alleyinteractive / archiveless

WordPress plugin to hide posts from archives (lists)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Include archiveless posts in a post_status any query #45

Closed srtfisher closed 1 year ago

srtfisher commented 1 year ago
mboynes commented 1 year ago

why don't we want to modify the query if the post_status is set to any? and more importantly, will any include the archiveless status? reading my own code and not remembering it in-depth (😅), it seems like any might not include it, so I was explicitly adding it 🤷

srtfisher commented 1 year ago

@mboynes this is more so for non-main queries. Before #39 this was using post_where and wasn't modifying non-main queries at all (see the old code here Now we do need to modify almost every query unless they're for a specific post_status.

We totally don't need the secondary check for 'post status != archiveless', I removed that.

The root of my problem was trying to query for all posts (including archiveless posts) through a non-main query. I set the post_status = any and I still didn't receive the expected posts. My mistake was assuming that excluding any would fix it but it was just a red herring. The actual fix I needed to make was in get_default_post_statuses().

I was setting publicly_queryable to true which core doesn't do. Once that was removed, my custom query included archiveless posts again.

I've added a few tests to help test all the various edge cases, too.

srtfisher commented 1 year ago

Coming back to this, I did walk back some of the previous changes made to this plugin. With #39 it would start including archiveless posts with any get_posts() call. This breaking change presented some problems with existing usage of the archiveless plugin.

I updated this plugin to only ignore post_status set to any and not publish. I also clarified the documentation to also call out that get_posts() calls will not have archiveless posts in them by default.

Added some more tests as well.