Open N0ury opened 8 years ago
@nbenm , looks like the app couldn't find the camera:
E/CameraClient(27102): Could not open camera 1: -19 E/CameraClient(27102): initialize: Camera 1: unable to initialize device: No such device (-19) I/CameraClient(27102): Destroying camera 1
Can you confirm your device model and android version?
Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300) Android 5.1.1 (CyanogenMod)
I've downloaded the app from f-droid yesterday. It was usable. I've scanned one document, baut never can see it or use it. I tried today again, but the app crashes immediatly. 1 mars 2016 13:19 "Claudemir Todo Bom" a écrit: @nbenm ( , looks like the app couldn't find the camera:
E/CameraClient(27102): Could not open camera 1: -19
E/CameraClient(27102): initialize: Camera 1: unable to initialize device: No such device (-19) I/CameraClient(27102): Destroying camera 1
Can you confirm your device model and android version?
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub (
I seem to experience the same problem on a Samsung S3 Mini (GT-i8190) on Android 5.1.1 (OmniROM), i.e. OpenNoteScanner crashes immediately after being opened but only when "OpenCV Manager" is installed (irregardless of source).
I have attached the relevant logcat output. logcat_osc.txt
@tobac, looks like your device doesn't support continuous focus mode demanded by the app.
one of the future feature is a focus by touch, so, stay around!
Sadly, same thing on my Sony Xperia X Performance.
Add: it seems to crash right when the camera has initialized.
@lyn1337 can you please get a logcat dump?
@ctodobom asap
Sorry this is pretty much unfiltered.
02-19 20:48:10.879 1156 1953 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.todobom.opennotescanner/.OpenNoteScannerActivity bnds=[540,1128][747,1364] (has extras)} from uid 10086 on display 0
02-19 20:48:10.885 1156 1953 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1156_A expire 1 line
02-19 20:48:10.922 1156 3301 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28706:com.todobom.opennotescanner/u0a116 for activity com.todobom.opennotescanner/.OpenNoteScannerActivity
02-19 20:48:10.957 28706 28706 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
02-19 20:48:10.959 28706 28706 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.todobom.opennotescanner-1/lib/arm64
02-19 20:48:11.015 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: resuming
02-19 20:48:11.015 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: myBuild arm64-v8a
02-19 20:48:11.015 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: myBuild armeabi-v7a
02-19 20:48:11.015 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: myBuild armeabi
02-19 20:48:11.018 28311 28311 D OpenCVEngine/Service: Service starting
02-19 20:48:11.018 28311 28311 D OpenCVEngine/Service: Found config: config330
02-19 20:48:11.019 28311 28311 D OpenCVEngine/Service: Added config: 3.3.0
02-19 20:48:11.019 28311 28311 I OpenCVEngine/Service: Service onBind called for intent Intent { act=org.opencv.engine.BIND pkg=org.opencv.engine }
02-19 20:48:11.020 28311 28311 I OpenCVEngine/Service: Service onUnbind called for intent Intent { act=org.opencv.engine.BIND pkg=org.opencv.engine }
02-19 20:48:11.021 28311 28311 D OpenCVEngine/Service: Service starting
02-19 20:48:11.021 28311 28311 D OpenCVEngine/Service: Found config: config330
02-19 20:48:11.022 28311 28311 D OpenCVEngine/Service: Added config: 3.3.0
02-19 20:48:11.022 28311 28311 I OpenCVEngine/Service: Service onBind called for intent Intent { act=org.opencv.engine.BIND pkg=org.opencv.engine }
02-19 20:48:11.029 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Service connection created
02-19 20:48:11.030 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Trying to get library path
02-19 20:48:11.030 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Trying to get library list
02-19 20:48:11.030 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Library list: ""
02-19 20:48:11.030 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: First attempt to load libs
02-19 20:48:11.030 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Trying to init OpenCV libs
02-19 20:48:11.030 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Trying to load libs by dependency list
02-19 20:48:11.030 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Trying to load library /data/app/org.opencv.engine-1/lib/arm64/
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: OpenCV libs init was ok!
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: First attempt to load libs is OK
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: General configuration for OpenCV 3.3.0 =====================================
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Version control: 3.3.0
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Platform:
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Timestamp: 2017-08-04T00:37:11Z
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Host: Linux 4.8.0-58-generic x86_64
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Target: Linux 1 aarch64
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: CMake:
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: CMake generator: Ninja
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: CMake build tool: /usr/bin/ninja
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Configuration: Release
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: CPU/HW features:
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Baseline: NEON
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: requested: NEON FP16
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: required: NEON
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: disabled: VFPV3
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.037 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C/C++:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Built as dynamic libs?: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C++ Compiler: /usr/bin/ccache /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-g++ (ver 4.9)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C++ flags (Release): -fexceptions -frtti -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -O3 -DNDEBUG -DNDEBUG
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C++ flags (Debug): -fexceptions -frtti -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -O0 -g -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C Compiler: /usr/bin/ccache /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C flags (Release): -fexceptions -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -O3 -DNDEBUG -DNDEBUG
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C flags (Debug): -fexceptions -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -O0 -g -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Linker flags (Release): -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Linker flags (Debug): -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: ccache: YES
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Precompiled headers: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Extra dependencies: z dl m log
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: 3rdparty dependencies: cpufeatures libprotobuf libjpeg libwebp libpng libtiff libjasper IlmImf tegra_hal tbb
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: OpenCV modules:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: To be built: core flann imgproc ml objdetect photo video dnn imgcodecs shape videoio highgui superres features2d calib3d java stitching videostab
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Disabled: world
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Disabled by dependency: -
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Unavailable: cudaarithm cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev python2 python3 ts viz
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Android:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Android ABI: arm64-v8a
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: STL type: gnustl_static
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Native API level: android-21
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: SDK target: android-21
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Android NDK: /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e (toolchain: aarch64-linux-android-4.9)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: android tool: /opt/android/android-sdk-java7/tools/android (Android SDK Tools, revision 25.2.2.)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Google Play manager: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Android examples: YES
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GUI:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GTK+: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GThread : NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GtkGlExt: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: OpenGL support: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: VTK support: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Media I/O:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: ZLib: z (ver 1.2.3)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: JPEG: build (ver 90)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: WEBP: build (ver encoder: 0x020e)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: PNG: build (ver 1.6.24)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: TIFF: build (ver 42 - 4.0.2)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: JPEG 2000: build (ver 1.900.1)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: OpenEXR: build (ver 1.7.1)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GDAL: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GDCM: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Video I/O:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Parallel framework: TBB (ver 4.4 interface 9003)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Trace: YES ()
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Other third-party libraries:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use Intel IPP: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use Intel IPP IW: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use Eigen: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use Cuda: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use OpenCL: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use OpenVX: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use custom HAL: YES (carotene (ver 0.0.1))
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Python 2:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Interpreter: /usr/bin/python2.7 (ver 2.7.6)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Python 3:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Interpreter: /usr/bin/python3.4 (ver 3.4.3)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Python (for build): /usr/bin/python2.7
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Java:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: ant: /usr/bin/ant (ver 1.9.3)
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Java wrappers: YES
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Java tests: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Matlab: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Tests and samples:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Tests: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Performance tests: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C/C++ Examples: NO
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Install path: /build/master_pack-android/build/o4a/install
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: cvconfig.h is in: /build/master_pack-android/build/o4a
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 I OpenCVManager/Helper: -----------------------------------------------------------------
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Init finished with status 0
02-19 20:48:11.038 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Unbind from service
02-19 20:48:11.039 28706 28706 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Calling using callback
02-19 20:48:11.039 28311 28311 I OpenCVEngine/Service: Service onUnbind called for intent Intent { act=org.opencv.engine.BIND pkg=org.opencv.engine }
02-19 20:48:11.066 28706 28726 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : dfab96b, I762e720a6a
02-19 20:48:11.066 28706 28726 I Adreno : Build Date : 01/31/17
02-19 20:48:11.066 28706 28726 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.04
02-19 20:48:11.066 28706 28726 I Adreno : Local Branch :
02-19 20:48:11.066 28706 28726 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
02-19 20:48:11.066 28706 28726 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
02-19 20:48:11.066 28706 28726 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :
02-19 20:48:11.070 28706 28726 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
02-19 20:48:11.071 28706 28726 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
02-19 20:48:11.079 585 1256 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "com.todobom.opennotescanner", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1
02-19 20:48:11.087 596 28727 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe578c420), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:48:11.097 596 28729 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe578c0c0), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:48:11.105 596 28731 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe578cba0), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:48:11.106 585 1256 I Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: Opened. Client: com.todobom.opennotescanner (PID 28706, UID 10116)
02-19 20:48:11.108 585 1256 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0
02-19 20:48:11.108 585 1256 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera2Factory::cameraDeviceOpen(int, struct hw_device_t **): 405: Open camera id 0 API version 768
02-19 20:48:11.113 585 1256 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:48:11.113 585 1256 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::openCamera(struct hw_device_t **): 701: [KPI Perf]: E PROFILE_OPEN_CAMERA camera id 0
02-19 20:48:11.114 585 1256 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0
02-19 20:48:11.114 611 611 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 17 lines
02-19 20:48:11.122 611 28733 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:48:11.122 611 28734 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:48:11.122 611 28737 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 6 lines
02-19 20:48:11.125 611 28739 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:48:11.127 611 28742 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:48:11.129 611 28743 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:48:11.147 585 1256 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::openCamera(struct hw_device_t **): 711: [KPI Perf]: X PROFILE_OPEN_CAMERA camera id 0, rc: 0
02-19 20:48:11.147 585 1256 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::initialize(const struct camera3_callback_ops *): 933: E :mCameraId = 0 mState = 1
02-19 20:48:11.150 585 1256 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::initialize(const struct camera3_callback_ops *): 966: X
02-19 20:48:11.151 585 1256 W Camera2-Parameters: initialize: Camera 0: Unknown preview format: 24
02-19 20:48:11.151 585 1256 W Camera2-Parameters: initialize: Camera 0: Unknown preview format: 25
02-19 20:48:11.152 585 1256 W Camera2-Parameters: Unable to find the size to match the given aspect ratio 1.764151.Fall back to 0 x 0
02-19 20:48:11.152 585 1256 I Camera2-Parameters: Camera 0: Disabling ZSL mode
02-19 20:48:11.152 585 1256 I Camera2-Parameters: initialize: allowZslMode: 0 slowJpegMode 1
02-19 20:48:11.155 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported preview resolution: 1920x1080
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 5984x3392 ratio: 1.764151
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 5504x3104 ratio: 1.7731959
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 5312x2988 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 4160x3120 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 4000x3000 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 3840x2160 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 3264x2448 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 3200x2400 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 2976x2976 ratio: 1.0
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 2592x1944 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 2688x1512 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 2048x1536 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1920x1080 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1600x1200 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1440x1080 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1280x960 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1280x768 ratio: 1.6666666
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1280x720 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1200x1200 ratio: 1.0
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1024x768 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 800x600 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 864x480 ratio: 1.8
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 800x480 ratio: 1.6666666
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 720x480 ratio: 1.5
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 640x480 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 640x360 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 480x640 ratio: 0.75
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 480x360 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 480x320 ratio: 1.5
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 352x288 ratio: 1.2222222
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 320x240 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 240x320 ratio: 0.75
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 176x144 ratio: 1.2222222
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 160x120 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:48:11.156 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 144x176 ratio: 0.8181818
02-19 20:48:11.157 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: Max supported picture resolution with preview aspect ratio: 5312x2988
02-19 20:48:11.157 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: max supported picture resolution: 5312x2988
02-19 20:48:11.157 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: enabling autofocus
02-19 20:48:11.158 585 585 E Camera2-Metadata: Mismatched tag type when updating entry enable (-2146762752) of type byte; got type int32 data instead
02-19 20:48:11.158 585 585 E Camera2-Metadata: Mismatched tag type when updating entry is_main (-2146762751) of type byte; got type int32 data instead
02-19 20:48:11.158 585 585 E Camera2-Metadata: Mismatched tag type when updating entry enable (-2146762752) of type byte; got type int32 data instead
02-19 20:48:11.158 585 585 E Camera2-Metadata: Mismatched tag type when updating entry is_main (-2146762751) of type byte; got type int32 data instead
02-19 20:48:11.158 585 585 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> static int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::flush(const struct camera3_device *): 10086: Flush returned during state 2
02-19 20:48:11.159 585 11658 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:48:11.159 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::configureStreamsPerfLocked(camera3_stream_configuration_t *): 1561: stream[0] type = 0, format = 34, width = 1920, height = 1080, rotation = 0, usage = 0x900
02-19 20:48:11.159 611 28751 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 179 lines
02-19 20:48:11.162 585 11658 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for request queue thread (tid 28758)
02-19 20:48:11.163 585 28758 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:48:11.163 585 28758 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3722: STREAM INFO : type 1, wxh: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:1 is_type: 0
02-19 20:48:11.163 585 28758 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3722: STREAM INFO : type 11, wxh: 640 x 480, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:0 is_type: 0
02-19 20:48:11.306 611 902 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) CAM_imgTh expire 11 lines
02-19 20:48:11.309 611 28771 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 24 lines
02-19 20:48:11.312 611 28736 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 17 lines
02-19 20:48:11.316 611 28744 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 3 lines
02-19 20:48:11.331 611 28770 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:48:11.332 611 28738 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 3 lines
02-19 20:48:11.393 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:11.394 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU1 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:11.394 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:11.394 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU1 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:11.437 585 585 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:48:11.454 611 28773 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:48:11.468 585 585 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::configureStreamsPerfLocked(camera3_stream_configuration_t *): 1561: stream[0] type = 0, format = 34, width = 1920, height = 1080, rotation = 0, usage = 0x900
02-19 20:48:11.468 585 585 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::configureStreamsPerfLocked(camera3_stream_configuration_t *): 1561: stream[1] type = 0, format = 35, width = 1920, height = 1080, rotation = 0, usage = 0x3
02-19 20:48:11.480 585 585 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for request queue thread (tid 28758)
02-19 20:48:11.488 585 28758 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:48:11.488 585 28758 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3722: STREAM INFO : type 1, wxh: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:1 is_type: 0
02-19 20:48:11.488 585 28758 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3722: STREAM INFO : type 5, wxh: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:0 is_type: 0
02-19 20:48:11.488 585 28758 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3722: STREAM INFO : type 11, wxh: 640 x 480, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:0 is_type: 0
02-19 20:48:11.541 611 28751 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 20 lines
02-19 20:48:11.544 611 28786 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 24 lines
02-19 20:48:11.547 611 28751 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 2 lines
02-19 20:48:11.548 611 28736 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 2 lines
02-19 20:48:11.554 611 28744 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:48:11.555 611 28751 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 7 lines
02-19 20:48:11.559 611 28736 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 42 lines
02-19 20:48:11.560 611 28744 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 8 lines
02-19 20:48:11.561 611 28751 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 120 lines
02-19 20:48:11.609 611 28785 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:48:11.609 611 28738 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 9 lines
02-19 20:48:11.779 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: onPreviewFrame - received image 1920x1080 focused: true imageprocessor: available
02-19 20:48:11.804 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: sending message to ImageProcessor: previewFrame - com.todobom.opennotescanner.helpers.PreviewFrame@4bc5cc4
02-19 20:48:11.805 28706 28725 D ImageProcessor: Message Received: previewFrame - com.todobom.opennotescanner.helpers.PreviewFrame@4bc5cc4
02-19 20:48:11.807 28706 28706 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: onPreviewFrame - received image 1920x1080 focused: true imageprocessor: busy
02-19 20:48:11.826 28706 28725 E cv::error(): OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (_dx.type() == CV_16SC1 || _dx.type() == CV_16SC3) in void cv::Canny(cv::InputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, double, double, bool), file /build/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/canny.cpp, line 1076
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E org.opencv.imgproc: imgproc::Canny_11() caught cv::Exception: /build/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/canny.cpp:1076: error: (-215) _dx.type() == CV_16SC1 || _dx.type() == CV_16SC3 in function void cv::Canny(cv::InputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, double, double, bool)
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: Worker Thread
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.todobom.opennotescanner, PID: 28706
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: CvException [org.opencv.core.CvException: cv::Exception: /build/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/canny.cpp:1076: error: (-215) _dx.type() == CV_16SC1 || _dx.type() == CV_16SC3 in function void cv::Canny(cv::InputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, double, double, bool)
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: ]
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: at org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.Canny_1(Native Method)
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: at org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.Canny(
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.findContours(
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.detectPreviewDocument(
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.processPreviewFrame(
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.handleMessage(
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-19 20:48:11.827 28706 28725 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-19 20:48:11.829 1156 1410 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.todobom.opennotescanner/.OpenNoteScannerActivity
02-19 20:48:11.838 28706 28725 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 28706 SIG: 9
02-19 20:48:11.849 559 559 E lowmemorykiller: Error writing /proc/28706/oom_score_adj; errno=22
02-19 20:48:11.850 1156 1170 W ActivityManager: Failed setting process group of 28706 to 1
02-19 20:48:11.850 1156 1170 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines
02-19 20:48:11.866 1156 3301 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{c728781 u0 SurfaceView - com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity}
02-19 20:48:11.867 1156 1868 I ActivityManager: Process com.todobom.opennotescanner (pid 28706) has died
02-19 20:48:11.867 1156 1868 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28706
02-19 20:48:11.867 585 1256 E Camera2Client: notifyError: Error condition 0 reported by HAL, requestId -1
02-19 20:48:11.876 1156 23491 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{d19449b u0 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity}
02-19 20:48:11.880 561 561 W SurfaceFlinger: couldn't log to binary event log: overflow.
02-19 20:48:11.894 611 28788 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera2Client: notifyError: Received recoverable error 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000001
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 1
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 0
02-19 20:48:11.929 561 597 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView - com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera2Client: notifyError: Received recoverable error 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000001
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 1
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 0
02-19 20:48:11.929 561 2029 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView - com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera2Client: notifyError: Received recoverable error 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000001
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 1
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 0
02-19 20:48:11.929 561 586 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView - com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera2Client: notifyError: Received recoverable error 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000001
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 1
02-19 20:48:11.929 585 1256 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 0
02-19 20:48:11.931 561 1346 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView - com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
02-19 20:48:11.952 1156 1952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1156_9 expire 1 line
02-19 20:48:11.958 611 28748 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 2 lines
02-19 20:48:11.963 611 28804 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 24 lines
02-19 20:48:12.023 611 28803 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:48:12.063 585 1256 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: E
02-19 20:48:12.063 585 1256 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> static int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::close_camera_device(struct hw_device_t *): 10118: [KPI Perf]: E camera id 0
02-19 20:48:12.064 585 1256 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:48:12.081 611 28806 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:48:12.103 611 28751 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 12 lines
02-19 20:48:12.110 585 1256 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::closeCamera(): 870: [KPI Perf]: E PROFILE_CLOSE_CAMERA camera id 0
02-19 20:48:12.111 611 611 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 19 lines
02-19 20:48:12.114 611 28810 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 2 lines
02-19 20:48:12.114 611 28811 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 2 lines
02-19 20:48:12.116 611 28812 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 4 lines
02-19 20:48:12.117 611 28813 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 2 lines
02-19 20:48:12.117 611 28814 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:48:12.122 611 28815 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 2 lines
02-19 20:48:12.304 585 1256 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=1
02-19 20:48:12.304 585 1256 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::closeCamera(): 912: [KPI Perf]: X PROFILE_CLOSE_CAMERA camera id 0, rc: 0
02-19 20:48:12.305 585 1256 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> static int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::close_camera_device(struct hw_device_t *): 10120: [KPI Perf]: X
02-19 20:48:12.305 585 1256 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: X
02-19 20:48:12.305 585 1256 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: E
02-19 20:48:12.307 585 1256 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 28706
02-19 20:48:12.308 585 1256 I Camera2Client: Camera 0: Closed
02-19 20:48:12.308 585 1256 I Camera2ClientBase: Closed Camera 0. Client was: com.todobom.opennotescanner (PID 28706, UID 10116)
02-19 20:48:12.308 596 18487 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe578c420) at state 4
02-19 20:48:12.308 596 18487 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe578c420), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:48:12.309 596 28727 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe578c420)
02-19 20:48:12.310 596 673 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe578c0c0) at state 4
02-19 20:48:12.310 596 673 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe578c0c0), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:48:12.310 596 28729 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe578c0c0)
02-19 20:48:12.311 596 673 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe578cba0) at state 4
02-19 20:48:12.311 596 673 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe578cba0), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:48:12.312 596 28731 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe578cba0)
02-19 20:48:12.313 585 1256 E CameraService: binderDied: Java client's binder died, removing it from the list of active clients
02-19 20:48:14.113 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:48:14.116 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:48:14.116 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:48:16.395 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ707 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:48:18.088 1156 1326 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28816:de.schildbach.wallet/u0a75 for broadcast de.schildbach.wallet/.WalletBalanceWidgetProvider
02-19 20:48:18.152 28816 28816 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
02-19 20:48:18.157 28816 28816 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/de.schildbach.wallet-1/lib/arm64
02-19 20:48:18.421 28816 28816 I WalletApplication: [main] === starting app using configuration: prod, org.bitcoin.production
02-19 20:48:18.438 28816 28816 I WalletApplication: [main] BIP39 wordlist loaded from: 'bip39-wordlist.txt', took 14.80 ms
02-19 20:48:18.520 28816 28816 I WalletApplication: [main] wallet loaded from: '/data/user/0/de.schildbach.wallet/files/wallet-protobuf', took 71.09 ms
02-19 20:48:18.575 1156 1944 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28835:com.brentpanther.ethereumwidget/u0a66 for broadcast com.brentpanther.ethereumwidget/com.brentpanther.cryptowidget.WidgetProvider
02-19 20:48:18.579 1156 1944 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:48:18.609 28835 28835 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
02-19 20:48:18.611 28835 28835 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.brentpanther.ethereumwidget-2/lib/arm64
02-19 20:48:18.622 1156 1644 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 25334
02-19 20:48:18.656 1156 1952 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28852:com.brentpanther.bitcoinwidget/u0a114 for broadcast com.brentpanther.bitcoinwidget/.WidgetProvider
02-19 20:48:18.657 1156 1952 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:48:18.672 1156 1868 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 27582
02-19 20:48:18.692 28852 28852 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
02-19 20:48:18.694 28852 28852 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.brentpanther.bitcoinwidget-2/lib/arm64
02-19 20:48:18.730 1156 1168 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-19 20:48:18.732 1156 1168 I ActivityManager: Killing 27604:com.svox.pico/u0a56 (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:48:18.743 1156 23491 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 27604
02-19 20:48:18.763 28869 28869 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/
02-19 20:48:18.801 28869 28869 D Alarm : Recurring alarm; requesting download service.
02-19 20:48:18.807 5150 5150 D NetworkChangedLollipopH: setAlarm()
02-19 20:48:18.808 1156 1542 I ActivityManager: Killing 27620:eu.chainfire.supersu/u0a68 (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:48:18.812 28869 28886 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-19 20:48:18.821 1156 23810 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 27620
02-19 20:48:18.844 28835 28888 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-19 20:48:18.860 28852 28891 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-19 20:48:19.773 27778 27868 I Metrics:BatchTransmitte: QueuePusher.sendBatches - Drained batch queue.; Number of HIGH_ANONYMOUS queue batches sent: 0
02-19 20:48:21.406 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:21.407 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU1 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:21.408 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ186 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:21.943 1156 1169 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk
02-19 20:48:26.405 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:48:31.406 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:36.407 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:41.407 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:41.408 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU1 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:46.406 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:48:51.407 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:48:56.406 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:49:00.013 1156 1170 I ProcessStatsService: Prepared write state in 5ms
02-19 20:49:01.407 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:49:06.403 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:49:08.445 28915 28915 I ps : type=1400 audit(0.0:7): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/449" dev="proc" ino=9752 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
02-19 20:49:08.491 28247 28916 E adbd : error reading output FD 61: Connection reset by peer
02-19 20:49:11.404 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:49:12.786 1964 28919 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: Connection refused
02-19 20:49:16.405 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ79 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:49:18.815 5150 5150 D NetworkChangedLollipopH: setAlarm()
02-19 20:49:21.407 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:49:26.405 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:49:31.406 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:49:36.406 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:49:41.406 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:49:43.665 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:49:43.665 584 809 E ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
02-19 20:49:43.665 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:49:43.665 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:49:43.686 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:49:43.745 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:49:45.863 1156 1644 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.teslacoilsw.launcher' uid=10086
02-19 20:49:45.865 1156 3056 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.teslacoilsw.launcher' uid=10086
02-19 20:49:45.869 1156 1944 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.teslacoilsw.launcher' uid=10086
02-19 20:49:45.872 1156 23491 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.teslacoilsw.launcher' uid=10086
02-19 20:49:45.873 1156 23810 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.teslacoilsw.launcher' uid=10086
02-19 20:49:45.876 1156 1645 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.teslacoilsw.launcher' uid=10086
02-19 20:49:46.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:49:46.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU1 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:49:46.995 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:49:46.997 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:49:46.997 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:49:47.378 1156 1168 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.DELETE dat=package:com.tananaev.logcat flg=0x10800000 (has extras)} from uid 10086 on display 0
02-19 20:49:47.380 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:49:47.380 584 809 E ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
02-19 20:49:47.380 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:49:47.380 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:49:47.405 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:49:47.407 1156 3055 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
02-19 20:49:47.444 28938 28938 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/PackageInstaller/lib/arm64
02-19 20:49:47.444 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:49:47.566 28938 28955 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : dfab96b, I762e720a6a
02-19 20:49:47.566 28938 28955 I Adreno : Build Date : 01/31/17
02-19 20:49:47.566 28938 28955 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.04
02-19 20:49:47.566 28938 28955 I Adreno : Local Branch :
02-19 20:49:47.566 28938 28955 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
02-19 20:49:47.566 28938 28955 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
02-19 20:49:47.566 28938 28955 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :
02-19 20:49:47.573 28938 28955 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
02-19 20:49:47.573 28938 28955 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
02-19 20:49:48.395 1156 3301 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW (has extras)} from uid 10017 on display 0
02-19 20:49:48.503 1156 1170 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.tananaev.logcat appid=10115 user=0: deletePackageX
02-19 20:49:48.495 1183 1183 I PackageManager: type=1400 audit(0.0:8): avc: denied { read } for name="foreign-dex" dev="mmcblk0p54" ino=293819 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:user_profile_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
02-19 20:49:48.506 1156 1170 I ActivityManager: Killing 28007:com.tananaev.logcat/u0a115 (adj 700): stop com.tananaev.logcat
02-19 20:49:48.507 1156 1170 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28007
02-19 20:49:48.508 1156 1170 I ActivityManager: Force finishing activity ActivityRecord{6bf850c u0 com.tananaev.logcat/.MainActivity t13402}
02-19 20:49:48.495 1183 1183 I PackageManager: type=1400 audit(0.0:9): avc: denied { open } for path="/data/misc/profiles/cur/0/foreign-dex" dev="mmcblk0p54" ino=293819 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:user_profile_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
02-19 20:49:48.538 1156 1410 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{8fff4b u0 com.tananaev.logcat/com.tananaev.logcat.MainActivity}
02-19 20:49:48.622 1413 1413 E RecentsTaskLoader: Unexpected null component name or activity info: ComponentInfo{com.tananaev.logcat/com.tananaev.logcat.MainActivity}, null
02-19 20:49:48.622 1413 1413 E RecentsTaskLoader: Unexpected null component name or activity info: ComponentInfo{com.tananaev.logcat/com.tananaev.logcat.MainActivity}, null
02-19 20:49:48.623 1156 1183 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 2 lines
02-19 20:49:48.626 1413 1413 E RecentsTaskLoader: Unexpected null component name or activity info: ComponentInfo{com.tananaev.logcat/com.tananaev.logcat.MainActivity}, null
02-19 20:49:48.724 1156 1183 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.tananaev.logcat appid=10115 user=0: pkg removed
02-19 20:49:48.742 3911 3952 D conversations: deleted file /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tananaev.logcat
02-19 20:49:48.757 7866 7866 D BluetoothMapAppObserver: onReceive
02-19 20:49:48.767 1156 1170 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-19 20:49:48.790 1515 1515 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0
02-19 20:49:48.804 7866 7866 D BluetoothMapAppObserver: The removed package is: com.tananaev.logcat
02-19 20:49:48.819 1788 1788 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_ALL packageName=com.tananaev.logcat]
02-19 20:49:48.876 1352 1453 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:de ; version = 54 ; date = 1414726263
02-19 20:49:48.921 1156 1953 D WindowManager: relayoutVisibleWindow: Window{2c73707 u0 com.teslacoilsw.launcher/com.teslacoilsw.launcher.NovaLauncher EXITING} mAnimatingExit=true, mRemoveOnExit=false, mDestroying=false
02-19 20:49:49.010 1156 1156 D ZenLog : config: removeAutomaticZenRules,ZenModeConfig[user=0,allowCalls=true,allowRepeatCallers=false,allowMessages=false,allowCallsFrom=contacts,allowMessagesFrom=contacts,allowReminders=true,allowEvents=true,allowWhenScreenOff=true,allowWhenScreenOn=true,automaticRules={0aa13a987f6f47829bea97b32369e66d=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Weekend,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0&exitAtAlarm=false,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/},id=0aa13a987f6f47829bea97b32369e66d,creationTime=18641315941,enabler=null], 4c3ff30b7ca24f8a9ae10c0bd3ef88c8=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Event,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/},id=4c3ff30b7ca24f8a9ae10c0bd3ef88c8,creationTime=18641315943,enabler=null], 0116575950f7495e8e88257cbfe73ddd=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Weeknight,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/schedule?days=,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/schedule?days=,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/},id=0116575950f7495e8e88257cbfe73ddd,creationTime=18641315941,enabler=null]},manualRule=ZenRule[enabled=true,snoozing=false,name=null,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_IMPORTANT_INTERRUPTIONS,conditionId=null,condition=null,component=null,id=null,creationTime=0,enabler=null]],Diff[]
02-19 20:49:49.013 1156 1952 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-19 20:49:49.042 28978 28978 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/KeyChain/lib/arm64
02-19 20:49:49.059 28978 28978 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:613
02-19 20:49:49.072 1156 1952 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast$Receiver
02-19 20:49:49.087 1156 1168 I ActivityManager: Killing 27637:org.dmfs.tasks/u0a124 (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:49:49.096 1156 1953 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 27637
02-19 20:49:49.105 1156 1952 I ActivityManager: Killing 27694:system:ui/1000 (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:49:49.122 28997 28997 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MusicFX/lib/arm64
02-19 20:49:49.123 1156 27354 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 27694
02-19 20:49:49.156 27558 29015 D VoicemailCleanupService: Cleaning up data for package: com.tananaev.logcat
02-19 20:49:49.164 1156 1156 D ZenLog : set_zen_mode: important_interruptions,removeAutomaticZenRules
02-19 20:49:49.192 1156 1410 W ActivityManager: Request to remove task ignored for non-existent task 13402
02-19 20:49:49.192 1156 1644 W ActivityManager: Request to remove task ignored for non-existent task 13402
02-19 20:49:49.270 1156 1410 I ActivityManager: Killing 28032:de.mobilesoftwareag.clevertanken:locarta_sdk/u0a74 (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:49:49.286 1156 1645 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28032
02-19 20:49:49.340 1156 1952 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29024:eu.chainfire.supersu/u0a68 for broadcast eu.chainfire.supersu/.InstallReceiver
02-19 20:49:49.360 1156 1169 I chatty : uid=1000(system) expire 5 lines
02-19 20:49:49.381 29024 29024 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
02-19 20:49:49.382 29024 29024 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/eu.chainfire.supersu-1/lib/arm64
02-19 20:49:49.394 1156 1169 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-19 20:49:49.428 1156 23491 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-19 20:49:49.498 1964 2126 I Icing : doRemovePackageData com.tananaev.logcat
02-19 20:49:49.535 1156 27354 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-19 20:49:49.546 28141 29091 I InstalledAppProviderSer: Marking com.tananaev.logcat as no longer installed
02-19 20:49:49.569 29058 29058 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
02-19 20:49:49.570 29058 29058 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GoogleServicesFramework/lib/arm64
02-19 20:49:49.573 1964 29099 D Wear_Controller: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED and uri=com.tananaev.logcat
02-19 20:49:49.597 29080 29080 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DocumentsUI/lib/arm64
02-19 20:49:49.600 1964 29101 I LocationSettingsChecker: Removing dialog suppression flag for package com.tananaev.logcat
02-19 20:49:49.634 29058 29058 I GservicesProvider: Gservices pushing to system: true; secure/global: true
02-19 20:49:49.689 1964 1976 W art : Suspending all threads took: 5.117ms
02-19 20:49:49.693 1964 1976 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 49165(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 10(192KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 13MB/22MB, paused 5.868ms total 67.583ms
02-19 20:49:49.704 29080 29094 W art : Suspending all threads took: 6.886ms
02-19 20:49:49.707 1156 1644 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.teslacoilsw.launcher' uid=10086
02-19 20:49:49.721 1964 2837 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=32
02-19 20:49:49.732 1964 3129 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36
02-19 20:49:49.757 1156 3056 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-19 20:49:49.781 29058 29058 I GoogleHttpClient: GMS http client unavailable, use old client
02-19 20:49:49.782 1156 3301 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:49:49.783 1156 3301 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #18
02-19 20:49:49.826 1156 23810 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=58, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@da5a951)
02-19 20:49:49.827 1156 1410 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 27778
02-19 20:49:49.828 1156 1334 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=58, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
02-19 20:49:49.842 1156 1542 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28188
02-19 20:49:49.844 29123 29123 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider/lib/arm64
02-19 20:49:49.886 1964 2126 I Icing : Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
02-19 20:49:49.903 29123 29123 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 3 active roots
02-19 20:49:49.907 1964 2126 I Icing : Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
02-19 20:49:49.937 1156 1410 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-19 20:49:49.951 1156 1645 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:49:50.002 1156 1952 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=59, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@ee4ec9a)
02-19 20:49:50.002 1156 1644 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=57, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@9445d45)
02-19 20:49:50.003 1156 1334 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=57, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ]
02-19 20:49:50.003 1156 1953 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 27760
02-19 20:49:50.004 1156 1334 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=59, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ]
02-19 20:49:50.018 1156 23810 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.teslacoilsw.launcher' uid=10086
02-19 20:49:50.029 1156 1944 D VoldConnector: SND -> {10 appfuse mount 10010 29166 MtpDocumentsProvider}
02-19 20:49:50.033 1156 1323 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 10 AppFuse command succeeded}
02-19 20:49:50.135 1156 1645 I ActivityManager: Killing 28592:android:ui/1000 (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:49:50.525 1156 1944 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28592
02-19 20:49:50.910 1964 2748 I Icing : Indexing 2CB1D0E5882D64280B62831B77C760144C49BAB1 from
02-19 20:49:50.928 1964 2748 I Icing : Indexing done 2CB1D0E5882D64280B62831B77C760144C49BAB1
02-19 20:49:51.414 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:49:51.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:49:51.612 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:49:51.614 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:49:51.614 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:49:52.307 1156 1156 W WindowManager: Attempted to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@cc872e6
02-19 20:49:52.310 1156 1156 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:49:52.333 1156 1944 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28655
02-19 20:49:54.655 1156 1944 I ActivityManager: Killing 28311:org.opencv.engine:OpenCVEngineProcess/u0a146 (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:49:54.702 1156 1542 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28311
02-19 20:49:56.414 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ80 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:50:01.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:50:06.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:50:11.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:50:16.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:50:21.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:50:26.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:50:31.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:50:36.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:50:39.360 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:50:39.360 584 809 E ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
02-19 20:50:39.361 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:50:39.361 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:50:39.395 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:50:39.465 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:50:41.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ78 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:50:42.710 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:50:42.713 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:50:42.713 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:50:46.414 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:50:46.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:50:51.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:50:51.896 1156 1167 I ActivityManager: Killing 28816:de.schildbach.wallet/u0a75 (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:50:52.163 1156 1645 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28816
02-19 20:50:56.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:50:58.002 5150 5150 D NetworkChangedLollipopH: setAlarm()
02-19 20:50:58.013 1156 1332 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer expire 10 lines
02-19 20:51:01.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:06.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:11.417 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:13.017 1964 29223 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: Connection refused
02-19 20:51:16.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:21.417 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:26.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:31.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:36.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:41.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:46.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:51.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:51:56.417 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:52:01.418 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:52:06.417 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:52:11.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:52:16.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:52:18.062 5150 5150 D NetworkChangedLollipopH: setAlarm()
02-19 20:52:21.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ79 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:52:26.414 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:52:31.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:52:36.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:52:41.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:52:46.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:52:51.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:52:51.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:52:56.206 6534 6553 D GeckoTabs: handleMessage: DOMTitleChanged
02-19 20:52:56.206 6534 6553 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listeners for DOMTitleChanged in dispatchEvent
02-19 20:52:56.413 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:52:56.413 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU1 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:52:56.440 6534 6553 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listeners for PrivateBrowsing:Data in dispatchEvent
02-19 20:52:56.937 6534 6553 D GeckoTabs: handleMessage: DOMTitleChanged
02-19 20:52:56.938 6534 6553 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listeners for DOMTitleChanged in dispatchEvent
02-19 20:52:57.166 6534 6553 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listeners for PrivateBrowsing:Data in dispatchEvent
02-19 20:53:01.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:53:04.411 1156 3301 I ActivityManager: Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=1413
02-19 20:53:04.413 1413 1413 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
02-19 20:53:06.414 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:53:06.728 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:53:06.728 584 809 E ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
02-19 20:53:06.728 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:53:06.728 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:53:06.735 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:53:06.740 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:53:06.748 1413 1413 W StatusBar: removeNotification for unknown key: 0|eu.siacs.conversations|2097152|f0f4fae9-86b3-441b-99d4-afaf308719ee|10083
02-19 20:53:06.801 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:53:10.051 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:53:10.054 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:53:10.054 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:53:11.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ24 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:53:11.490 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:53:11.491 584 809 E ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
02-19 20:53:11.491 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:53:11.491 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:53:11.530 1413 1413 W StatusBar: removeNotification for unknown key: 0|eu.siacs.conversations|2097152|null|10083
02-19 20:53:11.530 1413 1413 W StatusBar: removeNotification for unknown key: 0|eu.siacs.conversations|2097152|612a3a95-5ad0-4c46-966e-552c5960739b|10083
02-19 20:53:11.540 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:53:11.577 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:53:13.205 1964 29244 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: Connection refused
02-19 20:53:13.771 1156 23491 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@7242869 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@aa2c946
02-19 20:53:13.780 1156 1168 I ActivityManager: Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=1413
02-19 20:53:13.781 1413 1413 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
02-19 20:53:14.823 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:53:14.824 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:53:14.825 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:53:16.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ78 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:53:21.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:53:26.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:53:31.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:53:36.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:53:38.012 5150 5150 D NetworkChangedLollipopH: setAlarm()
02-19 20:53:41.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:53:46.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:53:51.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:53:56.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:01.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:04.916 1788 29251 W ConfigurationChimeraProvider: Got null configs for
02-19 20:54:04.916 1788 29251 I PaymentBundleManager: Maintaining payment bundles
02-19 20:54:04.938 1788 29251 I PaymentBundleManager: Finished maintaining payment bundles
02-19 20:54:04.962 1964 29252 I EventLogChimeraService: Aggregate from 1519068454327 (log), 1519068454327 (data)
02-19 20:54:06.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ26 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:11.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:16.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:21.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:26.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:31.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:36.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:38.019 5150 5150 D NetworkChangedLollipopH: setAlarm()
02-19 20:54:41.417 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:46.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:51.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:54:56.421 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:54:58.330 6534 6553 D GeckoTabs: handleMessage: DOMTitleChanged
02-19 20:54:58.330 6534 6553 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listeners for DOMTitleChanged in dispatchEvent
02-19 20:54:58.588 6534 6553 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listeners for PrivateBrowsing:Data in dispatchEvent
02-19 20:54:58.831 6534 6553 D GeckoTabs: handleMessage: DOMTitleChanged
02-19 20:54:58.831 6534 6553 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listeners for DOMTitleChanged in dispatchEvent
02-19 20:54:59.054 6534 6553 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listeners for PrivateBrowsing:Data in dispatchEvent
02-19 20:55:01.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:55:06.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:55:11.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:55:13.364 1964 29263 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: Connection refused
02-19 20:55:16.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:55:21.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:55:26.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:55:31.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:55:36.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:55:41.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:55:46.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:55:51.414 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:55:56.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:56:01.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:56:06.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:56:11.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:56:16.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:56:18.017 5150 5150 D NetworkChangedLollipopH: setAlarm()
02-19 20:56:18.045 3911 3911 D conversations: send ping (action=ping,lowTimeout=false)
02-19 20:56:21.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:56:26.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:56:31.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:56:36.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:56:41.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:56:46.413 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:56:51.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:56:56.417 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:57:01.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:57:06.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:57:11.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:57:13.628 1964 29288 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: Connection refused
02-19 20:57:16.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:57:21.415 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:57:26.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:57:29.769 5150 5150 D NetworkChangedLollipopH: setAlarm()
02-19 20:57:31.416 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:57:34.191 1156 1331 I chatty : uid=1000(system) IpManager.wlan0 expire 1 line
02-19 20:57:34.199 1156 26634 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
02-19 20:57:34.199 1156 26637 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
02-19 20:57:34.203 606 1154 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
02-19 20:57:34.250 606 1147 I Netd : Destroyed 3 sockets on in 0.4 ms
02-19 20:57:34.264 3911 27184 D conversations: xml parser mishandled SSLException(Read error: ssl=0x7d42a90fc0: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort)
02-19 20:57:34.273 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:34.288 1480 1480 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=64:66:b3:97:8f:e0 reason=3 locally_generated=1
02-19 20:57:34.298 606 1147 I Netd : Destroyed 1 sockets on 2001:16b8:6088:6700:590f:42d:776d:b99f in 0.3 ms
02-19 20:57:34.299 1788 26693 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x7d2454e400: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
02-19 20:57:34.304 1480 1480 W wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Was expecting local disconnect but got another disconnect event first
02-19 20:57:34.305 1480 1480 I wpa_supplicant: p2p-dev-wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=CORE type=WORLD
02-19 20:57:34.306 1788 26693 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7d2454e400: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe
02-19 20:57:34.310 606 1154 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
02-19 20:57:34.311 1156 1330 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 24 lines
02-19 20:57:34.320 1156 3055 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(121, false) by 10027
02-19 20:57:34.327 1156 26631 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:34.327 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 121] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED
02-19 20:57:34.327 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 121] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 9
02-19 20:57:34.372 1156 1170 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29297:de.mobilesoftwareag.clevertanken:locarta_sdk/u0a74 for broadcast de.mobilesoftwareag.clevertanken/
02-19 20:57:34.381 1156 1334 I Nat464Xlat: Stopping clatd
02-19 20:57:34.406 1156 29293 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:34.413 1156 29294 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:34.425 1480 1480 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=DE
02-19 20:57:34.433 606 1154 E ClatdController: clatd already stopped
02-19 20:57:34.434 1156 1332 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:34.438 1156 1334 E Nat464Xlat: Error stopping clatd: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '1651 clatd stop wlan0' failed with '400 1651 Clatd operation failed'
02-19 20:57:34.449 29297 29297 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
02-19 20:57:34.452 29297 29297 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/de.mobilesoftwareag.clevertanken-1/lib/arm64
02-19 20:57:34.458 1515 1515 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1
02-19 20:57:34.485 606 1154 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -D idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
02-19 20:57:34.486 29297 29297 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
02-19 20:57:34.486 29297 29297 I MultiDex: install
02-19 20:57:34.486 29297 29297 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
02-19 20:57:34.486 29297 29297 D com.mirrorlink.lib.MlServerApiServiceConnection: connectService Called
02-19 20:57:34.488 29297 29297 D InAppManager: Setup finished.
02-19 20:57:34.488 29297 29297 W InAppManager: Problem setting up in-app billing: IabResult: Billing service unavailable on device. (response: 3:Billing Unavailable)
02-19 20:57:34.498 606 1154 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t mangle -D idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
02-19 20:57:34.500 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 121] isDefaultNetwork=true
02-19 20:57:34.509 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:34.554 29297 29297 D com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger: To set source application the context of activateApp must be an instance of Activity
02-19 20:57:34.563 1964 1964 D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect: Network connectivity changed, type is: 6
02-19 20:57:34.563 21403 21403 D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect: Network connectivity changed, type is: 6
02-19 20:57:34.565 29297 29324 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-19 20:57:34.567 1964 1964 D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect: Network connectivity changed, type is: 6
02-19 20:57:34.574 29297 29334 D LocartaSdk: connectToSystemService: enter
02-19 20:57:34.574 29297 29297 F Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
02-19 20:57:34.587 29297 29309 W art : Suspending all threads took: 12.543ms
02-19 20:57:34.592 29297 29334 D LocartaSdk: connectToSystemService(): bindService result = true, service was started
02-19 20:57:34.607 29297 29297 I zzai : Making Creator dynamically
02-19 20:57:34.621 606 1154 E Netd : netlink response contains error (No such file or directory)
02-19 20:57:34.674 29297 29297 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/arm64
02-19 20:57:34.675 29297 29297 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/arm64:/system/fake-libs64:/system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/PrebuiltGmsCore.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x7d490f60f0
02-19 20:57:34.686 29297 29297 D getContext: Service not connected, register callback
02-19 20:57:34.694 29297 29297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class co.locarta.sdk.common.o
02-19 20:57:34.694 29297 29297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.f
02-19 20:57:34.697 29297 29297 D LocartaSdk.MainService: onCreate
02-19 20:57:34.697 29297 29297 D LocartaSdk.MainService: onBind
02-19 20:57:34.697 29297 29297 D LocartaSdk.MainService: initialize()
02-19 20:57:34.711 29297 29297 D SdkConfiguration: SdkConfiguration()
02-19 20:57:34.712 29297 29297 D SdkConfiguration: load()
02-19 20:57:34.714 29297 29297 D AgreementInfo: readInfoFile()
02-19 20:57:34.727 29297 29297 D AgreementInfo: readInfoFile(): AgreementAccepted: true
02-19 20:57:34.735 29297 29297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class co.locarta.sdk.common.o
02-19 20:57:34.735 29297 29297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.f
02-19 20:57:34.737 1156 1168 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:57:34.739 29297 29297 D LocartaSdk: connectToSystemService: onServiceConnected()
02-19 20:57:34.739 29297 29297 D LocartaSdk: Locarta SDK service is connected: current process pid is 29297, SDK service pid is 29297
02-19 20:57:34.739 29297 29297 D LocartaSdk: Service process local binding
02-19 20:57:34.747 29297 29335 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider
02-19 20:57:34.753 1156 27354 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28869
02-19 20:57:34.758 1964 1964 W Herrevad: [1] CaptivePortalChimeraReceiver.onReceive: wifi connection type error: ssid null = false, bssid null = true
02-19 20:57:34.789 1156 1953 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: internet, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: true]} network{122} nethandle{524002446046} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{10} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
02-19 20:57:34.789 29297 29297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class co.locarta.sdk.common.o
02-19 20:57:34.789 29297 29297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.f
02-19 20:57:34.789 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 122] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED
02-19 20:57:34.792 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface rmnet_data0 to network 122
02-19 20:57:34.797 29297 29297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class co.locarta.sdk.common.o
02-19 20:57:34.797 29297 29297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.f
02-19 20:57:34.813 29297 29297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class co.locarta.sdk.common.o
02-19 20:57:34.814 29297 29297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.f
02-19 20:57:34.819 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 122 to [/, /]
02-19 20:57:34.848 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: internet, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: true]} network{122} nethandle{524002446046} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{10} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
02-19 20:57:34.853 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 0 NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 122] isDefaultNetwork=true
02-19 20:57:34.856 1156 1348 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivityMan expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:34.868 3911 3911 D conversations: resetting all attempt counts
02-19 20:57:34.869 1964 1964 I iu.Environment: update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? true*, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true
02-19 20:57:34.869 21403 21403 D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect: Network connectivity changed, type is: 5
02-19 20:57:34.877 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:34.879 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:34.884 1964 1964 D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect: Network connectivity changed, type is: 5
02-19 20:57:34.895 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:34.896 1964 1964 D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect: Network connectivity changed, type is: 5
02-19 20:57:34.898 3911 29388 D conversations: connecting
02-19 20:57:34.918 1964 4587 I iu.UploadsManager: num queued entries: 0
02-19 20:57:34.921 1156 1170 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29390:free.yhc.netmbuddy/u0a157 for broadcast free.yhc.netmbuddy/.core.YTPlayer$NetworkMonitor
02-19 20:57:34.929 1964 4587 I iu.UploadsManager: num updated entries: 0
02-19 20:57:34.955 1964 4587 I iu.SyncManager: NEXT; no task
02-19 20:57:34.966 29390 29390 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
02-19 20:57:34.967 29390 29390 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/free.yhc.netmbuddy-1/lib/arm64
02-19 20:57:34.986 1788 2364 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation()
02-19 20:57:34.998 1788 2364 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation()
02-19 20:57:35.001 1156 1944 D ConnectivityService: Returning blocked NetworkInfo to uid=10074
02-19 20:57:35.011 1788 2364 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation()
02-19 20:57:35.013 1788 2364 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation()
02-19 20:57:35.037 1156 1168 D ConnectivityService: Returning unblocked NetworkInfo to uid=10157
02-19 20:57:35.039 1156 1542 I ActivityManager: Killing 28835:com.brentpanther.ethereumwidget/u0a66 (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:57:35.073 1156 23810 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28835
02-19 20:57:35.080 1156 29382 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:35.080 1156 29381 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:35.323 1156 1168 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(122, true) by 10027
02-19 20:57:35.333 1156 1167 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(122, true) by 10027
02-19 20:57:35.335 1156 1952 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(122, true) by 10027
02-19 20:57:35.414 5150 5150 D setAlarm(cancel)
02-19 20:57:35.431 5150 5150 D KeepAliveAlarm: setAlarm(0)
02-19 20:57:35.468 5150 5150 D ConnectListener: url=""
02-19 20:57:35.473 5150 29447 D UpnpDiscovery: cancelSearch()
02-19 20:57:35.473 1156 1156 V NotificationService: canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:35.473 5150 29447 D ConnectListener.onFail() - NETWORK_DISCONNECTED
02-19 20:57:35.479 3911 29388 D conversations: Resolver: [Result{ip='', hostame='', port=5222, directTls=false, authenticated=false, priority=0}, Result{ip='null', hostame='', port=5222, directTls=false, authenticated=false, priority=0}]
02-19 20:57:35.484 3911 29388 D conversations: using values from dns tls: false
02-19 20:57:35.787 3911 29388 D XmppDomainVerifier: searching for in srvNames: [] xmppAddrs: [] domains:[,,]
02-19 20:57:35.787 3911 29388 D XmppDomainVerifier: domain matched
02-19 20:57:35.795 3911 29388 D conversations: TLS connection established
02-19 20:57:35.836 3911 29388 D conversations: Authenticating with SCRAM-SHA-1
02-19 20:57:35.840 1156 29367 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
02-19 20:57:35.840 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 122] validation passed
02-19 20:57:35.845 1156 29448 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:35.845 1156 29449 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:35.983 3911 29388 D conversations: logged in
02-19 20:57:36.030 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 122] validation passed
02-19 20:57:36.094 3911 29388 D conversations: starting service discovery
02-19 20:57:36.094 3911 29388 D conversations: do not wait for service discovery
02-19 20:57:36.098 3911 29388 D conversations: server caps came from cache
02-19 20:57:36.100 3911 29388 D conversations: online with resource mobile
02-19 20:57:36.100 3911 29388 D conversations: fetching roster
02-19 20:57:36.124 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:36.170 3911 29388 D conversations: unknown error in conference: <presence type="unavailable" xmlns="jabber:client" from="" to=""><status xmlns="jabber:client">Disconnected: Replaced by new connection</status><x xmlns=""><item affiliation="none" xmlns="" role="none"/><status code="110" xmlns=""/></x></presence>
02-19 20:57:36.191 3911 29388 D conversations: Requesting block list
02-19 20:57:36.212 3911 29388 D conversations: running mam query with=*, end=2018-02-19T19:57:36.120Z, order=NORMAL, after=9PTJVhuWCD7b67qf, catchup=true
02-19 20:57:36.213 3911 29388 D conversations: has pep but is not persistent
02-19 20:57:36.220 3911 29388 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Received PEP device list [439481988] update from, processing...
02-19 20:57:36.220 3911 29388 D conversations: ignoring duplicate own device id list
02-19 20:57:36.226 3911 29388 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Received PEP device list [1579790000] update from, processing...
02-19 20:57:36.305 3911 3980 D conversations: skipping shortcut update
02-19 20:57:36.307 3911 29388 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Received PEP device list [1270650686] update from, processing...
02-19 20:57:36.319 3911 29388 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Received PEP device list [792327584] update from, processing...
02-19 20:57:36.323 3911 29388 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Received PEP device list [904371111] update from, processing...
02-19 20:57:36.331 3911 29388 D conversations: joining conversation
02-19 20:57:36.338 3911 29388 D conversations: fetching members for c00l k1ds t4lk
02-19 20:57:36.339 3911 29388 D conversations: fetched muc configuration for - [, muc_unsecured, muc_unmoderated, muc_membersonly, muc_persistent, muc_hidden, muc_nonanonymous]
02-19 20:57:36.342 3911 29388 D conversations: joining conversation
02-19 20:57:36.345 3911 29388 D conversations: fetching members for Servers Of The Round
02-19 20:57:36.345 3911 29388 D conversations: fetched muc configuration for - [, muc_unsecured, muc_unmoderated, muc_membersonly, muc_persistent, muc_hidden, muc_nonanonymous]
02-19 20:57:36.348 3911 29388 D conversations: joining conversation
02-19 20:57:36.351 3911 29388 D conversations: running mam query, start=2018-02-05T10:13:56.242Z, end=2018-02-14T19:57:36.351Z, order=REVERSE, catchup=false
02-19 20:57:36.352 3911 29388 D conversations: running mam query, start=2018-02-14T19:57:36.351Z, end=2018-02-19T19:57:36.350Z, order=NORMAL, catchup=true
02-19 20:57:36.352 3911 29388 D conversations: fetched muc configuration for - [, muc_unsecured, muc_unmoderated, muc_open, muc_persistent, muc_public, muc_semianonymous, urn:xmpp:mam:2]
02-19 20:57:36.353 3911 29388 D conversations: successfully enabled carbons
02-19 20:57:36.353 3911 29388 D conversations: Received blocklist update from server
02-19 20:57:36.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:57:36.427 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU1 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:57:37.765 3911 29388 D conversations: error executing mam: <iq type="error" xmlns="jabber:client" to="" id="hCO8Lg5/SRDXtLfB+VMxttj2a13Xcrs3kxtepsXo7SM2RPaG8Iv4XfONL6ECOpqsTxM"><error type="cancel" xmlns="jabber:client"><internal-server-error xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Error reading storage</text></error></iq>
02-19 20:57:37.944 3911 29388 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Bundle 439481988 in PEP was current
02-19 20:57:37.944 3911 29388 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Announcing device 439481988
02-19 20:57:37.958 3911 29388 D conversations: skipping duplicate message with serverMsgIdUpdated=false
02-19 20:57:37.961 3911 29388 D conversations: retrieved members for [,,,]
02-19 20:57:37.966 3911 29388 D conversations: retrieved members for []
02-19 20:57:37.980 3911 4259 D conversations: 1 remaining tasks on executor 'DatabaseWriter'
02-19 20:57:37.996 3911 29388 D conversations: finished mam after 1(0) messages. messages left=false
02-19 20:57:37.996 3911 29388 D conversations: found 0 pending receipt requests
02-19 20:57:37.997 3911 29388 D conversations: finished mam after 0(0) messages. messages left=true
02-19 20:57:37.997 3911 29388 D conversations: found 0 pending receipt requests
02-19 20:57:38.031 3911 29388 D conversations: retrieved own device list: [439481988]
02-19 20:57:38.031 3911 29388 D conversations: ignoring duplicate own device id list
02-19 20:57:38.938 1480 1480 I wpa_supplicant: p2p-dev-wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=BEACON_HINT type=UNKNOWN
02-19 20:57:39.008 1156 29453 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 20 lines
02-19 20:57:39.023 1156 29454 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 20 lines
02-19 20:57:39.023 1480 1480 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'TP-LINK_978FE0'
02-19 20:57:39.107 1480 1480 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with 64:66:b3:97:8f:e0
02-19 20:57:39.109 1480 1480 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
02-19 20:57:39.137 1480 1480 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 64:66:b3:97:8f:e0 [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
02-19 20:57:39.137 1480 1480 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 64:66:b3:97:8f:e0 completed [id=6 id_str=%7B%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%2C%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22TP-LINK_978FE0%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%7D]
02-19 20:57:39.148 1156 1330 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "TP-LINK_978FE0", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]} network{123} nethandle{528297413342} lp{{LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]} Score{20} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
02-19 20:57:39.148 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 123] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
02-19 20:57:39.192 1156 29465 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Thread-1729 expire 1 line
02-19 20:57:39.295 1156 29462 I chatty : uid=1000(system) DhcpClient expire 1 line
02-19 20:57:40.382 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 123] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED
02-19 20:57:40.384 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface wlan0 to network 123
02-19 20:57:40.413 606 1154 E Netd : netlink response contains error (File exists)
02-19 20:57:40.418 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 123 to [/fd00::cece:1eff:feee:f5cb]
02-19 20:57:40.421 1156 1334 I Nat464Xlat: Starting clatd on wlan0
02-19 20:57:40.424 606 1154 D ClatdController: starting clatd on wlan0
02-19 20:57:40.425 606 1154 D ClatdController: clatd started on wlan0
02-19 20:57:40.435 29474 29474 I clatd : Starting clat version 1.4 on wlan0 netid=123 mark=0xf007b
02-19 20:57:40.471 29474 29474 I clatd : Using ring buffer with 656 frames (1048576 bytes) at 0x794d222000
02-19 20:57:40.473 29474 29474 I clatd : Detecting NAT64 prefix from DNS...
02-19 20:57:40.533 1156 29475 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:40.538 29474 29474 E clatd : plat_prefix/dns( status = 7/No address associated with hostname
02-19 20:57:40.538 29474 29474 W clatd : dns64_detection -- error, sleeping for 1 seconds
02-19 20:57:40.545 1156 29476 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
02-19 20:57:40.715 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 123] validation passed
02-19 20:57:40.718 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "TP-LINK_978FE0", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]} network{123} nethandle{528297413342} lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::dac4:6aff:fea6:18b3/64,2001:16b8:6088:6700:dac4:6aff:fea6:18b3/64,2001:16b8:6088:6700:590f:42d:776d:b99f/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::cece:1eff:feee:f5cb wlan0,2001:16b8:6088:6700::/64 -> :: wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [fd00::cece:1eff:feee:f5cb,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,6291456,8291456,524288,6291456,8291456}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -39]} Score{60} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
02-19 20:57:40.745 606 1154 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -A idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
02-19 20:57:40.759 606 1154 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t mangle -A idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
02-19 20:57:40.765 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Lingering NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 122] for 30000ms
02-19 20:57:40.766 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 0 NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 122] isDefaultNetwork=true
02-19 20:57:40.766 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 123] isDefaultNetwork=true
02-19 20:57:40.773 1156 29486 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 20 lines
02-19 20:57:40.786 3911 3911 D conversations: resetting all attempt counts
02-19 20:57:40.790 21403 21403 D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect: Network connectivity changed, type is: 2
02-19 20:57:40.794 1964 1964 D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect: Network connectivity changed, type is: 2
02-19 20:57:40.801 3911 3911 D conversations: send ping (,lowTimeout=false)
02-19 20:57:40.804 1964 1964 D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect: Network connectivity changed, type is: 2
02-19 20:57:40.804 3911 3911 D conversations: resetting all attempt counts
02-19 20:57:40.810 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:40.814 1964 1964 I iu.Environment: update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false*, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true
02-19 20:57:40.823 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:40.830 1156 1168 D ConnectivityService: Returning blocked NetworkInfo to uid=10157
02-19 20:57:40.846 1964 4587 I iu.UploadsManager: num queued entries: 0
02-19 20:57:40.859 1964 4587 I iu.UploadsManager: num updated entries: 0
02-19 20:57:40.870 1964 4587 I iu.SyncManager: NEXT; no task
02-19 20:57:41.257 1156 29462 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
02-19 20:57:41.264 1156 29465 D DhcpClient: Received packet: d8:c4:6a:a6:18:b3 OFFER, ip /, mask /, DNS servers: / , gateways [/] lease time 864000, domain
02-19 20:57:41.264 1156 29462 D DhcpClient: Got pending lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 864000 seconds
02-19 20:57:41.266 1156 29462 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST ciaddr= request= serverid=
02-19 20:57:41.274 1156 29465 D DhcpClient: Received packet: d8:c4:6a:a6:18:b3 ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / , lease time 864000
02-19 20:57:41.274 1156 29462 D DhcpClient: Confirmed lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 864000 seconds
02-19 20:57:41.282 1156 1330 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TP-LINK_978FE0false,false
02-19 20:57:41.292 606 1154 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
02-19 20:57:41.301 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 123 to [/fd00::cece:1eff:feee:f5cb]
02-19 20:57:41.303 1156 29462 D DhcpClient: Scheduling renewal in 431999s
02-19 20:57:41.303 1156 29462 D DhcpClient: Scheduling rebind in 755999s
02-19 20:57:41.303 1156 29462 D DhcpClient: Scheduling expiry in 863999s
02-19 20:57:41.318 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 123 to [/fd00::cece:1eff:feee:f5cb, /]
02-19 20:57:41.321 1156 1334 I Nat464Xlat: Stopping clatd
02-19 20:57:41.322 606 1154 D ClatdController: Stopping clatd pid=29474 on wlan0
02-19 20:57:41.341 606 1154 D ClatdController: clatd on wlan0 stopped
02-19 20:57:41.425 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:57:41.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU1 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:57:41.468 5150 5150 D setAlarm(cancel)
02-19 20:57:41.473 5150 5150 D ConnectListener: url=""
02-19 20:57:41.477 5150 29553 D UpnpDiscovery: startSearch()
02-19 20:57:41.478 5150 29553 D UpnpDiscovery: LostDevicesTimerTask: stop
02-19 20:57:41.480 5150 29555 D UpnpDiscovery:
02-19 20:57:41.481 5150 29556 D UpnpDiscovery:
02-19 20:57:41.481 5150 29555 D UpnpDiscovery: urn:dslforum-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
02-19 20:57:41.483 5150 29555 D UpnpDiscovery: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
02-19 20:57:41.507 5150 29558 D UpnpDiscovery: onDiscoveryResult: Tr064Device@6cd76e66 {"uuid:739f2409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:41.507 5150 29558 D BoxFinder: onDeviceFound()
02-19 20:57:41.508 5150 29558 D BoxFinder: stagingDevice: Tr064Device@6cd76e66 {"uuid:739f2409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:41.509 5150 29558 D BoxFinder: stagingBox: with Tr064Device@6cd76e66 {"uuid:739f2409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:41.509 5150 29560 D InterfaceParsing: new TR-064 info for
02-19 20:57:41.510 5150 29558 D UpnpDiscovery: onDiscoveryResult: IgdDevice@23409b79 {"uuid:75802409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:41.512 5150 29558 D BoxFinder: onDeviceFound()
02-19 20:57:41.513 5150 29558 D BoxFinder: stagingDevice: IgdDevice@23409b79 {"uuid:75802409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:41.514 5150 29558 D BoxFinder: stagingBox: update known host with IgdDevice@23409b79 {"uuid:75802409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:41.514 5150 29563 D InterfaceParsing: new IGD info for
02-19 20:57:41.633 5150 29567 D UpnpDiscovery:
02-19 20:57:41.633 5150 29567 D UpnpDiscovery:, urn:dslforum-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
02-19 20:57:41.634 5150 29568 D UpnpDiscovery:
02-19 20:57:41.635 5150 29568 D UpnpDiscovery:, urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
02-19 20:57:41.656 5150 29561 D BoxFinder: JasonBoxinfo{name='FRITZ!Box 7412 (UI)', hw='209', version='137.06.83', revision='43527', serial='CCCE1EEEF5CB', oem='1und1', lang='de', country='049', annex='B', lab='null', flag=null, updateConfig=1}
02-19 20:57:41.656 5150 29561 D BoxFinder: stagingBox: done checking for box, success == true
02-19 20:57:41.656 5150 29561 D BoxFinder: stagingBox: still waiting for staging of Tr064Device@6cd76e66 {"uuid:739f2409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:41.666 5150 29568 D UpnpDiscovery: onDiscoveryResult: IgdDevice@98a07701 {""}
02-19 20:57:41.668 5150 29567 D UpnpDiscovery: onDiscoveryResult: Tr064Device@52b6677f {""}
02-19 20:57:41.748 5150 29563 D InterfaceParsing: mHasGetExternalIPAddress == true, mHasGetExternalIPv6Address == true, mHasGetCommonLinkProperties == true
02-19 20:57:41.749 5150 29563 D BoxFinder: stagingBox: update known host with IgdDevice@2ff785fa {"uuid:75802409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:41.749 5150 29563 D BoxFinder: stagingDevice: done staging IgdDevice, success == true
02-19 20:57:41.749 5150 29563 D BoxFinder: stagingBox: still waiting for staging of Tr064Device@6cd76e66 {"uuid:739f2409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:41.767 5150 5150 D UpnpDiscovery: onSearchDone: still searching
02-19 20:57:41.767 5150 5150 D UpnpDiscovery: onSearchDone: still searching
02-19 20:57:41.986 5150 29560 D BoxFinder: stagingBox: update known host with Tr064Device@72f2c58c {"uuid:739f2409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:41.986 5150 29560 D BoxFinder: stagingDevice: done staging Tr064Device, success == true
02-19 20:57:41.987 5150 29560 D BoxFinder: stagingBox: found box
02-19 20:57:42.006 5150 29558 D UpnpDiscovery: onDiscoveryResult: Tr064Device@6cd76e66 {"uuid:739f2409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:42.007 5150 29558 D UpnpDiscovery: onDiscoveryResult: IgdDevice@23409b79 {"uuid:75802409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:42.510 5150 29558 D UpnpDiscovery: onDiscoveryResult: Tr064Device@6cd76e66 {"uuid:739f2409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:42.518 5150 29558 D UpnpDiscovery: onDiscoveryResult: IgdDevice@23409b79 {"uuid:75802409-bccb-40e7-8e6c-CCCE1EEEF5CB"}
02-19 20:57:43.600 5150 5150 D UpnpDiscovery: onSearchDone: finished
02-19 20:57:43.601 5150 5150 D BoxFinder: onSearchDone: done
02-19 20:57:43.608 5150 5150 D UpnpDiscovery: cancelSearch()
02-19 20:57:43.622 5150 29571 D SoapConfig: new [31]{49000|0} no SSL
02-19 20:57:43.623 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Endpoint:
02-19 20:57:43.624 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Action: urn:dslforum-org:service:DeviceInfo:1#GetSecurityPort
02-19 20:57:43.625 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Req: <?xml version="1.0"?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:GetSecurityPort xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:DeviceInfo:1"></u:GetSecurityPort></s:Body></s:Envelope>
02-19 20:57:43.753 5150 29559 D UpnpDiscovery: call onCloseMulticastSocket() with
02-19 20:57:43.773 5150 29558 D UpnpDiscovery: call onCloseMulticastSocket() with
02-19 20:57:43.775 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <?xml version="1.0"?>
02-19 20:57:43.775 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
02-19 20:57:43.775 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <s:Body>
02-19 20:57:43.776 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <u:GetSecurityPortResponse xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:DeviceInfo:1">
02-19 20:57:43.776 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewSecurityPort>49443</NewSecurityPort>
02-19 20:57:43.777 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: </u:GetSecurityPortResponse>
02-19 20:57:43.777 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: </s:Body>
02-19 20:57:43.778 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: </s:Envelope>
02-19 20:57:43.778 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Endpoint:
02-19 20:57:43.778 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Action: urn:dslforum-org:service:LANConfigSecurity:1#X_AVM-DE_GetAnonymousLogin
02-19 20:57:43.778 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Req: <?xml version="1.0"?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:X_AVM-DE_GetAnonymousLogin xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:LANConfigSecurity:1"></u:X_AVM-DE_GetAnonymousLogin></s:Body></s:Envelope>
02-19 20:57:43.791 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <?xml version="1.0"?>
02-19 20:57:43.791 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
02-19 20:57:43.791 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <s:Body>
02-19 20:57:43.792 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <u:X_AVM-DE_GetAnonymousLoginResponse xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:LANConfigSecurity:1">
02-19 20:57:43.793 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewX_AVM-DE_AnonymousLoginEnabled>1</NewX_AVM-DE_AnonymousLoginEnabled>
02-19 20:57:43.793 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: </u:X_AVM-DE_GetAnonymousLoginResponse>
02-19 20:57:43.793 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: </s:Body>
02-19 20:57:43.793 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: </s:Envelope>
02-19 20:57:43.794 5150 29571 D execute: hasLEGACY==false, hasCONFIG==false, hasAPP==true
02-19 20:57:43.794 5150 29571 D probeCredentials()
02-19 20:57:43.796 5150 29571 D SoapConfig: new [32]{49000|49443} auth certp
02-19 20:57:43.796 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Endpoint:
02-19 20:57:43.796 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Action: urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_AppSetup:1#GetConfig
02-19 20:57:43.796 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Req: <?xml version="1.0"?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:GetConfig xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_AppSetup:1"></u:GetConfig></s:Body></s:Envelope>
02-19 20:57:44.394 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <?xml version="1.0"?>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <s:Body>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <u:GetConfigResponse xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_AppSetup:1">
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewConfigRight>NO</NewConfigRight>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewAppRight>NO</NewAppRight>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewNasRight>NO</NewNasRight>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewPhoneRight>RW</NewPhoneRight>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewDialRight>RW</NewDialRight>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewHomeautoRight>NO</NewHomeautoRight>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewInternetRights>0</NewInternetRights>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewAccessFromInternet>0</NewAccessFromInternet>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: </u:GetConfigResponse>
02-19 20:57:44.395 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: </s:Body>
02-19 20:57:44.396 5150 29571 D SoapMessage: Resp: </s:Envelope>
02-19 20:57:44.413 5150 29571 D ConnectListener.onSuccess()
02-19 20:57:44.422 1156 1156 D ZenLog : intercepted: 0||1|null|10085,!priority
02-19 20:57:44.424 1156 1156 V NotificationService: canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:44.435 5150 29572 D SoapConfig: new [33]{49000|49443} auth certp
02-19 20:57:44.436 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Endpoint:
02-19 20:57:44.436 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Action: urn:dslforum-org:service:X_VoIP:1#X_AVM-DE_GetClients
02-19 20:57:44.436 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Req: <?xml version="1.0"?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:X_AVM-DE_GetClients xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:X_VoIP:1"></u:X_AVM-DE_GetClients></s:Body></s:Envelope>
02-19 20:57:45.010 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Resp: <?xml version="1.0"?>
02-19 20:57:45.010 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Resp: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
02-19 20:57:45.011 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Resp: <s:Body>
02-19 20:57:45.011 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Resp: <u:X_AVM-DE_GetClientsResponse xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:X_VoIP:1">
02-19 20:57:45.014 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewX_AVM-DE_ClientList><List><Item><X_AVM-DE_ClientUsername>ance__AOSP_-_dl0108Y</X_AVM-DE_ClientUsername><X_AVM-DE_ClientIndex>0</X_AVM-DE_ClientIndex><X_AVM-DE_ClientRegistrar></X_AVM-DE_ClientRegistrar><X_AVM-DE_ClientRegistrarPort>5060</X_AVM-DE_ClientRegistrarPort><X_AVM-DE_ClientId>358095071101180;;8f79a4c7e828d2f6</X_AVM-DE_ClientId><X_AVM-DE_ExternalRegistration>0</X_AVM-DE_ExternalRegistration><X_AVM-DE_OutGoingNumber></X_AVM-DE_OutGoingNumber><X_AVM-DE_InComingNumbers><Item><Number /><Type>eAllCalls</Type><Index /><Name /></Item></X_AVM-DE_InComingNumbers><X_AVM-DE_PhoneName>FRITZ!App Fon (Sony Xperia X Performance (AOSP), Lyn Marg)</X_AVM-DE_PhoneName><X_AVM-DE_InternalNumber>620</X_AVM-DE_InternalNumber></Item></List>
02-19 20:57:45.015 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Resp: </NewX_AVM-DE_ClientList>
02-19 20:57:45.016 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Resp: </u:X_AVM-DE_GetClientsResponse>
02-19 20:57:45.017 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Resp: </s:Body>
02-19 20:57:45.018 5150 29572 D SoapMessage: Resp: </s:Envelope>
02-19 20:57:45.041 5150 5150 D UserAgent: hangup call
02-19 20:57:45.056 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Endpoint:
02-19 20:57:45.056 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Action: urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_TAM:1#GetList
02-19 20:57:45.056 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Req: <?xml version="1.0"?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:GetList xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_TAM:1"></u:GetList></s:Body></s:Envelope>
02-19 20:57:45.067 1156 1156 V NotificationService: canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:45.089 5150 5150 D b : Event: SIP | Nebenstelle auto 0
02-19 20:57:45.090 1156 1156 V NotificationService: canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:57:45.094 5150 29573 D setAlarm(3570s)
02-19 20:57:45.142 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Resp: <?xml version="1.0"?>
02-19 20:57:45.142 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Resp: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
02-19 20:57:45.142 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Resp: <s:Body>
02-19 20:57:45.142 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Resp: <u:GetListResponse xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_TAM:1">
02-19 20:57:45.142 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Resp: <NewTAMList><List><TAMRunning>1</TAMRunning><Stick>0</Stick><Status>0</Status><Capacity>147</Capacity><Item><Index>0</Index><Display>1</Display><Enable>0</Enable><Name>Anrufbeantworter</Name></Item><Item><Index>1</Index><Display>0</Display><Enable>0</Enable><Name></Name></Item><Item><Index>2</Index><Display>0</Display><Enable>0</Enable><Name></Name></Item><Item><Index>3</Index><Display>0</Display><Enable>0</Enable><Name></Name></Item><Item><Index>4</Index><Display>0</Display><Enable>0</Enable><Name></Name></Item></List>
02-19 20:57:45.142 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Resp: </NewTAMList>
02-19 20:57:45.142 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Resp: </u:GetListResponse>
02-19 20:57:45.142 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Resp: </s:Body>
02-19 20:57:45.142 5150 29576 D SoapMessage: Resp: </s:Envelope>
02-19 20:57:46.423 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ34 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:57:51.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:57:55.828 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 13 channels
02-19 20:57:55.829 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 9 channels
02-19 20:57:55.831 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 15 channels
02-19 20:57:56.073 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 13 channels
02-19 20:57:56.074 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 9 channels
02-19 20:57:56.075 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 15 channels
02-19 20:57:56.427 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:58:01.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:58:06.425 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:58:10.717 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: handleLingerComplete for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 122]
02-19 20:58:10.719 1515 1631 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
02-19 20:58:10.719 1515 1631 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: DcNetworkAgent: [unwanted]: disconnect apnContext={mApnType=default mState=CONNECTED mWaitingApns={[[ApnSettingV3] 1und1, 2882, 26207, internet, , , , , , -1, *, IP, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , false]} mApnSetting={[ApnSettingV3] 1und1, 2882, 26207, internet, , , , , , -1, *, IP, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , false} mReason=dataDisabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
02-19 20:58:10.721 1156 1334 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 122] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 7
02-19 20:58:10.820 3911 29388 D conversations: xml parser mishandled SSLException(Read error: ssl=0x7d42a91180: I/O error during system call, Connection timed out)
02-19 20:58:10.829 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:58:10.899 606 1154 E Netd : netlink response contains error (No such file or directory)
02-19 20:58:11.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:58:15.853 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:58:15.871 3911 29599 D conversations: connecting
02-19 20:58:15.924 3911 29599 D conversations: Resolver: [Result{ip='', hostame='', port=5222, directTls=false, authenticated=false, priority=0}, Result{ip='null', hostame='', port=5222, directTls=false, authenticated=false, priority=0}]
02-19 20:58:15.927 3911 29599 D conversations: using values from dns tls: false
02-19 20:58:16.241 3911 29599 D XmppDomainVerifier: searching for in srvNames: [] xmppAddrs: [] domains:[,,]
02-19 20:58:16.241 3911 29599 D XmppDomainVerifier: domain matched
02-19 20:58:16.247 3911 29599 D conversations: TLS connection established
02-19 20:58:16.290 3911 29599 D conversations: Authenticating with SCRAM-SHA-1
02-19 20:58:16.424 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:58:16.446 3911 29599 D conversations: logged in
02-19 20:58:16.541 3911 29599 D conversations: starting service discovery
02-19 20:58:16.541 3911 29599 D conversations: do not wait for service discovery
02-19 20:58:16.546 3911 29599 D conversations: server caps came from cache
02-19 20:58:16.548 3911 29599 D conversations: online with resource mobile
02-19 20:58:16.548 3911 29599 D conversations: fetching roster
02-19 20:58:16.575 1156 1156 V NotificationService: pkg=eu.siacs.conversations canInterrupt=false intercept=true
02-19 20:58:16.624 3911 29599 D conversations: unknown error in conference: <presence type="unavailable" xmlns="jabber:client" from="" to=""><status xmlns="jabber:client">Disconnected: Replaced by new connection</status><x xmlns=""><item affiliation="none" xmlns="" role="none"/><status code="110" xmlns=""/></x></presence>
02-19 20:58:16.651 3911 29599 D conversations: Requesting block list
02-19 20:58:16.661 3911 29599 D conversations: running mam query with=*, end=2018-02-19T19:58:16.584Z, order=NORMAL, after=9PTJVhuWCD7b67qf, catchup=true
02-19 20:58:16.662 3911 29599 D conversations: has pep but is not persistent
02-19 20:58:16.666 3911 29599 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Received PEP device list [439481988] update from, processing...
02-19 20:58:16.669 3911 29599 D conversations: ignoring duplicate own device id list
02-19 20:58:16.670 3911 29599 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Received PEP device list [1579790000] update from, processing...
02-19 20:58:16.721 3911 3980 D conversations: skipping shortcut update
02-19 20:58:16.722 3911 29599 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Received PEP device list [1270650686] update from, processing...
02-19 20:58:16.728 3911 29599 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Received PEP device list [792327584] update from, processing...
02-19 20:58:16.733 3911 29599 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Received PEP device list [904371111] update from, processing...
02-19 20:58:16.740 3911 29599 D conversations: joining conversation
02-19 20:58:16.741 3911 29599 D conversations: fetching members for c00l k1ds t4lk
02-19 20:58:16.741 3911 29599 D conversations: fetched muc configuration for - [, muc_unsecured, muc_unmoderated, muc_membersonly, muc_persistent, muc_hidden, muc_nonanonymous]
02-19 20:58:16.742 3911 29599 D conversations: joining conversation
02-19 20:58:16.743 3911 29599 D conversations: fetching members for Servers Of The Round
02-19 20:58:16.743 3911 29599 D conversations: fetched muc configuration for - [, muc_unsecured, muc_unmoderated, muc_membersonly, muc_persistent, muc_hidden, muc_nonanonymous]
02-19 20:58:16.746 3911 29599 D conversations: joining conversation
02-19 20:58:16.747 3911 29599 D conversations: running mam query, start=2018-02-05T10:13:56.242Z, end=2018-02-14T19:58:16.747Z, order=REVERSE, catchup=false
02-19 20:58:16.748 3911 29599 D conversations: running mam query, start=2018-02-14T19:58:16.747Z, end=2018-02-19T19:58:16.747Z, order=NORMAL, catchup=true
02-19 20:58:16.748 3911 29599 D conversations: fetched muc configuration for - [, muc_unsecured, muc_unmoderated, muc_open, muc_persistent, muc_public, muc_semianonymous, urn:xmpp:mam:2]
02-19 20:58:16.748 3911 29599 D conversations: successfully enabled carbons
02-19 20:58:16.748 3911 29599 D conversations: Received blocklist update from server
02-19 20:58:18.514 3911 29599 D conversations: error executing mam: <iq type="error" xmlns="jabber:client" to="" id="cLpjq/y5x6rOn4TfUkAiuMVyADU755HwInHhRu8KYcLjHgXgW5UliRVFu9dm9dyz0E0"><error type="cancel" xmlns="jabber:client"><internal-server-error xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Error reading storage</text></error></iq>
02-19 20:58:18.653 3911 29599 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Bundle 439481988 in PEP was current
02-19 20:58:18.653 3911 29599 D conversations: AxolotlService ( Announcing device 439481988
02-19 20:58:18.660 3911 29599 D conversations: skipping duplicate message with serverMsgIdUpdated=false
02-19 20:58:18.663 3911 29599 D conversations: retrieved members for [,,,]
02-19 20:58:18.665 3911 29599 D conversations: retrieved members for []
02-19 20:58:18.675 3911 4259 D conversations: 1 remaining tasks on executor 'DatabaseWriter'
02-19 20:58:18.686 3911 29599 D conversations: finished mam after 1(0) messages. messages left=false
02-19 20:58:18.687 3911 29599 D conversations: found 0 pending receipt requests
02-19 20:58:18.687 3911 29599 D conversations: finished mam after 0(0) messages. messages left=true
02-19 20:58:18.687 3911 29599 D conversations: found 0 pending receipt requests
02-19 20:58:18.714 3911 29599 D conversations: retrieved own device list: [439481988]
02-19 20:58:18.714 3911 29599 D conversations: ignoring duplicate own device id list
02-19 20:58:21.425 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:58:26.424 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:58:29.784 5150 5150 D NetworkChangedLollipopH: setAlarm()
02-19 20:58:29.827 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 13 channels
02-19 20:58:29.828 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 9 channels
02-19 20:58:29.829 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 15 channels
02-19 20:58:31.425 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:58:36.425 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:58:41.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:58:46.425 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:58:51.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:58:56.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:59:01.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ79 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:59:06.425 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:59:11.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:59:13.800 1964 29610 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: Connection refused
02-19 20:59:16.426 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:59:21.425 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:59:26.425 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:59:29.794 5150 5150 D NetworkChangedLollipopH: setAlarm()
02-19 20:59:29.819 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 13 channels
02-19 20:59:29.821 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 9 channels
02-19 20:59:29.822 1156 1332 I WifiHAL : Got channel list with 15 channels
02-19 20:59:31.425 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 to CPU1
02-19 20:59:36.423 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:59:37.324 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:59:37.324 584 809 E ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
02-19 20:59:37.324 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:59:37.324 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:59:37.334 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:59:37.396 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:59:40.644 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:59:40.645 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:59:40.645 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:59:41.188 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:59:41.188 584 809 E ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
02-19 20:59:41.188 584 809 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
02-19 20:59:41.188 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
02-19 20:59:41.203 584 809 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
02-19 20:59:41.235 584 809 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:59:41.395 556 556 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x13 conn_h=0x718022a1d0
02-19 20:59:41.395 556 556 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x5: req_h=0x13 msg_id=3: R/W request received
02-19 20:59:41.395 556 556 I rmt_storage: wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42
02-19 20:59:41.395 556 983 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x5 Unblock worker thread (th_id: 487478785104)
02-19 20:59:41.423 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:59:41.424 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU1 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:59:41.424 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU0 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:59:41.424 551 551 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU1 [P:1] (banned)
02-19 20:59:41.425 556 983 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x5: req_h=0x13 msg_id=3: Bytes written = 2097152
02-19 20:59:41.425 556 983 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x5: req_h=0x13 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0
02-19 20:59:41.425 556 983 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x5 About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 487478785104) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0
02-19 20:59:41.425 556 983 I rmt_storage:
02-19 20:59:41.426 556 556 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x13 conn_h=0x718022a1d0
02-19 20:59:43.972 1156 1868 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.todobom.opennotescanner/.OpenNoteScannerActivity bnds=[540,1128][747,1364] (has extras)} from uid 10086 on display 0
02-19 20:59:43.973 1156 1868 I RQBalance-PowerHAL: Setting performance mode
02-19 20:59:44.015 1156 1944 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29622:com.todobom.opennotescanner/u0a116 for activity com.todobom.opennotescanner/.OpenNoteScannerActivity
02-19 20:59:44.058 29622 29622 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
02-19 20:59:44.060 29622 29622 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.todobom.opennotescanner-1/lib/arm64
02-19 20:59:44.115 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: resuming
02-19 20:59:44.115 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: myBuild arm64-v8a
02-19 20:59:44.115 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: myBuild armeabi-v7a
02-19 20:59:44.115 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: myBuild armeabi
02-19 20:59:44.125 1156 3055 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29642:org.opencv.engine:OpenCVEngineProcess/u0a146 for service org.opencv.engine/.OpenCVEngineService
02-19 20:59:44.125 29642 29642 I art : Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
02-19 20:59:44.151 29642 29642 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
02-19 20:59:44.163 29642 29642 D OpenCVEngine/Service: Service starting
02-19 20:59:44.163 29642 29642 D OpenCVEngine/Service: Found config: config330
02-19 20:59:44.164 29642 29642 D OpenCVEngine/Service: Added config: 3.3.0
02-19 20:59:44.165 29642 29642 I OpenCVEngine/Service: Service onBind called for intent Intent { act=org.opencv.engine.BIND pkg=org.opencv.engine }
02-19 20:59:44.171 29622 29657 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : dfab96b, I762e720a6a
02-19 20:59:44.171 29622 29657 I Adreno : Build Date : 01/31/17
02-19 20:59:44.171 29622 29657 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.04
02-19 20:59:44.171 29622 29657 I Adreno : Local Branch :
02-19 20:59:44.171 29622 29657 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
02-19 20:59:44.171 29622 29657 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
02-19 20:59:44.171 29622 29657 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :
02-19 20:59:44.177 29622 29657 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
02-19 20:59:44.177 29622 29657 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
02-19 20:59:44.201 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Service connection created
02-19 20:59:44.202 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Trying to get library path
02-19 20:59:44.203 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Trying to get library list
02-19 20:59:44.203 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Library list: ""
02-19 20:59:44.203 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: First attempt to load libs
02-19 20:59:44.203 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Trying to init OpenCV libs
02-19 20:59:44.203 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Trying to load libs by dependency list
02-19 20:59:44.203 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Trying to load library /data/app/org.opencv.engine-1/lib/arm64/
02-19 20:59:44.210 1156 1177 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.todobom.opennotescanner/.OpenNoteScannerActivity: +209ms
02-19 20:59:44.216 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: OpenCV libs init was ok!
02-19 20:59:44.216 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: First attempt to load libs is OK
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: General configuration for OpenCV 3.3.0 =====================================
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Version control: 3.3.0
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Platform:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Timestamp: 2017-08-04T00:37:11Z
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Host: Linux 4.8.0-58-generic x86_64
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Target: Linux 1 aarch64
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: CMake:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: CMake generator: Ninja
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: CMake build tool: /usr/bin/ninja
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Configuration: Release
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: CPU/HW features:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Baseline: NEON
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: requested: NEON FP16
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: required: NEON
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: disabled: VFPV3
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C/C++:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Built as dynamic libs?: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C++ Compiler: /usr/bin/ccache /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-g++ (ver 4.9)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C++ flags (Release): -fexceptions -frtti -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -O3 -DNDEBUG -DNDEBUG
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C++ flags (Debug): -fexceptions -frtti -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -O0 -g -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C Compiler: /usr/bin/ccache /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C flags (Release): -fexceptions -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -O3 -DNDEBUG -DNDEBUG
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C flags (Debug): -fexceptions -Wno-psabi --sysroot=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -funwind-tables -fsigned-char -no-canonical-prefixes -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wa,--noexecstack -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -O0 -g -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Linker flags (Release): -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Linker flags (Debug): -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: ccache: YES
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Precompiled headers: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Extra dependencies: z dl m log
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: 3rdparty dependencies: cpufeatures libprotobuf libjpeg libwebp libpng libtiff libjasper IlmImf tegra_hal tbb
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: OpenCV modules:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: To be built: core flann imgproc ml objdetect photo video dnn imgcodecs shape videoio highgui superres features2d calib3d java stitching videostab
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Disabled: world
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Disabled by dependency: -
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Unavailable: cudaarithm cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev python2 python3 ts viz
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Android:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Android ABI: arm64-v8a
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: STL type: gnustl_static
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Native API level: android-21
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: SDK target: android-21
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Android NDK: /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e (toolchain: aarch64-linux-android-4.9)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: android tool: /opt/android/android-sdk-java7/tools/android (Android SDK Tools, revision 25.2.2.)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Google Play manager: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Android examples: YES
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GUI:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GTK+: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GThread : NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GtkGlExt: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: OpenGL support: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: VTK support: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Media I/O:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: ZLib: z (ver 1.2.3)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: JPEG: build (ver 90)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: WEBP: build (ver encoder: 0x020e)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: PNG: build (ver 1.6.24)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: TIFF: build (ver 42 - 4.0.2)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: JPEG 2000: build (ver 1.900.1)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: OpenEXR: build (ver 1.7.1)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GDAL: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: GDCM: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Video I/O:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Parallel framework: TBB (ver 4.4 interface 9003)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Trace: YES ()
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Other third-party libraries:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use Intel IPP: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use Intel IPP IW: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use Eigen: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use Cuda: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use OpenCL: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use OpenVX: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Use custom HAL: YES (carotene (ver 0.0.1))
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Python 2:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Interpreter: /usr/bin/python2.7 (ver 2.7.6)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Python 3:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Interpreter: /usr/bin/python3.4 (ver 3.4.3)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Python (for build): /usr/bin/python2.7
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Java:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: ant: /usr/bin/ant (ver 1.9.3)
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Java wrappers: YES
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Java tests: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Matlab: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Tests and samples:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Tests: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Performance tests: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: C/C++ Examples: NO
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: Install path: /build/master_pack-android/build/o4a/install
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper:
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: cvconfig.h is in: /build/master_pack-android/build/o4a
02-19 20:59:44.217 29622 29622 I OpenCVManager/Helper: -----------------------------------------------------------------
02-19 20:59:44.218 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Init finished with status 0
02-19 20:59:44.218 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Unbind from service
02-19 20:59:44.219 29642 29642 I OpenCVEngine/Service: Service onUnbind called for intent Intent { act=org.opencv.engine.BIND pkg=org.opencv.engine }
02-19 20:59:44.219 29622 29622 D OpenCVManager/Helper: Calling using callback
02-19 20:59:44.222 1156 23810 I ActivityManager: Killing 28852:com.brentpanther.bitcoinwidget/u0a114 (adj 906): empty #17
02-19 20:59:44.230 585 11658 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "com.todobom.opennotescanner", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1
02-19 20:59:44.238 596 29660 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe6faaea0), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:59:44.242 1156 1410 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28852
02-19 20:59:44.246 596 29662 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe578ccc0), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:59:44.252 596 29664 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe578c840), (1, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:59:44.255 585 11658 I Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: Opened. Client: com.todobom.opennotescanner (PID 29622, UID 10116)
02-19 20:59:44.256 585 11658 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0
02-19 20:59:44.257 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera2Factory::cameraDeviceOpen(int, struct hw_device_t **): 405: Open camera id 0 API version 768
02-19 20:59:44.259 585 11658 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:59:44.259 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::openCamera(struct hw_device_t **): 701: [KPI Perf]: E PROFILE_OPEN_CAMERA camera id 0
02-19 20:59:44.259 585 11658 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0
02-19 20:59:44.260 611 611 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 17 lines
02-19 20:59:44.267 611 29666 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:59:44.267 611 29667 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:59:44.268 611 29669 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 6 lines
02-19 20:59:44.269 611 29671 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:59:44.278 611 29672 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:59:44.282 611 29675 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 5 lines
02-19 20:59:44.305 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::openCamera(struct hw_device_t **): 711: [KPI Perf]: X PROFILE_OPEN_CAMERA camera id 0, rc: 0
02-19 20:59:44.305 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::initialize(const struct camera3_callback_ops *): 933: E :mCameraId = 0 mState = 1
02-19 20:59:44.306 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::initialize(const struct camera3_callback_ops *): 966: X
02-19 20:59:44.308 585 11658 W Camera2-Parameters: initialize: Camera 0: Unknown preview format: 24
02-19 20:59:44.308 585 11658 W Camera2-Parameters: initialize: Camera 0: Unknown preview format: 25
02-19 20:59:44.308 585 11658 W Camera2-Parameters: Unable to find the size to match the given aspect ratio 1.764151.Fall back to 0 x 0
02-19 20:59:44.309 585 11658 I Camera2-Parameters: Camera 0: Disabling ZSL mode
02-19 20:59:44.309 585 11658 I Camera2-Parameters: initialize: allowZslMode: 0 slowJpegMode 1
02-19 20:59:44.313 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported preview resolution: 1920x1080
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 5984x3392 ratio: 1.764151
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 5504x3104 ratio: 1.7731959
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 5312x2988 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 4160x3120 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 4000x3000 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 3840x2160 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 3264x2448 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 3200x2400 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 2976x2976 ratio: 1.0
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 2592x1944 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 2688x1512 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 2048x1536 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1920x1080 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1600x1200 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1440x1080 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1280x960 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1280x768 ratio: 1.6666666
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1280x720 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1200x1200 ratio: 1.0
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 1024x768 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 800x600 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 864x480 ratio: 1.8
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 800x480 ratio: 1.6666666
02-19 20:59:44.315 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 720x480 ratio: 1.5
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 640x480 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 640x360 ratio: 1.7777778
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 480x640 ratio: 0.75
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 480x360 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 480x320 ratio: 1.5
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 352x288 ratio: 1.2222222
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 320x240 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 240x320 ratio: 0.75
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 176x144 ratio: 1.2222222
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 160x120 ratio: 1.3333334
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: supported picture resolution: 144x176 ratio: 0.8181818
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: Max supported picture resolution with preview aspect ratio: 5312x2988
02-19 20:59:44.316 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: max supported picture resolution: 5312x2988
02-19 20:59:44.317 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: enabling autofocus
02-19 20:59:44.318 585 11658 E Camera2-Metadata: Mismatched tag type when updating entry enable (-2146762752) of type byte; got type int32 data instead
02-19 20:59:44.318 585 11658 E Camera2-Metadata: Mismatched tag type when updating entry is_main (-2146762751) of type byte; got type int32 data instead
02-19 20:59:44.318 585 11658 E Camera2-Metadata: Mismatched tag type when updating entry enable (-2146762752) of type byte; got type int32 data instead
02-19 20:59:44.318 585 11658 E Camera2-Metadata: Mismatched tag type when updating entry is_main (-2146762751) of type byte; got type int32 data instead
02-19 20:59:44.319 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> static int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::flush(const struct camera3_device *): 10086: Flush returned during state 2
02-19 20:59:44.319 585 1256 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:59:44.319 585 1256 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::configureStreamsPerfLocked(camera3_stream_configuration_t *): 1561: stream[0] type = 0, format = 34, width = 1920, height = 1080, rotation = 0, usage = 0x900
02-19 20:59:44.320 611 29684 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 77 lines
02-19 20:59:44.327 585 1256 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for request queue thread (tid 29691)
02-19 20:59:44.328 585 29691 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:59:44.328 585 29691 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3722: STREAM INFO : type 1, wxh: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:1 is_type: 0
02-19 20:59:44.328 585 29691 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3722: STREAM INFO : type 11, wxh: 640 x 480, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:0 is_type: 0
02-19 20:59:44.449 611 902 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) CAM_imgTh expire 11 lines
02-19 20:59:44.454 611 29704 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 24 lines
02-19 20:59:44.458 611 29670 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 4 lines
02-19 20:59:44.463 611 29677 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:59:44.475 611 29670 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:59:44.476 611 29684 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 2 lines
02-19 20:59:44.478 611 29703 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:59:44.479 611 29673 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 3 lines
02-19 20:59:44.562 611 29677 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 1 line
02-19 20:59:44.583 585 11658 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:59:44.584 611 29684 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem expire 2 lines
02-19 20:59:44.585 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1617: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
02-19 20:59:44.586 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2209: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 3
02-19 20:59:44.586 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10950: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: streamoff, first bundled streamoff all bindled streams!
02-19 20:59:44.587 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 382: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: interace 0 active count = 1, skip stop ispif
02-19 20:59:44.587 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2399: iface_streamoff: session_id = 1, active_streams = 0
02-19 20:59:44.587 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2481: iface_streamoff: X
02-19 20:59:44.587 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1643: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
02-19 20:59:44.587 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10003, stream type=11
02-19 20:59:44.588 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000009
02-19 20:59:44.588 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10002 stream type=1
02-19 20:59:44.589 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 3906: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event: info: doing stream-off for identity 0x10002
02-19 20:59:44.589 611 29677 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 359: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 0 BW inst 0
02-19 20:59:44.589 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 4091: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event: info: stream-off done for identity 0x10002
02-19 20:59:44.590 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1617: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
02-19 20:59:44.590 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2209: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 2
02-19 20:59:44.590 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10956: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 0 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 2total bundled stream num = 2
02-19 20:59:44.594 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2418: iface_streamoff: session id = 0x1,Delta between vfe irqs 0 sec 0 usec
02-19 20:59:44.596 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10005: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 1, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 10000
02-19 20:59:44.596 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10005: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 0, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 0
02-19 20:59:44.597 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2476: iface_streamoff: all bundled stream streamoff, clear hal bundled mask
02-19 20:59:44.598 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2481: iface_streamoff: X
02-19 20:59:44.598 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1643: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
02-19 20:59:44.598 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 177: stop_sof_check_thread: Stopping SOF timeout thread session =1
02-19 20:59:44.598 611 29706 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 114: mct_bus_sof_thread_run: Closing SOF tracker thread
02-19 20:59:44.598 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10002, stream type=1
02-19 20:59:44.600 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000009
02-19 20:59:44.600 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10001 stream type=7
02-19 20:59:44.600 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10001, stream type=7
02-19 20:59:44.608 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::configureStreamsPerfLocked(camera3_stream_configuration_t *): 1561: stream[0] type = 0, format = 34, width = 1920, height = 1080, rotation = 0, usage = 0x900
02-19 20:59:44.608 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::configureStreamsPerfLocked(camera3_stream_configuration_t *): 1561: stream[1] type = 0, format = 35, width = 1920, height = 1080, rotation = 0, usage = 0x3
02-19 20:59:44.609 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000b
02-19 20:59:44.609 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3875: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10002 and stream type=1
02-19 20:59:44.609 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 671: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 2 mode 0
02-19 20:59:44.609 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve: ide 10002 port 0xe56e4440
02-19 20:59:44.610 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3886: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10002 and stream type=1, successfully deleted
02-19 20:59:44.611 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000b
02-19 20:59:44.611 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3875: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10001 and stream type=7
02-19 20:59:44.611 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3886: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10001 and stream type=7, successfully deleted
02-19 20:59:44.612 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000b
02-19 20:59:44.612 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3875: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10003 and stream type=11
02-19 20:59:44.612 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 671: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 3 mode 0
02-19 20:59:44.612 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve: ide 10003 port 0xe56e4440
02-19 20:59:44.612 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3886: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10003 and stream type=11, successfully deleted
02-19 20:59:44.613 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000a
02-19 20:59:44.614 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000018
02-19 20:59:44.614 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 589: mct_stream_start_link: Link Metadata stream 0x10001: do nothing
02-19 20:59:44.614 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3755: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10001 stream type=7
02-19 20:59:44.614 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000004
02-19 20:59:44.615 585 11658 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for request queue thread (tid 29691)
02-19 20:59:44.618 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6538: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info: Deallocate resources
02-19 20:59:44.620 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2537: isp_resource_allocate: INFO: ISP resource acquired: session 1 num_isp 1
02-19 20:59:44.620 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2539: isp_resource_allocate: INFO: ISP resource acquired: hw_id 1
02-19 20:59:44.620 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6461: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping: stream_port_map num streams 0
02-19 20:59:44.621 585 29691 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:59:44.621 585 29691 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3722: STREAM INFO : type 1, wxh: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:1 is_type: 0
02-19 20:59:44.621 585 29691 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3722: STREAM INFO : type 5, wxh: 1920 x 1080, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:0 is_type: 0
02-19 20:59:44.621 585 29691 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *): 3722: STREAM INFO : type 11, wxh: 640 x 480, pp_mask: 0x100068e Format:0 is_type: 0
02-19 20:59:44.622 611 29684 I mm-camera: <C2D >< INFO> 1756: c2d_module_handle_set_parm_event: META_STREAM_INFO type = 1 w x h : 1920 x 1080 pp_mask = 0x100068e
02-19 20:59:44.622 611 29684 I mm-camera: <C2D >< INFO> 1756: c2d_module_handle_set_parm_event: META_STREAM_INFO type = 5 w x h : 1920 x 1080 pp_mask = 0x100068e
02-19 20:59:44.622 611 29684 I mm-camera: <C2D >< INFO> 1756: c2d_module_handle_set_parm_event: META_STREAM_INFO type = 11 w x h : 640 x 480 pp_mask = 0x100068e
02-19 20:59:44.622 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6535: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info: Stream type 1 Resolution: 1920x1080 pp_mask: 0x100068e
02-19 20:59:44.622 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6535: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info: Stream type 5 Resolution: 1920x1080 pp_mask: 0x100068e
02-19 20:59:44.622 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6535: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info: Stream type 11 Resolution: 640x480 pp_mask: 0x100068e
02-19 20:59:44.624 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2537: isp_resource_allocate: INFO: ISP resource acquired: session 1 num_isp 1
02-19 20:59:44.624 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2539: isp_resource_allocate: INFO: ISP resource acquired: hw_id 1
02-19 20:59:44.624 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6461: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping: stream_port_map num streams 3
02-19 20:59:44.624 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6474: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping: INFO: type 1 resolution 1920x1080 hw_stream 1 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 is_changed 0 changed_dim 1920x1080
02-19 20:59:44.624 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6474: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping: INFO: type 5 resolution 1920x1080 hw_stream 1 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 is_changed 0 changed_dim 1920x1080
02-19 20:59:44.624 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6474: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping: INFO: type 11 resolution 640x480 hw_stream 2 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 is_changed 0 changed_dim 640x480
02-19 20:59:44.628 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000a
02-19 20:59:44.630 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000018
02-19 20:59:44.630 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 484: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking preview stream 0x10002
02-19 20:59:44.630 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 494: mct_stream_start_link: non secure stream linking
02-19 20:59:44.630 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 801: isp_port_check_caps_reserve: port 0xe56e4440 ide 10002 type 1 dim 1920 1080
02-19 20:59:44.630 611 29684 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 446: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: in identity 10002 stream 1 int_link = 0xe56fd100
02-19 20:59:44.630 611 29684 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 458: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: :LINK linking mods tmod and paaf for identity 10002
02-19 20:59:44.630 611 29684 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 458: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: :LINK linking mods paaf and cpp for identity 10002
02-19 20:59:44.630 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 2159: cpp_module_notify_add_stream: :width 1920, height 1080, stride 1920, scanline 1088, framelen 3248128
02-19 20:59:44.630 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 2183: cpp_module_notify_add_stream: offset_x 0, offset_y 0, offset 0, meta_len 12288,meta_scanline 144, meta_stride 64, plane_len 2101248
02-19 20:59:44.630 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 2183: cpp_module_notify_add_stream: offset_x 0, offset_y 0, offset 0, meta_len 8192,meta_scanline 80, meta_stride 64, plane_len 1146880
02-19 20:59:44.631 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 2324: cpp_module_notify_add_stream: : stream 1, fmt 66, asf_mode 1, sharpness_level 1.000000,asf mask 1, denoise 1, denoise_mask 1, dsdn mask 0,dsdn enable 0, tnr mask 0, tnr enable 0, ds_mask 1
02-19 20:59:44.631 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3755: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10002 stream type=1
02-19 20:59:44.631 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000004
02-19 20:59:44.632 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000a
02-19 20:59:44.633 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000018
02-19 20:59:44.633 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 524: mct_stream_start_link: Start linking callback stream 0x10003
02-19 20:59:44.633 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 801: isp_port_check_caps_reserve: port 0xe56e4440 ide 10003 type 5 dim 1920 1080
02-19 20:59:44.633 611 29684 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 446: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: in identity 10003 stream 5 int_link = 0xe56fd100
02-19 20:59:44.633 611 29684 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 458: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: :LINK linking mods tmod and cpp for identity 10003
02-19 20:59:44.633 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 2159: cpp_module_notify_add_stream: :width 1920, height 1080, stride 1920, scanline 1088, framelen 3133440
02-19 20:59:44.633 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 2183: cpp_module_notify_add_stream: offset_x 0, offset_y 0, offset 0, meta_len 0,meta_scanline 0, meta_stride 0, plane_len 2088960
02-19 20:59:44.633 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 2183: cpp_module_notify_add_stream: offset_x 0, offset_y 0, offset 0, meta_len 0,meta_scanline 0, meta_stride 0, plane_len 1044480
02-19 20:59:44.633 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 2324: cpp_module_notify_add_stream: : stream 5, fmt 2, asf_mode 1, sharpness_level 1.000000,asf mask 1, denoise 1, denoise_mask 1, dsdn mask 0,dsdn enable 0, tnr mask 0, tnr enable 0, ds_mask 1
02-19 20:59:44.633 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3755: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10003 stream type=5
02-19 20:59:44.635 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000004
02-19 20:59:44.638 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000a
02-19 20:59:44.639 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000018
02-19 20:59:44.639 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 577: mct_stream_start_link: Starting Analysis stream linking
02-19 20:59:44.639 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 801: isp_port_check_caps_reserve: port 0xe56e4440 ide 10004 type 11 dim 640 480
02-19 20:59:44.640 611 29684 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 446: pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: in identity 10004 stream 11 int_link = 0xe56fd380
02-19 20:59:44.640 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3755: mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x10004 stream type=11
02-19 20:59:44.640 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000004
02-19 20:59:44.641 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000019
02-19 20:59:44.641 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000019
02-19 20:59:44.642 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000019
02-19 20:59:44.658 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000008
02-19 20:59:44.658 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10001 stream type=7
02-19 20:59:44.658 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10001, stream type=7
02-19 20:59:44.659 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000008
02-19 20:59:44.659 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10002 stream type=1
02-19 20:59:44.659 611 29684 I mm-camera: <SENSOR>< INFO> 3604: sensor_get_resolution_info: sensor info: name: imx300, res: 1, max_fps: 59.960000, w: 2992, h: 1696 op pix clk: 464000000, FLL: 1788, LLPCK: 7096, mode: 1, PDAF support: 0
02-19 20:59:44.659 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 1720: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event: frame_offset=3, input_fps=30.00, identity=0x1000f
02-19 20:59:44.659 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 1720: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event: frame_offset=3, input_fps=30.00, identity=0x10002
02-19 20:59:44.659 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 1720: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event: frame_offset=3, input_fps=30.00, identity=0x10003
02-19 20:59:44.661 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 409: iface_util_dump_sensor_cfg: iface_util_dump_sensor_cfg: sensor dim: width = 2992, heght = 1696, fmt = 31, is_bayer = 1, init_skip = 2
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3569: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: =====DUMP RESOURCE: PIX STREAM===
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3570: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num pix stream = 2
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3573: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num_isp = 1, isp_mask = 2, request_op_pix_clk = 0
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3577: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: ispif stripe info: split 0, overlap 0, stripe offset 0
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3580: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: pix stream 0
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3583: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 2(Mapped stream ID[0] = 2)
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3586: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: axi path = 0(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 102
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3580: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: pix stream 1
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3583: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 1(Mapped stream ID[0] = 4)
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3586: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: axi path = 2(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 102
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3608: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num STATS stream = 5
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 851: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] stream type 1, width 1920, height 1080,stride 1920, scanline 1080, planes 2
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 870: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] plane 0, stride 1920, scanline 1080, offset_x 0, offset_y 0, len 2073600, offset:0
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 870: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] plane 1, stride 1920, scanline 1080, offset_x 0, offset_y 0, len 1036800, offset:0
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 851: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] stream type 5, width 1920, height 1080,stride 1920, scanline 1080, planes 2
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 870: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] plane 0, stride 1920, scanline 1080, offset_x 0, offset_y 0, len 2073600, offset:0
02-19 20:59:44.663 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 870: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] plane 1, stride 1920, scanline 1080, offset_x 0, offset_y 0, len 1036800, offset:0
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8863: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: =====Camif DUMP cfg for PIX interface====
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8865: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif input type = 3(MIPI=3), op_pix_clk = 329345656
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8867: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif pix_pattern(RGRG-0/GRGR-1/BGBG-2/GBGB-3) = 2
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8869: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif first_pix = 0, last_pix = 2991
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8871: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif first_line = 0, last_line = 1695
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8873: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif pixels_per_line = 2992, lines_per_frame = 1696
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8877: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif irq subsample pattern = 0, period = 0 sof_step 1
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 549: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: === AXI DUMP: VFE session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ===
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 553: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: AXI DUMP Axi_src: ENCODER hw_stream width 1920, height 1080
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 555: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 558: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 2
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 1920, height = 1080
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 1080
02-19 20:59:44.665 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: width = 1920, height = 540
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 540
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 549: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: === AXI DUMP: VFE session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10004 ===
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 553: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: AXI DUMP Axi_src: VIDEO hw_stream width 640, height 480
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 555: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 558: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 2
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 640, height = 480
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 640, scanlines = 480
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: width = 640, height = 240
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: stride = 640, scanlines = 240
02-19 20:59:44.666 611 29719 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
02-19 20:59:44.669 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1562: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
02-19 20:59:44.670 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 896: mesh_rolloff_calc_config: camif_width 2992 camif_height 1696 subgrid_num 2
02-19 20:59:44.670 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1905: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 2
02-19 20:59:44.670 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10942: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: got No.1 bundled streamon, mct stream id 2total bundled stream num = 3
02-19 20:59:44.679 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 3815: cpp_module_handle_streamon_event: identity=0x10002, stream-on done
02-19 20:59:44.679 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1591: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
02-19 20:59:44.679 611 29677 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 359: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 188519392 BW inst 188519392
02-19 20:59:44.679 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 154: start_sof_check_thread: Starting SOF timeout thread session id =1
02-19 20:59:44.680 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10002, stream type=1
02-19 20:59:44.681 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000008
02-19 20:59:44.681 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10003 stream type=5
02-19 20:59:44.681 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1562: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
02-19 20:59:44.681 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1905: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 3
02-19 20:59:44.681 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10942: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: got No.2 bundled streamon, mct stream id 3total bundled stream num = 3
02-19 20:59:44.682 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 3815: cpp_module_handle_streamon_event: identity=0x10003, stream-on done
02-19 20:59:44.682 611 29677 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 359: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 398471424 BW inst 398471424
02-19 20:59:44.683 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1591: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
02-19 20:59:44.683 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10003, stream type=5
02-19 20:59:44.683 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000008
02-19 20:59:44.683 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10004 stream type=11
02-19 20:59:44.683 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1562: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
02-19 20:59:44.683 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1905: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4
02-19 20:59:44.683 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10936: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: streamon, got all bundled streamon!
02-19 20:59:44.692 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2545: ltm47_store_hw_update: disabling IP
02-19 20:59:44.699 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2171: iface_streamon: X
02-19 20:59:44.699 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1591: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
02-19 20:59:44.699 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10004, stream type=11
02-19 20:59:44.732 611 29718 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 1260: isp_handler_module_handle_reg_update: Warning! Invalid reg_update state 0
02-19 20:59:44.733 611 29673 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2545: ltm47_store_hw_update: disabling IP
02-19 20:59:44.767 611 29673 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2545: ltm47_store_hw_update: disabling IP
02-19 20:59:44.815 611 29677 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 359: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 398471424 BW inst 398471424
02-19 20:59:44.833 611 29673 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 245: ihist_stats46_stats_config_validate: warning: Invalid IHIST ROI from 3A 0 0 0 0
02-19 20:59:44.867 611 29673 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2545: ltm47_store_hw_update: disabling IP
02-19 20:59:44.899 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: onPreviewFrame - received image 1920x1080 focused: true imageprocessor: available
02-19 20:59:44.900 611 29673 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2545: ltm47_store_hw_update: disabling IP
02-19 20:59:44.917 29622 29622 D OpenNoteScannerActivity: sending message to ImageProcessor: previewFrame - com.todobom.opennotescanner.helpers.PreviewFrame@4bc5cc4
02-19 20:59:44.918 29622 29650 D ImageProcessor: Message Received: previewFrame - com.todobom.opennotescanner.helpers.PreviewFrame@4bc5cc4
02-19 20:59:44.942 611 29673 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2545: ltm47_store_hw_update: disabling IP
02-19 20:59:44.942 29622 29650 E cv::error(): OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (_dx.type() == CV_16SC1 || _dx.type() == CV_16SC3) in void cv::Canny(cv::InputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, double, double, bool), file /build/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/canny.cpp, line 1076
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E org.opencv.imgproc: imgproc::Canny_11() caught cv::Exception: /build/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/canny.cpp:1076: error: (-215) _dx.type() == CV_16SC1 || _dx.type() == CV_16SC3 in function void cv::Canny(cv::InputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, double, double, bool)
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: Worker Thread
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.todobom.opennotescanner, PID: 29622
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: CvException [org.opencv.core.CvException: cv::Exception: /build/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/canny.cpp:1076: error: (-215) _dx.type() == CV_16SC1 || _dx.type() == CV_16SC3 in function void cv::Canny(cv::InputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, double, double, bool)
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: ]
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.Canny_1(Native Method)
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.Canny(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.findContours(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.detectPreviewDocument(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.processPreviewFrame(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.handleMessage(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-19 20:59:44.946 1156 1645 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.todobom.opennotescanner/.OpenNoteScannerActivity
02-19 20:59:44.949 29622 29650 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 29622 SIG: 9
02-19 20:59:44.960 559 559 E lowmemorykiller: Error writing /proc/29622/oom_score_adj; errno=22
02-19 20:59:44.960 1156 1170 W ActivityManager: Failed setting process group of 29622 to 1
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Given thread 29657 does not exist
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: at android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(Native Method)
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: at
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: at
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: at
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: at
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: at$BroadcastHandler.handleMessage(
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: at
02-19 20:59:44.961 1156 1170 W System.err: at
02-19 20:59:44.971 1156 1320 W InputDispatcher: channel '49f3242 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
02-19 20:59:44.971 1156 1320 E InputDispatcher: channel '49f3242 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
02-19 20:59:44.976 1156 1644 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 9
02-19 20:59:44.976 1156 1952 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{49f3242 u0 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity}
02-19 20:59:44.976 1156 1952 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '49f3242 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity (server)'
02-19 20:59:44.976 1156 1952 W WindowManager: Force-removing child win Window{f7248b5 u0 SurfaceView - com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity} from container Window{49f3242 u0 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity}
02-19 20:59:44.976 585 11658 E Camera2Client: notifyError: Error condition 0 reported by HAL, requestId -1
02-19 20:59:44.977 1156 1645 I ActivityManager: Process com.todobom.opennotescanner (pid 29622) has died
02-19 20:59:44.977 1156 1645 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 29622
02-19 20:59:44.980 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000009
02-19 20:59:44.980 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10004 stream type=11
02-19 20:59:44.980 1156 1644 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
02-19 20:59:44.980 1156 1644 W WindowManager: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@1d618cb does not exist
02-19 20:59:44.980 1156 1644 W WindowManager: at
02-19 20:59:44.980 1156 1644 W WindowManager: at
02-19 20:59:44.980 1156 1644 W WindowManager: at$DeathRecipient.binderDied(
02-19 20:59:44.980 1156 1644 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(
02-19 20:59:44.980 1156 1644 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: null
02-19 20:59:44.980 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1617: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
02-19 20:59:44.980 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2209: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4
02-19 20:59:44.980 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10950: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: streamoff, first bundled streamoff all bindled streams!
02-19 20:59:44.982 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 382: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: interace 0 active count = 1, skip stop ispif
02-19 20:59:44.982 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2399: iface_streamoff: session_id = 1, active_streams = 0
02-19 20:59:44.982 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2481: iface_streamoff: X
02-19 20:59:44.982 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1643: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
02-19 20:59:44.982 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10004, stream type=11
02-19 20:59:44.983 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000009
02-19 20:59:44.983 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10002 stream type=1
02-19 20:59:44.984 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 3906: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event: info: doing stream-off for identity 0x10002
02-19 20:59:44.984 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 4091: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event: info: stream-off done for identity 0x10002
02-19 20:59:44.984 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1617: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
02-19 20:59:44.984 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2209: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 2
02-19 20:59:44.984 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10956: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 1 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 2total bundled stream num = 3
02-19 20:59:44.984 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2481: iface_streamoff: X
02-19 20:59:44.984 561 561 W SurfaceFlinger: couldn't log to binary event log: overflow.
02-19 20:59:44.984 611 29677 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 359: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 209952000 BW inst 209952000
02-19 20:59:44.984 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1643: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
02-19 20:59:44.984 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10002, stream type=1
02-19 20:59:44.986 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000009
02-19 20:59:44.986 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10003 stream type=5
02-19 20:59:44.987 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 3906: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event: info: doing stream-off for identity 0x10003
02-19 20:59:44.987 611 29677 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 359: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 0 BW inst 0
02-19 20:59:44.987 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 4091: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event: info: stream-off done for identity 0x10003
02-19 20:59:44.988 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1617: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
02-19 20:59:44.988 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2209: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 3
02-19 20:59:44.988 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10956: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 0 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 3total bundled stream num = 3
02-19 20:59:44.992 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2418: iface_streamoff: session id = 0x1,Delta between vfe irqs 0 sec 0 usec
02-19 20:59:44.995 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10005: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 1, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 10000
02-19 20:59:44.995 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10005: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 0, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 0
02-19 20:59:44.996 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2476: iface_streamoff: all bundled stream streamoff, clear hal bundled mask
02-19 20:59:44.997 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2481: iface_streamoff: X
02-19 20:59:44.997 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1643: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
02-19 20:59:44.997 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 177: stop_sof_check_thread: Stopping SOF timeout thread session =1
02-19 20:59:44.997 611 29721 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 114: mct_bus_sof_thread_run: Closing SOF tracker thread
02-19 20:59:44.997 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10003, stream type=5
02-19 20:59:44.998 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000009
02-19 20:59:44.998 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10001 stream type=7
02-19 20:59:44.998 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10001, stream type=7
02-19 20:59:45.024 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000019
02-19 20:59:45.028 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000019
02-19 20:59:45.029 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000019
02-19 20:59:45.029 585 11658 W Camera2Client: notifyError: Received recoverable error 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000001
02-19 20:59:45.029 585 11658 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 1
02-19 20:59:45.029 585 11658 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 0
02-19 20:59:45.030 561 2029 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView - com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
02-19 20:59:45.030 585 11658 W Camera2Client: notifyError: Received recoverable error 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000001
02-19 20:59:45.030 585 11658 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 1
02-19 20:59:45.030 585 11658 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 0
02-19 20:59:45.030 561 1346 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView - com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
02-19 20:59:45.030 585 11658 W Camera2Client: notifyError: Received recoverable error 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000001
02-19 20:59:45.030 585 11658 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 1
02-19 20:59:45.030 585 11658 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 0
02-19 20:59:45.030 561 586 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView - com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
02-19 20:59:45.030 585 11658 W Camera2Client: notifyError: Received recoverable error 3 from HAL - ignoring, requestId 10000001
02-19 20:59:45.030 585 11658 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 1
02-19 20:59:45.030 585 11658 W Camera3-OutputStream: A frame is dropped for stream 0
02-19 20:59:45.030 561 5997 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView - com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
02-19 20:59:45.035 1156 1410 I RQBalance-PowerHAL: Setting balanced mode
02-19 20:59:45.066 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000008
02-19 20:59:45.066 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10001 stream type=7
02-19 20:59:45.066 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10001, stream type=7
02-19 20:59:45.073 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000008
02-19 20:59:45.073 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10002 stream type=1
02-19 20:59:45.073 611 29684 I mm-camera: <SENSOR>< INFO> 3604: sensor_get_resolution_info: sensor info: name: imx300, res: 1, max_fps: 59.960000, w: 2992, h: 1696 op pix clk: 464000000, FLL: 1788, LLPCK: 7096, mode: 1, PDAF support: 0
02-19 20:59:45.073 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 1720: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event: frame_offset=3, input_fps=30.00, identity=0x1000f
02-19 20:59:45.074 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 1720: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event: frame_offset=3, input_fps=30.00, identity=0x10002
02-19 20:59:45.074 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 1720: cpp_module_handle_stream_cfg_event: frame_offset=3, input_fps=30.00, identity=0x10003
02-19 20:59:45.075 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 409: iface_util_dump_sensor_cfg: iface_util_dump_sensor_cfg: sensor dim: width = 2992, heght = 1696, fmt = 31, is_bayer = 1, init_skip = 2
02-19 20:59:45.075 611 29681 I mm-camera: <STATS_AF >< INFO> 439: af_util_done: af->af_mode.mode = 3, af->caf.state=1
02-19 20:59:45.075 611 29681 I mm-camera: <STATS_AF >< INFO> 469: af_util_done: MainCamera=0 final lens pos 315, status=2
02-19 20:59:45.076 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3569: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: =====DUMP RESOURCE: PIX STREAM===
02-19 20:59:45.076 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3570: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num pix stream = 2
02-19 20:59:45.076 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3573: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num_isp = 1, isp_mask = 2, request_op_pix_clk = 0
02-19 20:59:45.076 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3577: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: ispif stripe info: split 0, overlap 0, stripe offset 0
02-19 20:59:45.076 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3580: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: pix stream 0
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3583: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 2(Mapped stream ID[0] = 2)
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3586: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: axi path = 0(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 102
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3580: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: pix stream 1
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3583: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num mct stream mapped = 1(Mapped stream ID[0] = 4)
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3586: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: axi path = 2(ENC-0/VIEW-1/CAMIF-2/IDEAL-3), cam_fmt 102
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 3608: iface_util_dump_isp_resource_request: num STATS stream = 5
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 851: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] stream type 1, width 1920, height 1080,stride 1920, scanline 1080, planes 2
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 870: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] plane 0, stride 1920, scanline 1080, offset_x 0, offset_y 0, len 2073600, offset:0
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 870: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] plane 1, stride 1920, scanline 1080, offset_x 0, offset_y 0, len 1036800, offset:0
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 851: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] stream type 5, width 1920, height 1080,stride 1920, scanline 1080, planes 2
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 870: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] plane 0, stride 1920, scanline 1080, offset_x 0, offset_y 0, len 2073600, offset:0
02-19 20:59:45.077 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 870: cpp_module_handle_isp_out_dim_event: [STREAM_PARAMS] plane 1, stride 1920, scanline 1080, offset_x 0, offset_y 0, len 1036800, offset:0
02-19 20:59:45.080 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8863: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: =====Camif DUMP cfg for PIX interface====
02-19 20:59:45.080 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8865: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif input type = 3(MIPI=3), op_pix_clk = 329345656
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8867: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif pix_pattern(RGRG-0/GRGR-1/BGBG-2/GBGB-3) = 2
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8869: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif first_pix = 0, last_pix = 2991
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8871: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif first_line = 0, last_line = 1695
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8873: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif pixels_per_line = 2992, lines_per_frame = 1696
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 8877: iface_util_dump_camif_cfg: camif irq subsample pattern = 0, period = 0 sof_step 1
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 549: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: === AXI DUMP: VFE session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ===
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 553: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: AXI DUMP Axi_src: ENCODER hw_stream width 1920, height 1080
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 555: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 558: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 2
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 1920, height = 1080
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 1080
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: width = 1920, height = 540
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: stride = 1920, scanlines = 540
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 549: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: === AXI DUMP: VFE session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10004 ===
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 553: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: AXI DUMP Axi_src: VIDEO hw_stream width 640, height 480
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 555: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: need buf divert = 1, burst count = 0
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 558: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: hfr mode = 0, skip pattern = 0, init_frame_drop = 2
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: width = 640, height = 480
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: stride = 640, scanlines = 480
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[0]: address_offset 0
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 591: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: plane_fmt 4(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4)
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 593: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: width = 640, height = 240
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 595: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: stride = 640, scanlines = 240
02-19 20:59:45.081 611 29737 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 597: iface_dump_axi_plane_config: plane[1]: address_offset 0
02-19 20:59:45.083 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1562: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
02-19 20:59:45.083 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1905: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 2
02-19 20:59:45.083 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10942: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: got No.1 bundled streamon, mct stream id 2total bundled stream num = 3
02-19 20:59:45.084 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 896: mesh_rolloff_calc_config: camif_width 2992 camif_height 1696 subgrid_num 2
02-19 20:59:45.095 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 3815: cpp_module_handle_streamon_event: identity=0x10002, stream-on done
02-19 20:59:45.096 611 29677 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 359: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 188519392 BW inst 188519392
02-19 20:59:45.096 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1591: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
02-19 20:59:45.096 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 154: start_sof_check_thread: Starting SOF timeout thread session id =1
02-19 20:59:45.097 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10002, stream type=1
02-19 20:59:45.098 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000008
02-19 20:59:45.098 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10003 stream type=5
02-19 20:59:45.098 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1562: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
02-19 20:59:45.098 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1905: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 3
02-19 20:59:45.098 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10942: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: got No.2 bundled streamon, mct stream id 3total bundled stream num = 3
02-19 20:59:45.105 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 3815: cpp_module_handle_streamon_event: identity=0x10003, stream-on done
02-19 20:59:45.106 611 29677 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 359: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 398471424 BW inst 398471424
02-19 20:59:45.106 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1591: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
02-19 20:59:45.106 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10003, stream type=5
02-19 20:59:45.106 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000008
02-19 20:59:45.106 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON on stream 0x10004 stream type=11
02-19 20:59:45.107 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1562: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
02-19 20:59:45.107 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1905: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4
02-19 20:59:45.107 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10936: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: streamon, got all bundled streamon!
02-19 20:59:45.114 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2545: ltm47_store_hw_update: disabling IP
02-19 20:59:45.125 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2171: iface_streamon: X
02-19 20:59:45.126 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1591: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
02-19 20:59:45.126 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10004, stream type=11
02-19 20:59:45.141 611 29736 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 1260: isp_handler_module_handle_reg_update: Warning! Invalid reg_update state 0
02-19 20:59:45.142 611 29673 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2545: ltm47_store_hw_update: disabling IP
02-19 20:59:45.224 585 11658 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: E
02-19 20:59:45.227 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> static int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::close_camera_device(struct hw_device_t *): 10118: [KPI Perf]: E camera id 0
02-19 20:59:45.227 611 29673 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 231: isp_hw_update_util_request_reg_update: warning: reg_cmd ioctl happened on frame boundary
02-19 20:59:45.227 585 11658 E rqbalance_ctl: Cannot connect to PowerServer socket
02-19 20:59:45.228 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000009
02-19 20:59:45.229 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10004 stream type=11
02-19 20:59:45.230 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1617: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
02-19 20:59:45.230 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2209: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4
02-19 20:59:45.230 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10950: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: streamoff, first bundled streamoff all bindled streams!
02-19 20:59:45.232 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 382: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: interace 0 active count = 1, skip stop ispif
02-19 20:59:45.232 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2399: iface_streamoff: session_id = 1, active_streams = 0
02-19 20:59:45.232 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2481: iface_streamoff: X
02-19 20:59:45.233 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1643: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
02-19 20:59:45.233 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10004, stream type=11
02-19 20:59:45.233 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000009
02-19 20:59:45.233 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10002 stream type=1
02-19 20:59:45.234 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 3906: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event: info: doing stream-off for identity 0x10002
02-19 20:59:45.234 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 4091: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event: info: stream-off done for identity 0x10002
02-19 20:59:45.234 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1617: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
02-19 20:59:45.234 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2209: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 2
02-19 20:59:45.235 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10956: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 1 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 2total bundled stream num = 3
02-19 20:59:45.235 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2481: iface_streamoff: X
02-19 20:59:45.235 611 29677 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 359: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 209952000 BW inst 209952000
02-19 20:59:45.235 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1643: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
02-19 20:59:45.235 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10002, stream type=1
02-19 20:59:45.236 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000009
02-19 20:59:45.236 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10003 stream type=5
02-19 20:59:45.236 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 3906: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event: info: doing stream-off for identity 0x10003
02-19 20:59:45.237 611 29677 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 359: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 200000000 BW avg 0 BW inst 0
02-19 20:59:45.237 611 29684 I mm-camera: <CPP >< INFO> 4091: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event: info: stream-off done for identity 0x10003
02-19 20:59:45.238 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1617: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
02-19 20:59:45.238 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2209: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 3
02-19 20:59:45.238 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10956: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 0 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 3total bundled stream num = 3
02-19 20:59:45.245 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2418: iface_streamoff: session id = 0x1,Delta between vfe irqs 0 sec 0 usec
02-19 20:59:45.249 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10005: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 1, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 10000
02-19 20:59:45.249 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 10005: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 0, rdi_cnt= 0, used mask 0
02-19 20:59:45.250 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2476: iface_streamoff: all bundled stream streamoff, clear hal bundled mask
02-19 20:59:45.250 611 29670 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2481: iface_streamoff: X
02-19 20:59:45.250 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1643: iface_streamoff_to_thread: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
02-19 20:59:45.250 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 177: stop_sof_check_thread: Stopping SOF timeout thread session =1
02-19 20:59:45.250 611 29739 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 114: mct_bus_sof_thread_run: Closing SOF tracker thread
02-19 20:59:45.251 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10003, stream type=5
02-19 20:59:45.252 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000009
02-19 20:59:45.252 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3795: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF on stream 0x10001 stream type=7
02-19 20:59:45.252 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3810: mct_pipeline_process_set: STREAM-OFF success for stream 0x10001, stream type=7
02-19 20:59:45.261 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000b
02-19 20:59:45.261 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3875: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10002 and stream type=1
02-19 20:59:45.261 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 671: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 2 mode 0
02-19 20:59:45.261 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve: ide 10002 port 0xe56e4440
02-19 20:59:45.262 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3886: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10002 and stream type=1, successfully deleted
02-19 20:59:45.265 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000b
02-19 20:59:45.265 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3875: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10003 and stream type=5
02-19 20:59:45.265 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 671: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 3 mode 0
02-19 20:59:45.265 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve: ide 10003 port 0xe56e4440
02-19 20:59:45.265 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3886: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10003 and stream type=5, successfully deleted
02-19 20:59:45.267 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000b
02-19 20:59:45.268 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3875: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10004 and stream type=11
02-19 20:59:45.268 611 29684 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 671: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 4 mode 0
02-19 20:59:45.268 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve: ide 10004 port 0xe56e4440
02-19 20:59:45.268 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3886: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10004 and stream type=11, successfully deleted
02-19 20:59:45.269 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000b
02-19 20:59:45.269 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3875: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x10001 and stream type=7
02-19 20:59:45.269 611 29684 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3886: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x10001 and stream type=7, successfully deleted
02-19 20:59:45.270 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6538: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info: Deallocate resources
02-19 20:59:45.272 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2537: isp_resource_allocate: INFO: ISP resource acquired: session 1 num_isp 1
02-19 20:59:45.272 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 2539: isp_resource_allocate: INFO: ISP resource acquired: hw_id 1
02-19 20:59:45.272 611 29684 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 6461: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping: stream_port_map num streams 0
02-19 20:59:45.274 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::closeCamera(): 870: [KPI Perf]: E PROFILE_CLOSE_CAMERA camera id 0
02-19 20:59:45.275 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 216: mct_controller_destroy: Initiating destroy sequence for session = 1
02-19 20:59:45.276 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 234: mct_controller_destroy: serv_thread closed
02-19 20:59:45.276 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 249: mct_controller_destroy: bus_handler thread closed
02-19 20:59:45.276 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4616: mct_pipeline_stop_session: Initiating stop_session on session 1
02-19 20:59:45.276 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3657: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000b
02-19 20:59:45.276 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3875: mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x1000f and stream type=10
02-19 20:59:45.276 611 611 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 671: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id f mode 0
02-19 20:59:45.276 611 611 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 890: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve: ide 1000f port 0xe56e4440
02-19 20:59:45.278 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 3886: mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x1000f and stream type=10, successfully deleted
02-19 20:59:45.278 611 29743 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4350: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: sensor - E
02-19 20:59:45.279 611 29744 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4350: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: iface - E
02-19 20:59:45.279 611 29745 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4350: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: isp - E
02-19 20:59:45.279 611 29745 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 487: isp_module_stop_session: session id 1
02-19 20:59:45.279 611 29745 I mm-camera: <ISP >< INFO> 528: isp_module_stop_session: warning: ISP resource is not freed on time!
02-19 20:59:45.279 611 29744 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4358: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: iface - X
02-19 20:59:45.280 611 29746 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4350: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: stats - E
02-19 20:59:45.281 611 29747 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4350: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: pproc - E
02-19 20:59:45.281 611 29748 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4350: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: imglib - E
02-19 20:59:45.282 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4638: mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 5
02-19 20:59:45.282 611 29747 D QCameraQuadraCfa: int img_algo_shutdown(img_frame_ops_t*):147 : E
02-19 20:59:45.282 611 29747 E quadracfa_dummy: inside dummy remosaic_deinit 1
02-19 20:59:45.282 611 29747 D QCameraQuadraCfa: int img_algo_shutdown(img_frame_ops_t*):151 : X
02-19 20:59:45.282 611 29747 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4358: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: pproc - X
02-19 20:59:45.282 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4638: mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 4
02-19 20:59:45.283 611 29748 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4358: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: imglib - X
02-19 20:59:45.283 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4638: mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 3
02-19 20:59:45.283 611 29745 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4358: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: isp - X
02-19 20:59:45.283 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4638: mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 2
02-19 20:59:45.285 611 29746 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4358: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: stats - X
02-19 20:59:45.285 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4638: mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 1
02-19 20:59:45.462 611 29743 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4358: mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: sensor - X
02-19 20:59:45.462 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4638: mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 0
02-19 20:59:45.462 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4647: mct_pipeline_stop_session: Stopped session 1 successfully
02-19 20:59:45.462 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4923: mct_pipeline_destroy: E: session:1
02-19 20:59:45.462 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 4996: mct_pipeline_destroy: X: Pipeline destroyed successfully session =1
02-19 20:59:45.462 611 611 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 282: mct_controller_destroy: X Successfully closed mct_controller session 1
02-19 20:59:45.464 585 11658 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=1
02-19 20:59:45.464 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::closeCamera(): 912: [KPI Perf]: X PROFILE_CLOSE_CAMERA camera id 0, rc: 0
02-19 20:59:45.465 585 11658 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> static int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::close_camera_device(struct hw_device_t *): 10120: [KPI Perf]: X
02-19 20:59:45.465 585 11658 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: X
02-19 20:59:45.465 585 11658 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: E
02-19 20:59:45.468 585 11658 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 29622
02-19 20:59:45.468 585 11658 I Camera2Client: Camera 0: Closed
02-19 20:59:45.469 585 11658 I Camera2ClientBase: Closed Camera 0. Client was: com.todobom.opennotescanner (PID 29622, UID 10116)
02-19 20:59:45.469 596 673 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe6faaea0) at state 4
02-19 20:59:45.469 596 673 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe6faaea0), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:59:45.470 596 29660 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe6faaea0)
02-19 20:59:45.471 596 1381 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe578ccc0) at state 4
02-19 20:59:45.471 596 1381 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe578ccc0), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:59:45.471 596 29662 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe578ccc0)
02-19 20:59:45.472 596 596 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xe578c840) at state 4
02-19 20:59:45.472 596 596 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xe578c840), (8, 0, 0), loop setting(0, 0)
02-19 20:59:45.473 596 29664 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xe578c840)
02-19 20:59:45.474 585 11658 E CameraService: binderDied: Java client's binder died, removing it from the list of active clients
@lyn1337 ... looks like ONS is competing with another app for the camera (on dump shows as QCamera). Can you try to disable the stock camera app, or at least try to issue a "force stop" on it before entering ONS?
@ctodobom Disabling it sadly changed nothing about the problem with ONS.
@lyn1337 : I've filtered the problem up to this snippet of your logcat dump:
02-19 20:59:44.942 29622 29650 E cv::error(): OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (_dx.type() == CV_16SC1 || _dx.type() == CV_16SC3) in void cv::Canny(cv::InputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, double, double, bool), file /build/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/canny.cpp, line 1076
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E org.opencv.imgproc: imgproc::Canny_11() caught cv::Exception: /build/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/canny.cpp:1076: error: (-215) _dx.type() == CV_16SC1 || _dx.type() == CV_16SC3 in function void cv::Canny(cv::InputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, double, double, bool)
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: Worker Thread
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.todobom.opennotescanner, PID: 29622
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: CvException [org.opencv.core.CvException: cv::Exception: /build/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/canny.cpp:1076: error: (-215) _dx.type() == CV_16SC1 || _dx.type() == CV_16SC3 in function void cv::Canny(cv::InputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, double, double, bool)
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: ]
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.Canny_1(Native Method)
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.Canny(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.findContours(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.detectPreviewDocument(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.processPreviewFrame(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at com.todobom.opennotescanner.ImageProcessor.handleMessage(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-19 20:59:44.944 29622 29650 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-19 20:59:44.946 1156 1645 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.todobom.opennotescanner/.OpenNoteScannerActivity
Looks like your camera is sending an image incompatible with the OpenCV library. It will need some more investigation, but it is confirmed it is a bug on ONS.
I think I will have some time to allocate to ONS developing on next 2 weeks, will make sure to look at this one.
Best regards, Claudemir
@lyn1337 ... can you check your OpenCV version and from where you got it?
@ctodobom It's v. 3.0 from Aurora Store / Play Store. I've upgraded from 7.0 to Android 8.1 last weekend and so far it isn't crashing on startup anymore. I didn't get to test it yet but it seems related.
@lyn1337 ... the only supported version of the OpenCV Manager is 3.1.0, you can uninstall it from your phone and allow OpenNoteScanner install the correct version through "Direct Download". I am working on a way to inform this to the user when the wrong version is installed.
Here's the logcat content. Let me know if you need more informations.
E/CameraClient(27102): Could not open camera 1: -19 E/CameraClient(27102): initialize: Camera 1: unable to initialize device: No such device (-19) I/CameraClient(27102): Destroying camera 1 E/CameraService(27102): connectFinishUnsafe: Could not initialize client from HAL module. W/CameraBase(15738): An error occurred while connecting to camera: 1 E/JavaCameraView(15738): Camera #1failed to open: Fail to connect to camera service V/WindowManager(27327): Adding window Window{3653eaff u0 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity} at 5 of 14 (before Window{20a38522 u0 Starting com.todobom.opennotescanner}) E/AndroidRuntime(15738): FATAL EXCEPTION: main E/AndroidRuntime(15738): Process: com.todobom.opennotescanner, PID: 15738 E/AndroidRuntime(15738): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.hardware.Camera$Parameters android.hardware.Camera.getParameters()' on a null object reference E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at com.todobom.opennotescanner.views.OpenNoteCameraView.getResolutionList( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at com.todobom.opennotescanner.views.OpenNoteCameraView.setMaxPreviewResolution( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity.onCameraViewStarted( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.view.SurfaceView.updateWindow( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.view.SurfaceView$3.onPreDraw( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.view.ViewTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.view.Choreographer$ E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.view.Choreographer$ E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at android.os.Looper.loop( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at$ E/AndroidRuntime(15738): at W/ActivityManager(27327): Force finishing activity 1 com.todobom.opennotescanner/.OpenNoteScannerActivity I/WindowManager(27327): Screen frozen for +742ms due to Window{20a38522 u0 Starting com.todobom.opennotescanner} I/WindowManager(27327): Screenshot max retries 4 of Token{247ce6ca ActivityRecord{1d942235 u0 com.todobom.opennotescanner/.OpenNoteScannerActivity t1193 f}} appWin=Window{20a38522 u0 Starting com.todobom.opennotescanner} drawState=3 W/art (27327): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void,$CrashInfo) from waiters=0 for 374ms W/ActivityManager(27327): Skipping crash dialog of ProcessRecord{2a2289c 15738:com.todobom.opennotescanner/u0a121}: disabled I/Process (15738): Sending signal. PID: 15738 SIG: 9 E/lowmemorykiller( 1973): Error writing /proc/15738/oom_score_adj; errno=22 W/ResourceType(27462): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager(27462): Failure retrieving resources for com.todobom.opennotescanner: Resource ID #0x0 I/ActivityManager(27327): Process com.todobom.opennotescanner (pid 15738) has died W/InputDispatcher(27327): channel '299b7ad2 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 E/InputDispatcher(27327): channel '299b7ad2 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! W/InputDispatcher(27327): channel '3653eaff com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 E/InputDispatcher(27327): channel '3653eaff com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! V/ActivityManager(27327): killProcessGroupAsync took 58 ms for PID 15738 on thread 17 I/WindowState(27327): WIN DEATH: Window{3653eaff u0 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity} W/InputDispatcher(27327): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '3653eaff com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity (server)' W/InputDispatcher(27327): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '299b7ad2 com.todobom.opennotescanner/com.todobom.opennotescanner.OpenNoteScannerActivity (server)' W/WindowManager(27327): Failed looking up window W/WindowManager(27327): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@1e4fe15d does not exist W/WindowManager(27327): at W/WindowManager(27327): at W/WindowManager(27327): at$DeathRecipient.binderDied( W/WindowManager(27327): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice( I/WindowState(27327): WIN DEATH: null W/WindowManager(27327): Failed looking up window W/WindowManager(27327): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@270b77a3 does not exist W/WindowManager(27327): at W/WindowManager(27327): at W/WindowManager(27327): at$DeathRecipient.binderDied( W/WindowManager(27327): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice( I/WindowState(27327): WIN DEATH: null W/WindowManager(27327): Failed looking up window W/WindowManager(27327): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@9c362ed does not exist W/WindowManager(27327): at W/WindowManager(27327): at W/WindowManager(27327): at W/WindowManager(27327): at W/WindowManager(27327): at android.view.ViewRootImpl.dispatchDetachedFromWindow( W/WindowManager(27327): at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doDie( W/WindowManager(27327): at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage( W/WindowManager(27327): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( W/WindowManager(27327): at android.os.Looper.loop( W/WindowManager(27327): at W/WindowManager(27327): at I/ActivityManager(27327): Config changes=480 {1.0 208mcc15mnc fr_FR ?layoutDir sw360dp w360dp h616dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.27 themeResource=null} V/ActivityManager(27327): Display changed displayId=0 I/InputReader(27327): Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 I/InputReader(27327): Device reconfigured: id=9, name='sec_touchscreen', size 720x1280, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0 I/InputReader(27327): Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004