allianz / ng-aquila

Angular UI Component library for the Open Insurance Platform
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dynamic form with multiple datepicker component #65

Open fajarainul opened 3 weeks ago

fajarainul commented 3 weeks ago

Hi guys, so currently I work with dynamic form which will generate component based on API response. Is it possible to generate multiple datepicker component. Like

@for (data of; track data.value){
                          <nx-formfield #item.label label={{item.label}}>
                              <span nxFormfieldHint>MM/DD/YYYY</span>
                              <nx-datepicker #data.controlName></nx-datepicker>

Thanks in advance!

Phil147 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @fajarainul well have you run it and ran into any problems? :) The only problem I see is the template variable #item.label AFAIK you cannot create dynamic names, but the variable will be scoped to the template it is used. So you can just use #formfield or #datepicker and this will only live inside this specific template of a single iteration of your loop.