allinurl / goaccess

GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
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Goaccess Web Problem #2718

Open Hyungzn opened 3 days ago

Hyungzn commented 3 days ago


I try to access Goaccess html page but it doesn't work.

I have two question, and these are my config for Nginx and Goaccess

  1. Which URL I can access to Goaccess Web browser? ex ) ? or ?? (my server IP is
  2. What do I fix configuration?

Pleaese help me to solve problem.

[Nginx.conf -> Vhost for Goaccess] server { listen 80; server_name; location /goaccess { root /var/www/html/goaccess/; } location /goaccess/ws { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; proxy_set_header Connection "keep-alive"; proxy_pass_request_headers on; }

[Goaccess.conf] datetime-format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z log-format %h %^[%x] [%T] %^"%r" %s %b "%R" "%u" %^ date-spec min port 7890 ws-url ws:// output /var/www/html/goaccess/index.html

[root@OTNASDOWN01 nginx]# goaccess /local_cache/var/log/nginx/access_combined.log -o /var/www/html/goaccess/report.html --real-time-html [PARSING /local_cache/var/log/nginx/access_combined.log] {20,773} @ {2,596/s} WebSocket server ready to accept new client connections

Thank you.

allinurl commented 2 days ago

Simply place your HTML report in the web server's document root and navigate to The 7890 port is used for the WebSocket connection, so if it’s running on the same machine as the web server, you won’t need to specify anything (no ws-url), and the WebSocket should connect without issues. However, if you're accessing the report via, you'll need to specify the SSL certificate and key using --ssl-cert=<path/cert.crt> and --ssl-key=<path/priv.key>.

Let me know if that helps.

Hyungzn commented 1 day ago

Hi Maybe I confused Web Dashboard(for NMS) with HTML Technically speaking, I want to access Goaccess Web page.

If I access to webpage, which URL i can use? then do I change my configuration? (nginx, goaccess.conf)

FYI, this is my goaccess configure commend. ./configure --enable-geoip=legacy --prefix=/usr/local --enable-utf8

0bi-w6n-K3nobi commented 15 minutes ago

Hi @Hyungzn

What exactly do you need? I believe that maybe not speak about same topic!

Well, in documentation here at Server Options, you can read about --ws-url= option. So, it is only for real-time html reporting. About this, you can read at Feature Pages here.

So, We talk about this? Or only how to show a html page resulting for GOAccess html reporting? Tell about do you need.