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Activation of Sandbox account thinkia-test #9239

Open marcusskelly opened 2 weeks ago

marcusskelly commented 2 weeks ago
MartaNowaczyk commented 2 weeks ago

Your account is active - however, it is a regular account, if you want to test sales register a full company account.

marcusskelly commented 2 weeks ago

Your account is active - however, it is a regular account, if you want to test sales register a full company account.

I did change to a business acount bit it says its still verifying bank account details and stuff. I made them up since its only a Sandbox environment. I wonder if you can facilitate the process.

MartaNowaczyk commented 2 weeks ago

What account are you having this problem with? Please provide a login.

marcusskelly commented 2 weeks ago

MartaNowaczyk commented 2 weeks ago

I don't see the conversion of the account to company. Check if you are sure you have this option enabled. You will change the profile of the current account using this tab.

marcusskelly commented 2 weeks ago

I think its done now

MartaNowaczyk commented 2 weeks ago

Have you chosen that you will sell or "ACTIVATE SALES" here? Your account looks like you changed it to a company account, but chose the "buy" option.

marcusskelly commented 2 weeks ago

I basically want to test both. Buy and Sell options in order to do integrations.

MartaNowaczyk commented 2 weeks ago

Then you should have two accounts, on one you sell, the other you buy.

marcusskelly commented 2 weeks ago

These are my two accounts:

seller => thinkia-test

buyer => thinkia-test-buy

I then would need to activate seller account

MaciejFrackowiak commented 1 week ago

Your seller account "thinkia-test" is active now.

marcusskelly commented 1 week ago

Thanks for your help!

marcusskelly commented 1 week ago

I would need to create a sandbox app from the developer portal logged in as 'thinkia-test'. I need to make API calls to this seller account. When I am in developer portal logged in as 'thinkia-test' and I press My Apps(sandbox) I am redirected to another client that is not 'thinkia-test'.

The workflow would be as follows:

I upload offers on 'thinkia-test' and I buy these offers on 'thinkia-test-buy'. Then I make API calls to 'thinkia-test'.

MaciejFrackowiak commented 1 week ago

Please, use "" to create a Sandbox application.

stale[bot] commented 9 hours ago

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