Link(s) to Ticket(s) or Issue(s) resolved by this PR
Issue was that it's difficult to verify if whether who signed a release should be trusted at all. Adding public key to the repo makes that more clear. Idea from @relyt29
Are these changes tested and documented?
[x] If tested, please describe how. If not, why tests are not needed.
Verification manually tested with gpg --verify x.asc x
[x] If documented, please describe where. If not, describe why docs are not needed.
Purpose of Changes and their Description
See below.
Link(s) to Ticket(s) or Issue(s) resolved by this PR
Issue was that it's difficult to verify if whether who signed a release should be trusted at all. Adding public key to the repo makes that more clear. Idea from @relyt29
Are these changes tested and documented?
gpg --verify x.asc x