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Access the sandbox api #9367

Open travisalicesgarden opened 1 week ago

travisalicesgarden commented 1 week ago

Hello, I'm creating a sandbox account to access the api key but I can't access "my applications" because my account isn't validated.

Is it possible to duplicate my production account on the sandbox account to avoid re-entering everything and save time?

If this isn't possible, can you tell me what I need to do to access the api key so that I can get on with setting up Allegro?

Thanks for your support

Lukasz-Zurek commented 1 week ago

Is it possible to duplicate my production account on the sandbox account to avoid re-entering everything and save time?

Not, it is not possible.

If this isn't possible, can you tell me what I need to do to access the api key so that I can get on with setting up Allegro?

First of all you should have a business account, then configure payouts via this site. Please fill fictional data (together with IBAN) and use our payment simulator. Then please give me your sandbox account login - I will try to help you with activation process.

travisalicesgarden commented 1 week ago

We put the IBAN of our account because we didn't know which one to put. We're waiting for this to be checked. How can I use the payment simulator? Your documentation doesn't mention this...

My sandbox login is sweeek

Lukasz-Zurek commented 1 week ago

@travisalicesgarden We have described this specific process in our tutorial.

Anyway, I have just activated your account so it could be good now.

travisalicesgarden commented 1 week ago

Great! Thank you so much for your help

travisalicesgarden commented 1 week ago

Can you tell me why my production account hasn't been activated?

Lukasz-Zurek commented 1 week ago

@travisalicesgarden Regarding activation process on the production account - please use this contact form. This process is out of our hands and we do not have any access to it.

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