allisonhorst / stats-illustrations

R & stats illustrations by @allison_horst
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Translating R-Artwork #2

Open melvidoni opened 5 years ago

melvidoni commented 5 years ago


The idea is to translate the rstats-artwork into Spanish, to have more R resources in said language.

I am providing the Spanish translations. They are written from top to bottom, left to right, always starting with the title. There are notes in italics for some drawings.


Mutate means mutar in Spanish. We cannot translate it, since it is a function name, but maybe you can add an arrow or something to clarify its meaning

mutate: agrega columna/s, mantiene las existentes.

Little paper note El Plan


I am using the translation we use on the translation of the R4DS book: wrangling means domar.

dplyr: domando datos

green one, blue group dplyr datos


gganimate: ¡FIGURAS EN ACCIÓN!

tiny yellow boxes, from top to bottom datos transición + ingresar/salir


ggplot2: exploración visual de datos


ggplot2: crea una obra maestra de arte de datos

Boxes. Each line is a box, from left to right. temas geometrías estética, relleno, color gganimate, plotly


Again, here means aquí. Maybe you can add an arrow pointing to that, or the name between parentheses.

here: ¡Encuentra tu camino!

Banner under the sun: En serio, justo aquí.

Brown/gray arrow: /no/aquí

Pink arrow: ¡Aquí!

Cyan arrow: ¡Aquí está todo bien!

Cave, top to bottom, left to right ~/mmm/nope.csv ruta-no-portable setwd("/jaja/buena/suerte/") swtwd("c:\soytupeorpesadilla\") setwd("c:\usuario\oh\no\")


lubridate: ¡controla el tiempo!

most of the green flow is not translatable, except the following date = fechas second = segundos

yellow label alimenta: capacitor de flujo

diploma machete RStudio


lubridate: doma las fechas + horas

years, months, days años, meses, días


Al principio, era del tipo... ...pero ahora es del tipo...


reprex: crea ejemplos reproducibles ayúdanos a ayudarte (a todos!) in ayudarte the letters te should be crossed out

the hats say: soporte

yellow banner si!!!!!


sf: datos espaciales... simplificados

the scoreboard says, top to bottom: Atributos + Geometrías

Colors translate as follows: blue = azul red = rojo green = verde red = rojo

And acronyms are: Y = S, N = N

Glue Pegamento

Text Geometrías pegajosas: para personas que adoran sus mapas y su salud mental.


_This one more or less cannot be translated, so I will add the meaning of the words here, and I'll let you see how you can arrange this:

gather = recolectar spread = extender


_The translatable words are:

rstats -> Spanish hashtag #rstatsES

welcome -> bienvenidos!_

aishameriane commented 5 years ago

Oh, I just saw now this issue for the translations, AFTER I made in a pdf file writing directly in the images. Well, I am doing the Brazilian Portuguese translations o/




This one is very direct, "Você não é normal."


Type I errors: Erro tipo I (it is in the singular form because is the most usual in Portuguese)

Little sample: "Tá, mas e AGORA??" Population mama: " suspiro SIM. Eu ainda tenho certeza que pari vocês dois".

Here I used "pari" (the singular form of the verb "parir"). It is more like a slang (but it is not considered offensive), so it is not a verb used in newspapers, magazines, tv, etc, although people can use in more informal tone. It has some "agressiveness" in it, which I thought goes well with the context.


Type II errors: Erro tipo II (it is in the singular form because is the most usual in Portuguese)

Purple population: "Não é bem assim... você não pode apenas... O que eu quero dizer é que não importa o quanto vocês estão próximos... Aff." Population 1: "População 1".

Sample 1 and Sample 2: Amostra 1 e Amostra 2 Twins: "Gêmeos!"

Population 2: "População 2" Nop: "Nem." (short version of "Nem é" = "It is not").


I stole @melvidoni format to use the same style.


We don't have a verb like in Spanish. "To mutate (something)" would be "Fazer a mutação (de algo)". The result of the process of mutating would be "mutação". If we want to say "I mutated", it would be "Eu sofri uma mutação". But this was a hard one, maybe in the future another Portuguese speaker can help.

mutate: Adiciona coluna(s), Mantém as existentes.

Little paper note: O plano


The verb domar, like in Spanish, seems to be the best option here. You can use Dome os dados, which is the imperative form or Domando os dados, which does not have a specific person performing the action.

dplyr: Dome os dados OR dplyr: Domando os dados

green one, blue group



tiny yellow boxes, from top to bottom


ggplot2: exploração visual de dados


ggplot2: crie uma obra prima com dados

Boxes. Each line is a box, from left to right.


Here means aqui.

aqui: encontre o seu caminho.

Banner under the sun:

Brown/gray arrow:

Pink arrow:

Cyan arrow: É bem aqui! Obs: After reading @melvidoni translation, I am questioning if mine is correct... I understood this sign as It is really right here, which translates to É bem aqui. BUT if the real meaning is Everything is good here, then the correct translation would be Está tudo bem aqui.

Cave, top to bottom, left to right


lubridate: controle do tempo!

I translated the acronyms, although in R this would make sense only in English. And I added some more suggestions, in case you want to use.

yellow label

diploma We don't really have a word for cheat sheet, everyone that I know calls it by the English name.

plate In Brazil the plates format is LLL NNNN, so I suggest LUB 0473 (but it works like it is right now)


lubridate: dome as datas & horas (I think the & sign fits better than the +).

years, months, days


No princípio, era tipo... ... mas agora é tipo...


reprex: faça exemplos reprodutíveis ajude-os a ajudar você (todo mundo)! você should be crossed out

the hats say: suporte

yellow banner Simmm!


sf: dados espaciais... simplificados.

the scoreboard says, top to bottom: Atributos + Geometrias

Colors translate as follows:

And acronyms are: Y = S, N = N

Glue Cola

Text Geometrias adesivas: para pessoas que amam seus mapas e sua sanidade

Taps Fita


gather = junte spread = espalhe


The translatable words are: welcome -> Bem-vindos! We don't have a BR hashtag :(

allisonhorst commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much to you both!!! I'll be working on these over the next couple of weeks and am so excited to see them all in Spanish and Portuguese :) I hope it inspires some other awesome useRs from around the world to submit translations!

jorgesinval commented 4 years ago

Regarding the Portuguese translation, just a small change is needed:

ggplot2_masterpiece.png ggplot2: "crie uma obra-prima com dados"

The expression "obra prima" should be "obra-prima" with a hyphen.