allenai / tango

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Hyperparameter sweeps #143

Open epwalsh opened 2 years ago

epwalsh commented 2 years ago

It would be great if Tango provided a simple yet general mechanism for doing hyperparameter searches. Here's an outline of how that could look 👇

We provide a new subcommand: tango sweep. This command takes

For example:

tango sweep sweep-config.jsonnet target-config.jsonnet step-name

step-name should correspond to the main step of interest in target-config.jsonnet that provides the results we are trying to optimize for (might require #142). For example, this could be a validation/eval step that spits out some metrics of your model on a dataset.

The sweep-config.jsonnet would define which hyperparameters to search and how to search over them. By "hyperparemeters" I really just mean any fields in target-config.jsonnet. There are many ways we could do the search, and this is an active area of research. So I think it would be ideal if we were able to integrate with existing hyperparameter sweep frameworks / platforms, like W&B, Optuna, etc. These integrations should be optional, however, and I think we should provide a simple default search method, which could just be grid search.

Under the hood tango sweep could use the tango run subcommand with the --overrides parameter to select hyperparameter values. We should also be able to run the search in parallel.

dhruvdcoder commented 1 year ago

This feature would be very helpful. With allennlp I had been using the ability of registering a new subcommand, to register a train-with-wandb command and use it with sweeps on W&B. All that command did was translate the hyperparameters supplied by the wandb server into JSON string that could be passed as the --overrides to the top-level call to the function responsible for training with the allennlp train command.

However, I could not find a way to add a new subcommand with the click based cli for tango. Is there a way I could replicate the setup mention above and call tango's _run() function from my subcommand?

Is using forwarding as described in the click documentation, a good candidate?