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Size variants #9384

Open vladimirludvik opened 1 month ago

vladimirludvik commented 1 month ago


I'd like to make sure I'm doing it right, I'll create a product via endpoint /sale/product-proposals and then create several offers with size variants via endpoint /sale/product-offers. When these size variants are created as separate offers, I then combine them into one set via endpoint /sale/offer-variants. Is this the right way? Or how to proceed? I found out that I can only create a maximum of 5 offers for one product. How do I proceed if I have, say, 10 size variants? Is there another way?

If I try to connect offers via endpoint /sale/offer-variants, I get an error message that I don't know what to do with Offers XXXXXXX maj niezozwolone rynki bazowe allegro-cz

Thank you very much for any help. Vladimír

MartaNowaczyk commented 1 month ago

Hi, endpoints for variants are not available on foreign marketplaces (e.g., they are only available for offers that are listed on the base marketplace - offers must have publication.marketplaces.base equal to allegro-pl.

vladimirludvik commented 1 month ago


ok good point, thank you. So how create size variants for allegro-czech? When I created a separate offer for each size variant, they are not connected and I received a warning from Allegro that these products are based incorrectly. How to proceed please?

Thank you Vladimir Ludvík

MartaNowaczyk commented 1 month ago

Can you give me the trace-id of this request that ended with an error so I can understand your case more precisely?

vladimirludvik commented 1 month ago

Hi, this is a general question. I would like to know if the procedure for establishing size variants for one product is correct. When I add a product to the allegro catalog, I get an allegro id which I then use to create offers for individual sizes If it is not possible to create variants for the allegro-CZ market, how do I create them? For example, I have a product that has 10 size variants, but I can only create 5 offers for one created product in the catalog.

MartaNowaczyk commented 1 month ago

This is more a question of how the products work on allegro, not the API. There are categories in which the product is assigned to a specific size and then this error does not occur, but there are also products to which you can assign offers with different sizes of a given product, then the limitation you write about may occur. In a given category, this is determined by the "describesProduct" flag: true for the size parameter. I need a specific case/product you have a problem with, so I can check it more closely. If you want to report changes in the process of products on allegro you will do it through the contact form.

vladimirludvik commented 1 month ago


for example. I have several offers with same product

In sales center looks like : On each link you can see variants : But this is not done by us by manually by allegro. I would like to know how to do it myself.

You write that such products can be assigned to different categories. If I want to assign products to the Men's jackets category, I don't want to do it manually via the Sales center but via the api. Did the links to the given products help you to understand what problem I am solving?

MartaNowaczyk commented 1 month ago

These variants you show are created automatically by allegro based on the products. It is not possible to create variants yourself on It's not an API issue, that's why you will get more information through the contact form.

vladimirludvik commented 1 month ago

Ok, so if I undestand it well, it is ok when I create one produkt and than for each size variant create offer based on product and allegro automatically make variants, ok? If it is like thank I am ok with that. BUT, I can create only max 5 offers bysed on one product. This is not ok and I need to understand how to prevent it. With this information I need to contact allegro by contact form?

Thank you very much for your patience

MartaNowaczyk commented 1 month ago

BUT, I can create only max 5 offers bysed on one product. This is not ok and I need to understand how to prevent it. With this information I need to contact allegro by contact form?

This is a general rule for allegro products, so it will be better if you contact through the allegro form.

stale[bot] commented 1 month ago

W tym wątku nie pojawiła się żadna nowa odpowiedź w ciągu 7 dni, dlatego automatycznie oznaczamy go jako przeterminowany. Jeśli w ciągu kolejnych 7 dni nie pojawi się żadna odpowiedź, wątek zostanie zamknięty. Dziękujemy za zaangażowanie w dyskusję i zachęcamy Cię do wypełnienia ankiety dotyczącej naszego wsparcia na forum.

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