allegroai / clearml-server

ClearML - Auto-Magical CI/CD to streamline your AI workload. Experiment Management, Data Management, Pipeline, Orchestration, Scheduling & Serving in one MLOps/LLMOps solution
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Healthcheck issue #207

Open amirhmk opened 11 months ago

amirhmk commented 11 months ago

Hello. We have hosted our clearml-server on EC2, and the dashboard seems to work fine (UI wise). However, we have setup the loadbalancer, and the healthchecks pass for both app(port 8080) and files (port 8081), but not for api (port 8008).

Both through the UI and curl, basically get a 400 with Invalid request path /" when hitting domain:8008 or even locally using localhost. Is this expected for the / path? If yes, how should one run a healthcheck?


jkhenning commented 11 months ago

Hi @amirhmk, see this endpoint: