alliedmodders / amxmodx

AMX Mod X - Half-Life 1 Scripting and Administration
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Bots Problem #676

Open lspublic opened 5 years ago

lspublic commented 5 years ago

Hello when i update my server from Re-AMXMODX 1.8.3 in AMXMODX 1.9.0 last update i have problem with kgbbots just one bot connect in my server now i not change anything i have same configuration i dont know why just one bots connect not connect two bots ?

Dr-Strange91 commented 5 years ago

Share Configuration.

lspublic commented 5 years ago

Yes sure this : `#include < amxmodx >

include < cstrike >

include < fakemeta >

enum Cvars { botname1, botname2, minplayers, starttime, endtime, onecon, onebot, norounds };

new const cvar_names[ Cvars ][] = { "amx_botname", "amx_botname2", "amx_minplayers", "amx_starttime", "amx_endtime", "amx_onecon", "amx_onebot", "amx_norounds" };

new const cvar_defaults[ Cvars ][] = { "Bot", "Bot 2", "10", "00", "12", "0", "0", "0" };

new cvar_pointer[ Cvars ]; new bool:g_isTime = false; new bool:g_ePlayers = false; new bool:g_isFirstRound = true; new g_BotNum = 0, g_maxplayers, g_bID1, g_bID2;

new const g_ConfigFile[] = "addons/amxmodx/configs/lsbots.cfg"

public plugin_init() { register_plugin("LS Bots", "3.3", "kgb-hosting") register_cvar("kgbbots", "1" , (FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY))

register_logevent("Event_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End");
register_event("HLTV", "Event_NewRound", "a", "1=0", "2=0");

for ( new Cvars:i = botname1 ; i < Cvars ; i++ )
    cvar_pointer[ i ] = register_cvar( cvar_names[ i ] , cvar_defaults[ i ] );

g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers();
server_cmd("exec %s", g_ConfigFile)
set_task(3.0, "isit")


public isit() { if(get_pcvar_num(cvar_pointer[norounds])) set_task(30.0, "CheckConditions",0,"",0,"b") }

public plugin_precache() { if(!file_exists(g_ConfigFile)) { write_file(g_ConfigFile, "NY Bots - Konfigurimet^n") write_file(g_ConfigFile, "amx_botname ^"NY Bot1^" //Emri pare i botit") write_file(g_ConfigFile, "amx_botname2 ^"NY Bot2^" //Emri i dyte i botit") write_file(g_ConfigFile, "amx_minplayers ^"30^" //Numri i lojtarve minimal per tu futur botat(Default eshte 30).") write_file(g_ConfigFile, "amx_starttime ^"0^" //Koha kur duhet te futen botat?") write_file(g_ConfigFile, "amx_endtime ^"24^" //Sa kohe do te qendrojn botat ne server?") write_file(g_ConfigFile, "amx_onecon ^"0^" //Kerkesa kur duhet te shtohet boti?") write_file(g_ConfigFile, "amx_onebot ^"0^" //Plugin kur nevojitet vetem nje bot te shtohet?") write_file(g_ConfigFile, "amx_norounds ^"0^" //Nese server nuk ka perfundim te rundit?") } }

public Event_RoundEnd() { if (!g_isFirstRound) return;

g_isFirstRound = false;


public Event_NewRound() { if(g_isFirstRound) return;



public CheckConditions() { static iHours, m, s time(iHours, m, s)

new iMin = get_pcvar_num(cvar_pointer[ starttime ]);
new iMax = get_pcvar_num(cvar_pointer[ endtime ]);

if(iMin == iMax)
    g_isTime = true;
else if(iMin > iMax) 
        case 0..11: 
            if(iMin >= iHours && iMax > iHours)
                g_isTime = true;
        case 12..23: 
            if(iMin <= iHours && iMax < iHours)
                g_isTime = true;
else if(iMin <= iHours && iMax > iHours)
    g_isTime = true;
    g_isTime = false;

new iNum, iPlayers[32];
get_players(iPlayers, iNum, "c");

if(iNum <= get_pcvar_num(cvar_pointer[minplayers]))
    g_ePlayers = true;
    g_ePlayers = false;

if(g_maxplayers - iNum < 2)
    g_ePlayers = false;

if(get_pcvar_num(cvar_pointer[minplayers]) == 0)
    g_ePlayers = true

new iCondition = get_pcvar_num(cvar_pointer[ onecon ]);
if( (!g_ePlayers && g_isTime || !g_isTime && g_ePlayers) && iCondition) 
    g_isTime = true;
    g_ePlayers = true;

if((g_isTime && g_ePlayers) && !g_BotNum)
        set_task(1.5, "Task_AddBot")
    set_task(2.8, "Task_AddBot")
else if((!g_isTime || !g_ePlayers) && 0 < g_BotNum <= 2 )
    g_BotNum = 0;
    server_cmd("kick #%d", g_bID1)
    server_cmd("kick #%d", g_bID2)


public Task_AddBot() { static iBot; new iBotName[35];

    case 0: get_pcvar_string(cvar_pointer[ botname1 ], iBotName, charsmax( iBotName ));
    case 1: get_pcvar_string(cvar_pointer[ botname2 ], iBotName, charsmax( iBotName ));
    case 2: return;

iBot = engfunc( EngFunc_CreateFakeClient, iBotName );


dllfunc( MetaFunc_CallGameEntity, "player", iBot );
set_pev( iBot, pev_flags, FL_FAKECLIENT );

set_pev( iBot, pev_model, "" );
set_pev( iBot, pev_viewmodel2, "" );
set_pev( iBot, pev_modelindex, 0 );

set_pev( iBot, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxNone );
set_pev( iBot, pev_rendermode, kRenderTransAlpha );
set_pev( iBot, pev_renderamt, 0.0 );

set_pdata_int( iBot, 114, 3 );
cs_set_user_team( iBot, CS_TEAM_UNASSIGNED );

    case 0: g_bID1 = get_user_userid(iBot);
    case 1: g_bID2 = get_user_userid(iBot);

} / AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE {\ rtf1\ ansi\ deff0{\ fonttbl{\ f0\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\ viewkind4\ uc1\ pard\ lang1033\ f0\ fs16 \n\ par } */`

Dr-Strange91 commented 5 years ago

And what about Configuration in Configs folder?

In Script, it seems fine !!

I'm using 1.90 [5235] and KGB Bots works fine for me !!

lspublic commented 5 years ago

i dont know when i update i see just one look this :
