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Can we create One Fulfilment Account on Sandbox account? #8976

Closed mohan-mandal-pattern closed 1 week ago

mohan-mandal-pattern commented 2 weeks ago

Are we able to create One fulfilment account on Sandbox account and are we able to create order on that account to test the One fulfilment type order?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, you need to create a company account and we can mark it as One Fulfillment type. Please note that there shouldn't be any offers on the account until we change the account type.

mohan-mandal-pattern commented 2 weeks ago

How to create a company account? Can you give us a link for that account setup?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 2 weeks ago

Here's the link - if you are seeing this page in Polish, change the language settings on the top-right corner.

mohan-mandal-pattern commented 2 weeks ago

Email - and Username - Pattern_EU This is our sandbox business account. What do we need to create a One fulfilment account?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 2 weeks ago

We need to mark this account as One Fulfillment type. I've forwarded this request to the team responsible for the One Fulfillment service. I'll be back with answer when it's done, please be patient.

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 2 weeks ago

I see that you already have two active offers on this account. Sorry, but as I mentioned there can't be any offers on the account, please register a new account.

mohan-mandal-pattern commented 2 weeks ago

Before converting to One Fulfilment type, the Live Business account should not include offers. Am I right?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, exactly, no offers in any status, that's why you need to register new account.

mohan-mandal-pattern commented 2 weeks ago

Is it possible for the Sandbox account to link to a One fulfilment account as mentioned in the Allegro documentation here? It has not been mentioned whether the Sandbox account should have offers in any status or not. Please provide clarity on this.

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 2 weeks ago

I'm verifying it with the team responsible for the One Fulfillment service.

mohan-mandal-pattern commented 1 week ago

@PrzemyslawLukanowski do you have any update regarding this?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 week ago

Yes, sorry for the delay, but yesterday we had a bank holiday in Poland (tomorrow also). I received information that on Sandbox you need to create a new account and after that, we can mark it as a One Fulfillment type.

mohan-mandal-pattern commented 1 week ago

OK but do we have to follow the same requirement given in the documentation here?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 week ago

No, you just need to have a company account with no offers.

mohan-mandal-pattern commented 1 week ago

As I mentioned earlier, I have a Sandbox account, but I don't know how to create a One Fulfilment account. Can you assist me with this, please?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 1 week ago

As I wrote above, you need to create a new company account via this link and after that, send me the account login - we will mark it as One Fulfillment.