossii Bystrodeystv odnofoton detektor na osnove tonkoy Aktual vopr razrab sistem uprav risk v sfer protiv Administrativ sudoproizvodst Uchebnik dlya bakalavr Anatomiya cheloveka Angiologiya KARTOChKI (45sht) Prenataln diagnostik nasledstven bolezney 3 e izd Emocion vygoran rodstven bolnyh s himich zavisim Uspeshnaya neustoychiv industrializac mira: 1880–1913 Ochischen nacii Nasilstv peremesch nasel i etich chistki Antibulling Dop progr prof bullinga 11 13l Met rek Pronikn krupn ross finans kapital v ekonom Sr Azii Endoskopichesk diagnost lechenie zabolev tolst kishki Psihologicheskoe vozdeystvie:Mehanizmy strategii Pravila promysh bezop opas pr obek rab pod izb dav Metodika ekspert issled deyat kredit potreb kooper Korporat konflikty oslozh inostr elemen i ih razresh «Mashina vlasti» v virt prostranstve(formir obraza) Publichno chastn partnerst Rossii i zarubezh stranah Normat pravov obesp molod polit v VUZah Rossii T 2 Integrir predmetn diagnostich rab 1kl Metod pos Angliysk yazyk Nab kart cv ch "V" V kabinete u vracha Lyubimye zhenschiny Povesti rasskazy esse Obuchenie doshkol sostavl logichesk rasskaz po serii Psihologo pedagog soprov razvit rebenka v detskom Tochki Linii Figury Prost geometr ponyat D/det 5 7l Lesopilno derevoobrabatyvayuschie proizvodstva lesozagotovitelnyh predpriyatiy Tehnologiya lesopilno derevoobrabatyvayuschih proizvodstv Tehnologicheskie raschety proizvodstvennoy moschnosti Uchebnoe posobie Organizacionno tehnologicheskoe proektirovanie potochnogo stroitelstva Uchebnoe posobie Kompleksnoe mediko psihologo pedagogicheskoe soprovozhdenie lic s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorovya v usloviyah nepreryvnogo inklyuzivnogo obrazovaniya Organizacionno tehnologicheskoe proektirovanie uchastkov i cehov Uchebnoe posobie Grif UMO vuzov RF Kompetentnostno orientirovannyy urok Celepolaganie Proektirovanie Ocenka effektivnosti FGOS ASP SZR Pravonarushitelnicy Zhenskaya prestupnost i kriminalogiya v Rossii (1880 1930) Samodiysko tunguso manchzhurskie leksicheskie svyazi Atlas dlya eksperimentalno psihologicheskogo issledovaniya lichnosti Informacionno kommunikacionnaya koncepciya teorii buhgalterskogo ucheta Eksperimentalno psihologicheskoe issledovanie v psihiatrii Uchebnoe posobie Racionalno emotivno povedencheskaya terapiya Devochkadevochkadevochkadevochka

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the list. I will let you know when we change the names of the products to valid ones.

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

We have changed the names of those products, so you should be able to list offers now.

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

W tym wątku nie pojawiła się żadna nowa odpowiedź w ciągu 7 dni, dlatego automatycznie oznaczamy go jako przeterminowany. Jeśli w ciągu kolejnych 7 dni nie pojawi się żadna odpowiedź, wątek zostanie zamknięty. Dziękujemy za zaangażowanie w dyskusję i zachęcamy Cię do wypełnienia ankiety dotyczącej naszego wsparcia na forum.

There was no new reply in this thread within 7 days, therefore, we automatically marked it as expired. If no response is received within the next 7 days, this thread will be closed. Thank you for engaging in the discussion. We encourage you to complete our forum support survey.

din1s commented 1 year ago

Good afternoon! Thank you, everything is fine with the addition of goods.

Now there is a question about price updates and the availability of goods - you can update the price for a trade offer via PUT /offers/{offerId}/change-price-commands/{commandId}, but what about the availability of goods? Update prices and product availability at the same time via PATCH /sale/product-offers/{offerId}?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

Yes, you can make it with the same single request via PATCH /sale/product-offers/{offerID}, but please remember that you cannot change the stock to "0", so instead you can change the status of the offer to "ENDED":

    "publication": {
        "status": "ENDED"

And when the goods will be once again available, then you can change the status to "ACTIVE" , along with the stock and price to the proper values:

    "stock": {
        "available": 10,
        "unit": "UNIT"
    "publication": {
        "status": "ACTIVE"
        "sellingMode": {
        "format": "BUY_NOW",
        "price": {
            "amount": "420.85",
            "currency": "PLN"
        "startingPrice": null,
        "minimalPrice": null
din1s commented 1 year ago

This is how we update now. But the problem is that we update prices and stocks of all goods several times a week. It will take us several days to completely update all the products in your system. Is there any way to update prices and balances faster? Maybe a batch update?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

We have the possibility to modify offers in bulk, for example, you can activate or end up to 1000 offers per single request. In case of changing stock or prices, you can also edit a maximum of 1000 offers, but in this case, you can pass only one price/stock for all those offers.

din1s commented 1 year ago

Good afternoon. In the course of work, another question arose - can you tell me at what point in placing / paying for an order in your system, the client can change the delivery method?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 year ago

After adding products to the cart and selecting the "delivery and payment" option, the buyer will be redirected to the delivery and payment form - here it is possible. Here you can find more information.