allenai / unified-io-2.pytorch

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Not able to run the Taskrunner or training code #7

Open shubhamagarwal92 opened 3 months ago

shubhamagarwal92 commented 3 months ago

Hi! Great work! Congratulations! Thanks for releasing the code!

However, I am not able to reproduce the results for taskrunners using any of the allenai/uio2-large, allenai/uio2-xl or allenai/uio2-xxl models. I am using python 3.8 with transformers 4.38.2. Also downloaded the tokenizer.model from the official llama repo.

  1. I tried using the code as:
import torch
from uio2.model import UnifiedIOModel
from uio2.preprocessing import UnifiedIOPreprocessor
from uio2.runner import TaskRunner
preprocessor = UnifiedIOPreprocessor.from_pretrained("allenai/uio2-preprocessor", tokenizer=tokenizer_path)
model = UnifiedIOModel.from_pretrained("allenai/uio2-large")
runner = TaskRunner(model, preprocessor)
image = runner.image_generation("a cat")
wavform = runner.audio_generation("dogs barking")

I am getting the error as

AttributeError: 'Decoder' object has no attribute 'generation_config'

Could you please let me know how to provide the generation_config?

  1. Also, I tried the training code provided here as
from torch.nn import functional as F
from uio2.preprocessing import build_batch
preprocessed_example = preprocessor(
text_inputs="What is 1+1?", text_targets="2", target_modality="text")
batch = build_batch([preprocessed_example], device=model.device)
out = model(batch)
total_loss = 0
for modality, (logits, targets, mask) in out.items():
    losses = F.cross_entropy(
      logits.view(-1, logits.shape[-1]), targets.view(-1).to(torch.long), reduction="none")
    total_loss += (losses.reshape(logits.shape[:2])*mask)/mask.sum()

I am getting the IndexError while calculating out = model(batch) as:

/unified-io-2.pytorch/uio2/, in concat_sequences(seqs)
seq_lens = [x.seq_len for x in seqs]
out = {}
for k in dataclasses.fields(seqs[0]):
   k =
   args = [expand_scalar(getattr(seq, k), seq.seq_len) for seq in seqs]
IndexError: list index out of range
  1. When I tried to call generation as:
from uio2.preprocessing import build_batch 
preprocessed_example = preprocessor(text_inputs="What color is the sky?", target_modality="text")
batch = build_batch([preprocessed_example], device=model.device)
tokens = model.generate(batch, modality="text", max_new_tokens=128)

I am getting the error (even though I provided modality as text) as:

if modality not in self.target_embedders:
    ValueError(f"No target encoder for {modality}")
chrisc36 commented 3 months ago

1 seems to be caused by changes in latest version of transformers interacting badly with how we setup generation. For now I am going to pin transformers to v4.36.0 to avoid the issue.

I am not sure what happened to (2) and (3), they worked for me. If those issues persist can you print out the contents of the batch and show me?