thanks for this good work, I notices that pawls can create relations between different labels, this is more powerful than other tool such as label studio,but I can not find some works or papers that not only recoginze the different labels ,but also extract the ralations between them , Some works I learned such as yolo,Detectron can noly complete the first step(recoginze the different labels),but can not extract the relations,that what I interested,can you supply some information about this ,thanks
thanks for this good work, I notices that pawls can create relations between different labels, this is more powerful than other tool such as label studio,but I can not find some works or papers that not only recoginze the different labels ,but also extract the ralations between them , Some works I learned such as yolo,Detectron can noly complete the first step(recoginze the different labels),but can not extract the relations,that what I interested,can you supply some information about this ,thanks