allegroai / clearml-server

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Can't access server deployed with AWS EC2 AMI #186

Closed Arnechos closed 1 year ago

Arnechos commented 1 year ago


Today I deployed as a test EC2 instance using the follow AMI ami-0261f8472a58ec706, during deployment I had specified recommended instance size, created new security group with allowed access to public net. However I can't establish any connection to the web app using this url http://<Public DNS (IPv4)>:8080. Is there something else I should change in the AWS EC2 configuration?

d13g0 commented 10 months ago

Can you comment on how you resolved the issue? I follow the instructions here:

For us-east-2 : ami-0c9e125de514df0b3 and had the same problem.


jkhenning commented 10 months ago

In general, you need to make sure there are no security setting preventing you from reaching the instance. By default, an instance started on an AWS account with no special security group settings should be accessible from its public IP