allenjiang17 / theSearchForEden

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Feature Request: Misc Combat System Things #15

Open Larinitus opened 1 month ago

Larinitus commented 1 month ago

I'm envisioning a total of four options on the combat screen: Attack with Item #1, Attack with Item #2, Use Special Item, and Run Away. Am I missing anything else?

I think attacking with two weapons will be important, since some monsters are physical and some are spiritual. This is assuming that we will be able to equip two weapons at a time.

Special Item (open to changing this name) can be like a Lyre of David (which can temporarily boost resilience), a Stone in a Sling (a one-time use item that causes physical damage to an opponent), Manna (a one-time use item that heals the player), etc. The Special Item can be a drop-down menu that lists all items in the inventory that have a "combat" property.

Run away usually returns to the previous event, though not necessarily all the time (for example, there could be a dungeon-like scenario, where you have to fight multiple enemies in a row).

Lastly, currently, when the monster dies, you have to click "Attack" one more time before you get to the Loot scene. Can we remove this final Attack stage? Thank you!

allenjiang17 commented 1 month ago

I'm wondering about this physical/spiritual split. I tseems like these are two parallel tracks that don't add anything strategic to the combat system (the value is more thematic). In your case above, if you have a physical weapon and a spiritual weapon, one of them is always going to be useless. you're functioning in a mono system, except you just have to choose the right one everytime

allenjiang17 commented 1 month ago

i think it might be more interesting if weapons could have multiple effects -- like a bible does 5 spiritual damage but 1 physical damage, etc. and some only do one type of damage, some do both. you have to make strategic decisions on what you want to equip. you only get one weapon

allenjiang17 commented 1 month ago

also, i would love to add some kind of typing system. i am not good at coming up with content, so this is you Larry. something like this adds a lot of variability:

Larinitus commented 1 month ago

That's a good point. It'll probably be too easy that way. I'm just wondering about scenarios where someone is adventuring in a location where both physical enemies and spiritual enemies can appear. Would they be able to successfully defeat both if they can only equip one item?

But I like the idea of weapons being multi-dimensional. For example Weapon 1 can be +2 Strength and +5 Zeal, while Weapon 2 can be +6 Strength only.

Here's another idea. Maybe instead of a dropdown for items, players have to equip a specific item in their inventory before engaging in battle. So you have to choose whether you will equip a healing item (like manna), a stat boost item (like Lyre of David), or an offensive item (like a Stone in a Sling). So hypothetically, a player can have one weapon that does physical damage and an equipped item that does spiritual damage.

The battle scene will then just have three buttons: Attack with Weapon, Use Equipped Item, Run Away.