Scrape multiple online articles all at once. By inputting the articles you want scraped into the input field, B-Article-Scraper will save you time from manually navigating to each article and finding what you need.
Create a route for the client to register the user and store the user credentials
Expected System Behavior
User can register with email, username, and password and once all appropriate credentials are validated, the user can remain logged in. Error messages responses if credentials are invalid
Acceptance Criteria
User to have a valid email, username, and password
Use bcrypt to encrypt password and save it to mongodb
User can verify their email by sending them an email verification
Password selected has to pass strength requirements, and email must be unique, therefore use error-handling for such cases
sanitize incoming user inputs.
use JWT package to create and store user token in db.
send toke and user credentials to the client to be persisted
Expected System Behavior
Acceptance Criteria