allegro / allegro-api

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active prod /sandbox account for API #9106

Open frying52 opened 1 month ago

frying52 commented 1 month ago

Could you please help me activate the account? I need to develop an ERP software to integrate with the Allegro API. Client: 122428370 Client: 107063016

Lukasz-Zurek commented 1 month ago

Regarding an activation on the production, - please contact Allegro support, using this contact form. It is out of our hands.

Regarding an activation in the sandbox environment - Client: 107063016 - this account is a regular one, so you won't be able to test offer listing, shipments, etc. I suggest converting it to the business account, you can do it here.

After that you will have to go to Payouts settings and use our payment simulator to finish the process. Please remember about fictional data.

After these steps, please let me know here.

frying52 commented 1 month ago

Dear Allegro Support Team,

I have completed the necessary steps for account activation. Please assist me in activating my account. Client: 107063016

thank you!

Lukasz-Zurek commented 1 month ago

@frying52 Thank you! I have just activated your account.

stale[bot] commented 1 week ago

W tym wątku nie pojawiła się żadna nowa odpowiedź w ciągu 7 dni, dlatego automatycznie oznaczamy go jako przeterminowany. Jeśli w ciągu kolejnych 7 dni nie pojawi się żadna odpowiedź, wątek zostanie zamknięty. Dziękujemy za zaangażowanie w dyskusję i zachęcamy Cię do wypełnienia ankiety dotyczącej naszego wsparcia na forum.

There was no new reply in this thread within 7 days, therefore, we automatically marked it as expired. If no response is received within the next 7 days, this thread will be closed. Thank you for engaging in the discussion. We encourage you to complete our forum support survey.