allegroai / clearml-server

ClearML - Auto-Magical CI/CD to streamline your AI workload. Experiment Management, Data Management, Pipeline, Orchestration, Scheduling & Serving in one MLOps/LLMOps solution
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support LDAP\OpenLDAP #179

Open paantya opened 1 year ago

paantya commented 1 year ago

Tell me please. is it possible to support the protocol for logging using LDAP?)

paantya commented 1 year ago

for in house solution

ainoam commented 1 year ago

Hi @paantya,

Actually this is part of the enterprise version of ClearML, the open source version lacks the entire SSO component, and additional required security components. The open source version also lacks RBAC features. I'm curious, why would it be important to login with LDAP? If this is an internal system, I'm assuming adding/removing users does not happen that often, and you can manually edit the conf file with user/pass , no?