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[NEWS] Nadchodzące zmiany w produktyzacji / Upcoming changes in productization #9069

Open PrzemyslawLukanowski opened 3 months ago

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 3 months ago

Cały czas pracujemy nad tym, aby w 2024 roku Allegro opierało się na danych z Katalogu produktów. Chcemy, aby kupujący szybko znaleźli produkt, którego szukają i łatwo porównali wszystkie oferty, w których go kupią.

Dowiedz się, co planujemy zmienić w najbliższych miesiącach:

We are working to make Allegro based on data from the Product Catalog by the end of this year. We want to make it easier and quicker for buyers to find the products they are searching for and compare all the offers with those products.

Check out the upcoming changes:

jezewskiBNetrox commented 3 months ago

also take into consideration the duplicate products that sellers create.

zaczniemy uwzględniać duplikaty produktów, które tworzą sprzedający.

@PrzemyslawLukanowski Sugeruję usunięcie lub zmianę tego hiperłącza. :)

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 3 months ago

Link usunięty, dziękuję za zwrócenie na to uwagi :)

erik191 commented 2 months ago

At the moment when creating product offer and do not provide product id your system will create product or find and attache already existing by it's description:

If, based on the data provided, we recognize that the product is in our Catalog, we will take its data and include it in your offer:

category and parameters,
product description (if you will not add your own),
GTIN code,
compatibilityList section,
TecDoc specification.

Does this will be changed or will system still automaticaly assign product based on it's description (not id)?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 2 months ago

Nothing changes when it comes to the info you quoted, but one thing to clarify - we never assign a product based on its description, we take into account product category and parameters. If based on that we recognize the product in our catalog, such product will be assigned to the offer.

erik191 commented 2 months ago

But what is the actual difference from #5961 ?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 2 months ago

There were some categories in which you didn't have to associate offer with product, after the change only few categories will remain.