worker window: boundary block is exclusive of end block. Added comments where relevant.
reputer window:
the upper boundary should be gt_lag + (gt_lag%epochLength) + epochLength, instead of gt_lag*2. The previous value would be inconsistent, especially in cases where gt_lag is >> epochLength.
added comments where relevant
Link(s) to Ticket(s) or Issue(s) resolved by this PR
Are these changes tested and documented?
[X] If tested, please describe how. If not, why tests are not needed. -- covered by unit tests and integration tests, also tested locally.
[x] If documented, please describe where. If not, describe why docs are not needed. -- windows are documented in README.
Purpose of Changes and their Description
worker window: boundary block is exclusive of end block. Added comments where relevant.
reputer window:
gt_lag + (gt_lag%epochLength) + epochLength
, instead ofgt_lag*2
. The previous value would be inconsistent, especially in cases wheregt_lag is >> epochLength
.Link(s) to Ticket(s) or Issue(s) resolved by this PR
Are these changes tested and documented?