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[CS2 metamod plugin][issue] using a static library of redis #206

Closed DiDHack closed 4 months ago

DiDHack commented 4 months ago

Hello! Earler I used the static library of redis-plus-plus in the metamod plugin for CS2: postlink:

os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'redis', 'lib', 'libredis++.a'),
os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'redis', 'lib', 'libhiredis.a'),

In the code:

#include <sw/redis++/redis++.h>

using namespace sw::redis;

std::unique_ptr<Redis> redis;

In the statup function:

redis = std::make_unique<Redis>(std::string("tcp://") + redis_settings["ip"] + ":" + redis_settings["port"] + "/" + redis_settings["db"]);

It worked fine. But after yesterday's update it is compiled but I get the error when I load my plugin: undefined symbol: _ZN2sw5redis5reply5parseENS1_8ParseTagISsEER10redisReply

I don't understand what I need to resolve it