[x ] I have tried my absolute best to reduce the problem-space and have provided the absolute smallest test-case possible.
[x ] I can always reproduce the issue with the provided description below.
Operating System version: ubuntu 22.04
Game/AppID (with version if applicable): tf2 440
Current SourceMod version:
Database 10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1
If you clone a DBResultSet so you can process it later (because it gets automatically deleted when the callback ends), random rows are missing from this DBResultSet.
Nothing is missing when I process the rows on the callback so it is a problem with CloneHandle and the Database driver.
Handle g_db;
DBResultSet g_resultset;
public OnPluginStart()
CreateTimer(0.015, Timer_ProcessResults, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
public OnConnected(Handle:driver, Handle:db, const String:error[], any:data)
g_db = db;
SQL_TQuery(g_db, OnQueryComplete, "SELECT id FROM foo");
public OnQueryComplete(Database db, DBResultSet query, const char[] error)
g_resultset = view_as<DBResultSet>(CloneHandle(query));
// no missing rows if I just process the uncloned results right here
int processed;
PrintToServer("processed %i", processed); // 1000
static Action Timer_ProcessResults(Handle timer)
return Plugin_Continue;
PrintToServer("rows %i", g_resultset.RowCount); // 1000
int processed;
while(g_resultset.FetchRow() && processed <= 2000)
PrintToServer("processed %i", processed); // 994 (random rows missing)
return Plugin_Continue;
delete g_resultset;
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If you clone a DBResultSet so you can process it later (because it gets automatically deleted when the callback ends), random rows are missing from this DBResultSet.
Nothing is missing when I process the rows on the callback so it is a problem with CloneHandle and the Database driver.