allinurl / goaccess

GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
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Goaccess terminal dashboard shortcut keys not working. #185

Open jaggerwang opened 10 years ago

jaggerwang commented 10 years ago

I'm connecting remote CentOS 6 server from iTerm 2 on Mac OS X. When I run goaccess command remotely, the dashboard display ok, and shortcut keys like 'h' and 'q' working correctly, but not the Expand and Scroll keys, I can only see the first screen content.

allinurl commented 10 years ago

Let me get my hands on a Mac to test this.

BTW, does it work with Enter or right-arrow to expand the panel? Also, does this only happen on iTerm 2 or also in Thanks

jaggerwang commented 10 years ago

Enter and Right-arror also not working. Goaccess is very useful for us, thanks for your work!

在 2014年11月8日,05:29,Gerardo O. 写道:

Let me get my hands on a Mac to test this.

BTW, does it work with Enter or right-arrow to expand the panel? Also, does this only happen on iTerm 2 or also in Thanks

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allinurl commented 10 years ago

Are you using tmux or screen at all?

jaggerwang commented 10 years ago

No, just iTerm2 with zsh.

在 2014年11月8日,09:31,Gerardo O. 写道:

Are you using tmux or screen at all?

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allinurl commented 10 years ago

OK, I tested this on iTerm2 Build 2.0 ssh"ing into a remote machine and it works fine (with and without tmux). Also I installed goaccess directly into OS X 10.9.4 through brew and keys work fine. What keys are you using to scroll within the panel? j and k? Thanks

jaggerwang commented 10 years ago

I tried j, k, ctrl+f and ctrl+b, no one is working, but h, q and tab is ok.

在 2014年11月9日,08:07,Gerardo O. 写道:

OK, I tested this on iTerm2 Build 2.0 ssh"ing into a remote machine and it works fine (with and without tmux). Also I installed goaccess directly into OS X 10.9.4 through brew and keys work fine. What keys are you using to scroll within the panel? j and k? Thanks

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allinurl commented 10 years ago

what version of goaccess are you running and the version of iTerm2? Could you also please post the result of: echo $TERM? Thanks

jaggerwang commented 10 years ago

➜ ~ echo $TERM xterm

[worker@lusir-aws-app1 ~]$ goaccess --version GoAccess - 0.8.3. For more details visit: Copyright (C) 2009-2014 GNU GPL'd, by Gerardo Orellana

在 2014年11月11日,09:49,Gerardo O. 写道:

what version of goaccess are you running and the version of iTerm2? Could you also please post the result of: echo $TERM? Thanks

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allinurl commented 10 years ago

I've been testing this for a while but I can't replicate the issue. Tested with iTerm 1.0 and 2.0, within bash and zsh, setting TERM to xterm and xterm-256color. Can you provide a bit more info on your environment? Does it work for you using FWIW, here's the output I get:


Anybody else having this issue?

jaggerwang commented 10 years ago

It’s the same for, and I also tried run goaccess locally both in iTerm2 and Terminal. I wanted to confirm there is no need to press ctrl or any other key to combine with j, k or enter?

在 2014年11月11日,12:05,Gerardo O. 写道:

I've been testing this for a while but I can't replicate the issue. Tested with iTerm 1.0 and 2.0, within bash and zsh, setting TERM to xterm and xterm-256color. Can you provide a bit more info on your environment? Does it work for you using FWIW, here's the output I get: Anybody else having this issue?

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allinurl commented 10 years ago

@jaggerwang no need for pressing ctrl or any other key. I'll look into this a bit further and see if I can replicate it. Feel free to post any other insights you may have.

arondeparon commented 9 years ago

Just wanted to let you know that I am experiencing this as well. Have tried this both on and iTerm2, both with same results. Server is a CentOS 5 machine.

allinurl commented 9 years ago

@ArondeParon Interesting, could you run the following in your server and post the output after pressing the following keys:

<Ctrl> + f
<Ctrl> + b
<Shift> + g
<Shift> + <tab>
<Arrow right>
<Arrow down>
<Arrow up>
<Arrow left>

Here's the c program, copy this into your server and name the file keys.c

#include <curses.h>
int main(void) {
    WINDOW * _window = initscr();

    /* Accept all keys */
    keypad(_window, true);

    /* Don't echo things that are typed */

    /* Don't display cursor */

    for (;;) {
        printw("Press a Key ");
        int key = wgetch(_window);
        printw("%c, %d \n", key, key);

    return 0;

compile with:

gcc keys.c -lncurses


arondeparon commented 9 years ago


Here is the output:

Press a Key h, 104
Press a Key j, 106
Press a Key k, 107
Press a Key o, 111
Press a Key c, 99
Press a Key s, 115
Press a Key /, 47
Press a Key ^F, 6
Press a Key ^B, 2
Press a Key g, 103
Press a Key G, 71
Press a Key n, 110
Press a Key     , 9
Press a Key a, 353
Press a Key ^E, 261
Press a Key ^B, 258
Press a Key ^C, 259
Press a Key ^D, 260
Press a Key
, 10
allinurl commented 9 years ago

I get exactly the same key codes. BTW, are you using zsh as well? Does this happen if you run goaccess locally in your mac?

Also could you please try again the following code, it should replicate goaccess' settings:

#include <curses.h>
int main(void) {
    intrflush(stdscr, FALSE);
    keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
    mousemask(BUTTON1_CLICKED, NULL);

    for (;;) {
        printw("Press a Key "); 
        int key = wgetch(stdscr);

        printw("%c, %d", key, key);
        switch (key) {
            case 'h' : printw("` - h pressed`");         break ;
            case 'g' : printw("` - g pressed`");         break ;
            case 'G' : printw("` - G pressed`");         break ;
            case 'n' : printw("` - n pressed`");         break ;
            case '/' : printw("` - / pressed`");         break ;
            case 106 : printw("` - j pressed`");         break ;
            case 107 : printw("` - k pressed`");         break ;
            case 115 : printw("` - s pressed`");         break ;
            case 2   : printw("` - Ctrl+b pressed`");    break ;
            case 338 : printw("` - pg+down pressed`");   break ;
            case 339 : printw("` - pg+up pressed`");     break ;
            case 353 : printw("` - shift+tab pressed`"); break ;
            case 6   : printw("` - Ctrl+f pressed`");    break ;
            case 99  : printw("` - c pressed`");         break ;
            case 9   : printw("` - tab pressed`");       break ;
            case 0x0a:
            case 0x0d:
            case 32: 
            case KEY_ENTER:
                printw("` - ENTER pressed`");
        printw("\n", key, key);

    return 0;

Thanks again.

arondeparon commented 9 years ago


Thanks for the assist! I'm using zsh on OSX and received the same output when compiling locally. I compiled and ran your latest code on my CentOS machine and received the following output:

Press a Key h, 104` - h pressed`
Press a Key j, 106` - j pressed`
Press a Key k, 107` - k pressed`
Press a Key o, 111
Press a Key c, 99` - c pressed`
Press a Key s, 115` - s pressed`
Press a Key /, 47` - / pressed`
Press a Key ^F, 6` - Ctrl+f pressed`
Press a Key ^B, 2` - Ctrl+b pressed`
Press a Key g, 103` - g pressed`
Press a Key G, 71` - G pressed`
Press a Key n, 110` - n pressed`
Press a Key     , 9` - tab pressed`
Press a Key a, 353` - shift+tab pressed`
Press a Key ^E, 261
Press a Key ^B, 258
Press a Key ^C, 259
Press a Key ^D, 260
, 13` - ENTER pressed`
aphorise commented 9 years ago

This is most likely an issue with the user-locale and or terminal application preferences in use by user settings rather than a bug or issue with GoAccess.

I've also attempted to recreate this issue using GoAccess 0.9 within a bare minimal CentOS 5, OSX with a different language (Dutch) & iTerm2. I did not adjust or set LANG or other environment variables related to language on the host / server CentOS machine :

[user@cent5-zsh goaccess]$ locale

The system was configured with US defaults:

[user@cent5-zsh goaccess]$ sudo yum install system-config-language && sudo system-config-language
#| Select the language for the system.  │
#│           English (USA)              |
#│   | OK |                 | Cancel |  │

My iTerm2 profile was as follows: iTerm2 profile settings

I then went through the following series:

key sequence
1, enter (expand top requests)
page-up, page-down (section-scroll)
j, k (section-scroll)
1 (contract top requests)
1, o (expand top requests again)
UP, DOWN (view scroll keeping current section open).
5, enter (expand top visitors)
page-up, page-down (section-scroll)
j, k (section-scroll)

I did not experience any problems so at this point the issue (if any) is not clear and neither is it detailed or elaborated well enough to determine.

I'd advise those involved to review their locale settings of their localhost / machine relative to those of the remote server and what maybe forward. So for example:

[user@cent5-zsh goaccess]$ sudo grep 'LC_' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#// ^^^ I normally set forwarding / accepting of thse OFF!
rauberdaniel commented 3 years ago

I’m getting this issue in and GoAccess version 1.5 when I try to evaluate about 3000 files (AWS CloudFront logs). The key commands work at first but after a short time (several seconds, not consistent) GoAccess seems to completely freeze. Maybe this is an issue with files not being closed after reading and therefore running into some OS limitation?

If I combine all these files into one single file (e.g. cat *.log >> combined.log) and load that with GoAccess afterwards, the issue does not seem to appear.

allinurl commented 3 years ago

@rauberdaniel Thanks for reporting this. Can I ask, are those 3000 logs being constantly updated or mostly static? Also, does it make any difference if you feed goaccess using tail as:

tail -qF access.log access.1.log access.2.log | goaccess - --log-format=COMBINED
rauberdaniel commented 3 years ago

No, those files are static and not updated at all (therefore, they could be closed after reading).

I just tried feeding them via

cat *.log | goaccess - --log-format=CLOUDFRONT

and it seems to work fine without freezing.

What I also just realized is that simply using goaccess *.log … doesn't even load all the files, only about half the amount of requests are shown as compared to the command with cat. I think that could match to the possible issue of too many open files ( ) as goaccess itself tries to keep reading those files and therefore doesn’t close them?

allinurl commented 3 years ago

Good question, goaccess doesn't keep the files opened.

I pushed a fix for this, it should work fine. Please feel free to build from development and let me know if that solves the issue on your end. You may still need to change your max number of files that can be opened in your OS. Ideally goaccess could resort to inotify, however it would need to work across all platforms, including BSDs, etc.