The following ZARR has 121 frames, numbered from 0 to 120. The denominator for the "Time" slider is 121, which sort of makes sense because there are 121 frames. But this doesn't look good when I go to the final frame and see "120/121", suggesting that there is another frame after the end
The following ZARR has 121 frames, numbered from 0 to 120. The denominator for the "Time" slider is 121, which sort of makes sense because there are 121 frames. But this doesn't look good when I go to the final frame and see "120/121", suggesting that there is another frame after the end
Below to be filled out by UX during kickoff Q&A to the best of current understanding
Effort level (xs, sm, m, lg, xl)
What will we do? What will we NOT do?
User needs statement(s)
As a [type of user], I need/want to [action(s)], so that I can [goal].
Additional notes
Knowns/unknowns, stakeholders, time/dependency considerations, deliverables