allenai / XNOR-Net

ImageNet classification using binary Convolutional Neural Networks
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Trained XNOR-Network model for other frameworks? #32

Open akhauriyash opened 6 years ago

akhauriyash commented 6 years ago

Does anyone know how to convert the .t7 format of the data to other tensorflow/theano etc compatible formats? I have successfully read the file in lua, as well as read it using python ( ==>

But I would like to convert it to h5 and run it with keras etc., so i can define my own operations for the network. Can anyone help me out please?

I dont know lua much. 🦃

jiecaoyu commented 6 years ago

I am reimplementing all the code/training in PyTorch. You can check here. I will post the trained model soon. It is easy to read the trained model in Python.

akhauriyash commented 6 years ago

@jiecaoyu Thank you so much! I will go through your code. I am not familiar with lua so could not understand how the data was stored in the .t7 file. Looking forward to the trained model!

jiecaoyu commented 6 years ago

@akhauriyash I have posted the trained model. If you have any problem, please let me know.

lgeiger commented 4 years ago

Please checkout for a TensorFlow and Keras based implementation.