alloystorm / dvvr

A versatile character model viewer and motion player that supports a range of model and motion formats including PMX (MMD) & XNALara/XPS models, as well as VMD/BVH motion formats.
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Preview Images for Models (prev.png) Support #305

Open Judas87Swiff opened 6 months ago

Judas87Swiff commented 6 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Can support for showing thumbnails for models be added in some way, for example many models XPS & MMD come with "prev.png" or "prev.jpg" ---- Many models have a displayable picture that can be used to easily "picture" what a model looks like.

Describe the solution you'd like -Basic Display of "", "" support, basically just have DanceXR look for "prev" or "preview" or allow another "" to be displayed as a model's preview thumbnail. (.xxx) just means any picture file, assuming .png, .jpg, basically. -Support for a preview picture gallery -Model Photo Booth, (ex. While a model is loaded allow a user to take a photo like how KK, HS1&2, HC have a simple 3D model photobooth for making their thumbnails photos)

Describe alternatives you've considered Simply do a bare bones search for if a "" filename exists and append that as the primary thumbnail until overrided by another manually taken one is taken or chosen.

Additional context Additionally can a ".pose", or ".vmd" file located within a model's folder also be seen as a pose/motion data for use with the motion playback, usually special preview poses/motions used to create a model's preview thumbnail will rarely be included and when it does it usually is within the OG model's folder not "Motion" DanceXR folder.


prev Paladins - Lian elf by MiaNariaLire (The downloaded file has a .pose prev.png files, that correspond to what I mean.)


SFW (Mostly) prev prev prev PREV

prev Prev prev prev prev prev

Barely NSFW prev prev prev

NSFW 儌僨儖夋憸 preview Preview prev prev preview