This is a patch, but still part of v0.6.0 release.
We were not deleting enough values in the KV store that may have been affected by initial regret poisoning. This had to be corrected or else other values would risk re-poisoning everything else within each topic.
Link(s) to Ticket(s) or Issue(s) resolved by this PR
Are these changes tested and documented?
[x] If tested, please describe how. If not, why tests are not needed.
Re-uses existing function + unit test
[x] If documented, please describe where. If not, describe why docs are not needed.
Was original intention of original author of that migration. Documented through comments.
Purpose of Changes and their Description
This is a patch, but still part of v0.6.0 release.
We were not deleting enough values in the KV store that may have been affected by initial regret poisoning. This had to be corrected or else other values would risk re-poisoning everything else within each topic.
Link(s) to Ticket(s) or Issue(s) resolved by this PR
Are these changes tested and documented?