allemand-instable / Colorful-Comments

Development continuation of the now discontinued best vscode extension
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link


Open xhorntail opened 2 months ago

xhorntail commented 2 months ago

While the single line -- comments work, block comments don't.

If I understand the documentation correctly, it should just be this..

python_delim: &sql_delim
  <<: *base
  commentFormat: [, '/*', '*/']

Or, if you want to be explicit with type definition rather than using the *double-dash-delim (just for ease of copy/paste)

python_delim: &sql_delim
  <<: *base
  commentFormat: ["--", '/*', '*/']

Thanks for carrying the torch on this project!

(edit:) sql, not python 😳

allemand-instable commented 3 days ago

thx for the quality issue, sorry for late reply, busy on my thesis I will add it this week end