allenai / RL4LMs

A modular RL library to fine-tune language models to human preferences
Apache License 2.0
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'BartForConditionalGeneration' has no attribute 'encoder' #30

Closed keeganstoner closed 1 year ago

keeganstoner commented 1 year ago

I'm getting this error when trying to finetune Bart using PPO. Is this because BART isn't fully implemented yet, or because I'm using a wrong model?

My yml looks like this: (it's the default ppo one with only the model changed)

tokenizer: model_name: facebook/bart-large padding_side: left truncation_side: left pad_token_as_eos_token: False

reward_fn: id: rouge args: rouge_type: "rouge1"

datapool: id: cnn_daily_mail args: prompt_prefix: "Summarize: "

env: n_envs: 10 args: max_prompt_length: 512 max_episode_length: 100 terminate_on_eos: True prompt_truncation_side: "right" context_start_token: 0

alg: id: ppo args: n_steps: 512 batch_size: 64 verbose: 1 learning_rate: 0.000002 n_epochs: 5 ent_coef: 0.0 kl_div: coeff: 0.001 target_kl: 0.2 policy: id: seq2seq_lm_actor_critic_policy args: model_name: facebook/bart-large-cnn apply_model_parallel: True prompt_truncation_side: "right" generation_kwargs: do_sample: True top_k: 50 min_length: 50 max_new_tokens: 100

train_evaluation: eval_batch_size: 100 n_iters: 100 eval_every: 10 save_every: 1 metrics:

rajcscw commented 1 year ago

BART is tested. I think you just have to turn off apply_model_parallel: False as done in

keeganstoner commented 1 year ago

I'm still getting the same issue after turning that off, even with the exact yml file bart_ppo.yml

It does work for causal_lm_actor_critic_policy

rajcscw commented 1 year ago

bart_ppo.yml works with latest version of RL4LMs. Make sure you are using the v0.2.1.

keeganstoner commented 1 year ago

Ah wasn't updated, thanks.