@ibeltagy I have similar issues with converting the model to ONNX, I converted the model to ONNX model, but when I tried to infer with onnxruntime I got ScatterND error while session run. I am guessing there are some operations not supported by onnx. #252
@ibeltagy I have similar issues with converting the model to ONNX, I converted the model to ONNX model, but when I tried to infer with onnxruntime I got ScatterND error while session run. I am guessing there are some operations not supported by onnx.
Here are some onnx unsupported implementations, if you could find ways to avoid them, it would be very helfpul.
Originally posted by @liyaxin999 in https://github.com/allenai/longformer/issues/135#issuecomment-986955581