allianz / ng-aquila

Angular UI Component library for the Open Insurance Platform
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Input fields and dropdowns with flexible positioning of labels #22

Closed jx42 closed 3 years ago

jx42 commented 3 years ago

🎯 Goals

Position labels of input fields and dropdowns left (or right) of the input field to save vertical screen space. Useful, especially for the "outline" style and longer forms with a more traditional layout, where the label is positioned left of the input field.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-29 um 13 12 27

📖 References

Needed for a project at IDS (a subsidary of Allianz)

yd-allianz commented 3 years ago

Hey Jürgen, thanks for your request.

This is one of the unfortunate cases where your design requirements are different than the design guidelines we have for the internal branding.

This means that we cannot support this particular use case. If this is the only misalignment one possible way of dealing with this on your end could be to replicate the form field and adopt it to your needs.