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Category Attributes Error #9311

Open MBI910 opened 6 days ago

MBI910 commented 6 days ago

Hi there,

I receive a unusual error regarding listing an offer, I have chosen the value: 248135_859076 which means "inna" (other) according to the available value list. How come i still get this error?

Offer: 35264397
Error: Array ( [errors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [code] => EmptyCustomValueOnAmbiguousValueException [message] => Marka [details] => [path] => [userMessage] => Nie została podana propozycja wartości do wartości niejednoznacznej w parametrze Marka [metadata] => Array ( )




sending product data {"errors":[{"code":"EmptyCustomValueOnAmbiguousValueException","message":"Marka","details":null,"path":null,"userMessage":"Nie została podana propozycja wartości do wartości niejednoznacznej w parametrze Marka","metadata":{}}]}

jezewskiBNetrox commented 6 days ago

@MBI910 As error says, you should add custom value to this parameter value. Some ambigious values of parameters require some details. In case of brand they want to put there what brand was used exactly, not just some ambigious "other".

Also, if you want to get a message error in English, use request header Accept-Language with value en-US.

MBI910 commented 3 days ago

@jezewskiBNetrox Thank you for that, but I can only add the value IDs that are available according to the parameters not adding the Markas' text like Samsung etc?

PrzemyslawLukanowski commented 3 days ago

@MBI910 The text value should be provided in the "values" field (along with the 248135_859076 in the "valuesIds" field). If you still receive an error, send me a sample trace-id, and I'll check it.