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Website for hosting the Open Foundation Models Cheat Sheet.
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Intro Text for Risk and Harm Evaluation Page #30

Closed danmcduff closed 3 days ago

danmcduff commented 1 month ago
  1. Change the link text on the homepage from "Risks and Harms" to "Risks and Harms Evaluation"

  2. Replace

Evaluations of risk serve multiple purposes: to identify if there are issues which need mitigation, to track the success of any such mitigations, to document for other users of the model what risks are still present, and to help make decisions related to model access and release.


The following tools for evaluating risk serve multiple purposes: to identify if there are issues which need mitigation, to track the success of any such mitigations, to document for other users of the model what risks are still present, and to help make decisions related to model access and release.

neural-loop commented 1 month ago