alleyway / add-tradingview-alerts-tool

Automated entry of TradingView alerts for bot trading tools such as 3Commas, Alertatron, CryptoHopper, etc.
MIT License
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ATAT can't paste values into price inputs #159

Open Patrik-Tkacik opened 4 months ago

Patrik-Tkacik commented 4 months ago

Error: Unable to find 'readonlyInput' xpath target for tertiaryRight which doesn't have inputs, so won't even try

worked perfectly fine until about 2 days ago, and now it can't paste values, reset it to the latest version with nothing done but the custom setup. here it is:

example tickers.csv

date,symbol,priceLower,priceHigher,message 2/22/2024,RUN,13.03,13.18,{"text": "Morning Wire Level Approaching! ${{ticker}} :green_triangle: LONG $13.03. :stop_sign: Stop @ 12.9. :dart: PT @ 13.25-13.35. &mtf"}

with the config.yml:

files: input: tickers.csv


The chart which has the indicator you'd like to use


(optional) set the chart interval before adding symbols, otherwise interval of last saved chart is used

examples: 1s | 30s | 1m | 15m | 1H | 1D | 1W # NOTE: '1H,4H' to add alerts across multiple intervals

interval: 1m

Optionally supply login details or login manually once and restart script



alert: condition: primaryLeft: primaryRight: secondary: Entering Channel tertiaryRight: "{{priceHigher}}" quaternaryRight: "{{priceLower}}" actions: notifyOnApp: false showPopup: sendEmail: false webhook: enabled: true url: ""

alert name is optional - can override in csv if desired and use {{symbol|instrument|quote_asset}}

name: MI dev3 for {{instrument}} {{quote_asset}}

indentation matters! {{quote_asset}} and {{instrument}} are swapped out for quote asset(eg. USDT) and the base token or instrument (eg. 'BTC')

name: "{{date}} - MW level getting close" message: > {{message}}

PFword commented 3 months ago

Hello, may I ask if your problem has been resolved?

Patrik-Tkacik commented 3 months ago

No it has not

mlake commented 3 months ago

Hi there - it seems that tradingview changed the case of their "Upper Bound" and "Lower Bound" to "Upper bound" and "Lower bound" 🙄

From your tradingview-alerts-home directory, run the following:

npm install @alleyway/add-tradingview-alerts-tool@beta

Please report back if it's working okay and I will push a release.

mlake commented 3 months ago
