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Fix User Password Validation #35

Closed MarkOates closed 7 years ago

MarkOates commented 7 years ago


An odd thing occurs when attempting to resave a User after pulling it from the database. Validation on password fails:

user allegro planet admin 2017-03-06 22-05-43


This peculiarity happens because has_secure_password actually does the validation and presence checks for password when it automatically generates the value for password_digest. However, after the password_digest is present, the password field is set to nil. As a result, any custom validations added on the model for password will fail after that point since password is set to nil. So in our case, it is ok to have a nil password after creation.

An article discussing the issue can be found here.


Add allow_nil: true to User#password validation. Also, add tests to ensure the expected validations occur on create and update.