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Questions about the new offer visibility process on foreign markets #9086

Open dominikahr opened 3 months ago

dominikahr commented 3 months ago

Hi there,

I have some questions about the new offer visibility process on foreign markets:

  1. Do I understand it correctly that once the seller has set up some delivery method in the shiping price list to the foreign market, that the offer will be automatically published there as well? No approval from the seller is needed? And will he or she at least get some notification?

  2. Will the publication on foreign market happen only during publishing the offer / during offer update?

  3. Will it still be possible to modify via some request if the seller wants to stop selling on the foreign market? Or he will have to delete the delivery option from the shipping price list?

  4. When you will automaticlly publish the offer you will automatically use the price converter? Will there still be the possibility to send your own price for the foreign market?

Thank you in advance for your help :)

All the best,


PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 3 months ago


  1. Yes and yes - you will get notification in the response to GET /sale/offer-events, event OFFER_VISIBILITY_CHANGED.
  2. Yes, during the publication and offer update.
  3. Seller will have to delete the delivery option from the shipping price list.
  4. Yes, we will use automatic price converter, but there will be the possibility to send your own price.
stale[bot] commented 3 months ago

W tym wątku nie pojawiła się żadna nowa odpowiedź w ciągu 7 dni, dlatego automatycznie oznaczamy go jako przeterminowany. Jeśli w ciągu kolejnych 7 dni nie pojawi się żadna odpowiedź, wątek zostanie zamknięty. Dziękujemy za zaangażowanie w dyskusję i zachęcamy Cię do wypełnienia ankiety dotyczącej naszego wsparcia na forum.

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