I am working with Alvium USB3 158m connected to Jetson Xavier NX, JetPack 5.1
If my Python code crashes after I start streaming, then the green light on the camera still blinking.
If I after try to run my code again, camera doesn't work properly until I start VimbaViewerX and press Play/Stop to stop blinking.
After that I can run my code and it works properly.
How can I check before start streaming, that something is wrong with camera, and reset it?
cam.is_streaming() returns False
My code is pretty standard:
with VmbSystem.get_instance () as vmb:
with vmb.get_camera_by_id(VMBPY_DEVICE_ID) as cam:
handler = FrameProcessor()
cam.start_streaming(handler=handler, buffer_count=10)
During openning the camera ,please check the feature AcquisitionStatus. If this value is TRUE, please create a AcquisitionStop then the camera should be working.
I am working with Alvium USB3 158m connected to Jetson Xavier NX, JetPack 5.1
If my Python code crashes after I start streaming, then the green light on the camera still blinking. If I after try to run my code again, camera doesn't work properly until I start VimbaViewerX and press Play/Stop to stop blinking. After that I can run my code and it works properly.
How can I check before start streaming, that something is wrong with camera, and reset it? cam.is_streaming() returns False
My code is pretty standard:
with VmbSystem.get_instance () as vmb: