allegroai / clearml-server

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[Bug] Project pagination fails when creating new project #151

Open idantene opened 1 year ago

idantene commented 1 year ago

We have many projects ongoing (> 100), and when we use the WebUI to create a new project -- I suppose due to pagination -- we only see the first N projects under the Create in option. It's like the later projects (alphabetically) are simply not available. This similarly happens if one tries to move a project.

Similarly -- perhaps by design -- one cannot create a nested project by using the / character. It would make sense that if e.g. the input is a/b/c/foo, the project name if foo, nested under c (which in turn is nested under b, which is nested under a). Seems weird that one can use that logic freely in the SDK but not in the WebUI.

AtJakis commented 1 year ago

Hi @idantene, what version of ClearML server are you running? I'm running on 1.6.0 and I get more than 100 projects. It seems that the UI fetches up to 500 projects. Is that your issue? Also, what version of ClearML server are you using?

idantene commented 1 year ago

Hey @AtJakis!

We're running version 1.6.0-213. I've now verified and indeed fetches only the first (alphabetically) 500 projects. For example, we have projects whose names starts with M, but the dropdown only scrolls down to projects whose names starts with C. The filtering (if I type in a name) is also only applied to these top 500 projects.

Then the other issue (about creating a nested project) is also relevant; some UI restriction there (I managed to go around these issues with a POST instruction), but just as one can Task.init(project_name="foo/bar") and have a project bar under project foo, one should be able to do so in the WebUI. Except you can't. image

pollfly commented 1 year ago

Hey @idantene! v1.8.0 is out, and supports /-delimited project names for creating nested project on-the-fly in the UI