alltom / earshot

I'll shoot you right in the ear!
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formalize logging #1

Closed masonicboom closed 14 years ago

masonicboom commented 14 years ago

for the log format, i was thinkin' each line starts with the time, then GUID of the agent that's doing something, and those somethings are either "move", "xmit", or "recv", then the something. so a log might look like 000002.00 GUID1 xmit MESSAGE_GUID NUM_BITS 000004.00 GUID2 recv MESSAGE_GUID 000004.30 GUID3 recv MESSAGE_GUID 000017.00 GUID2 move x y speed whaddaya think?

Yeah, something like that would be perfect.

Ok I'll write the spec up a little more formally and plunk that in

alltom commented 14 years ago

I don't see a reason for all the leading zeroes on the timestamps.

Also, in the interest of not needing analyzers to be running full simulations, we'll probably need to include derivative events which are nonetheless interesting for analysis, such as when collisions occur, when agents run out of battery, etc. A few more than 'move', 'xmit', and 'recv', anyway.

masonicboom commented 14 years ago

the leading zeros were just so things line up nicely when times get large, but i spose tabs would be a better solution for that

i'm with you on the extra events being needed

masonicboom commented 14 years ago

i implemented a module called EarLog in earlog.rb (to avoid name conflict with the Logger module). right now it only supports 'move', 'xmit', and 'recv', but i figure we can implement the rest as we implement the analyzer that will actually consume them.