allenhwkim / angularjs-google-maps

The Simplest AngularJS Google Maps V3 Directive
MIT License
1.52k stars 516 forks source link

ng-mpa not load #824

Open suny123 opened 7 years ago

suny123 commented 7 years ago

| I'm using ng-map for viewing map data in my applictaioni initialized the map following way

function initializeMap() { NgMap.getMap({ id: 'dashboardMap' }).then(function (map) { $ = map; if ($('#info').length > 0) { $'info'); } var styledMapType = new google.maps.StyledMapType( [ { "elementType": "geometry.fill", "stylers": [ { "saturation": -20 } ] } ], { name: 'Styled Map' });

        $'styled_map', styledMapType);

$timeout(function () {
}, 200);

and my htm l part is

suny123 commented 7 years ago