This mixin will add some attributes related to the verification status of an instance of an entity.
It must define:
the status (unverified or verified),
when the verification was requested and by who (optionally from where it was requested, why it was requested),
when the verification was confirmed and by who,
information about the verification method/channel, i.e., the "how" (e.g., by a privileged user, phone-sms, phone-call, email). it must include the identifier of the specific instance of dispatch used to send the verification code.
Input ports (methods):
set the status to verified
Output ports (events):
verification status change
Example case:
A terminal's status is verified after a user entered the code sent through SMS to their phone.
This mixin will add some attributes related to the verification status of an instance of an entity.
It must define:
Input ports (methods):
Output ports (events):
Example case:
A terminal's status is verified after a user entered the code sent through SMS to their phone.