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You cannot list another offer with this product #9177

Open yu-www opened 3 months ago

yu-www commented 3 months ago

Hi, I got "You will not create another offer with this product. In this category, you can attach a maximum of 5 offers to one product. Find another product in the Catalog or add a new one" response when created a product Are all categories limited to 5 offers when created?

request={"afterSalesServices":{"impliedWarranty":{"id":"8aaa19a7-4c00-465e-96c3-61eaddde6084"},"returnPolicy":{"id":"6c56ecfb-7948-4687-b597-d0b16c7b9728"},"warranty":{}},"delivery":{"handlingTime":"P3D","shippingRates":{"id":"181d50f2-46f1-413f-8b61-d46fdc02121c"}},"description":{"sections":[{"items":[{"type":"IMAGE","url":"!!2912525942-0-cib.jpg"}]},{"items":[{"type":"IMAGE","url":"!!2912525942-0-cib.jpg"}]},{"items":[{"type":"IMAGE","url":"!!2912525942-0-cib.jpg"}]}]},"external":{"id":"5103281346276"},"images":[""],"language":"en-US","location":{"city":"changting","countryCode":"CN","postCode":"366300"},"name":"Travel sunglasses for men and women","parameters":[{"id":"11323","valuesIds":["11323_1"]}],"payments":{"invoice":"NO_INVOICE"},"productSet":[{"product":{"category":{"id":"1494"},"images":["","",""],"name":"Travel sunglasses for men and women","parameters":[{"id":"3786","valuesIds":["3786_1704209"]},{"id":"249512","valuesIds":["249512_1647428"]},{"id":"4526","valuesIds":["4526_5"]},{"id":"204165","valuesIds":["204165_278725"]},{"id":"4527","valuesIds":["4527_256"]},{"id":"225693","values":["6931925724112"]},{"id":"15851","valuesIds":["15851_4"]},{"id":"17448","values":["0.5"]},{"id":"204169","valuesIds":["204169_1"]}]}}],"publication":{"marketplaces":{"additional":[],"base":{"id":"allegro-pl"}}},"sellingMode":{"price":{"amount":"38.8","currency":"PLN"}},"stock":{"available":9999,"unit":"UNIT"}}

response={"errors":[{"code":"offerCounter","message":"You will not create another offer with this product. In this category, you can attach a maximum of 5 offers to one product. Find another product in the Catalog or add a new one.","details":null,"path":null,"userMessage":"You cannot list another offer with this product. In this category, you can link a maximum of 5 offers to one product. Find another product in the Catalog or add a new one.","metadata":{}}]}


MartaNowaczyk commented 3 months ago

Not all categories are limited. Here you will find more information about this limit and a link to the list of categories.

stale[bot] commented 3 months ago

W tym wątku nie pojawiła się żadna nowa odpowiedź w ciągu 7 dni, dlatego automatycznie oznaczamy go jako przeterminowany. Jeśli w ciągu kolejnych 7 dni nie pojawi się żadna odpowiedź, wątek zostanie zamknięty. Dziękujemy za zaangażowanie w dyskusję i zachęcamy Cię do wypełnienia ankiety dotyczącej naszego wsparcia na forum.

There was no new reply in this thread within 7 days, therefore, we automatically marked it as expired. If no response is received within the next 7 days, this thread will be closed. Thank you for engaging in the discussion. We encourage you to complete our forum support survey.