allure-framework / allure-python

Allure integrations for Python test frameworks
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Report for skip is a child for unexecuted fixtures. #791

Open dmakhno opened 5 months ago

dmakhno commented 5 months ago

[//]: # ( . Note: for support questions, please use Stackoverflow or Gitter. . This repository's issues are reserved for feature requests and bug reports. . . In case of any problems with Allure Jenkins plugin please use the following repository . to create an issue: . . Make sure you have a clear name for your issue. The name should start with a capital . letter and no dot is required in the end of the sentence. An example of good issue names: . . - The report is broken in IE11 . - Add an ability to disable default plugins . - Support emoji in test descriptions )

I'm submitting a ...

What is the current behavior?

Skip Tests are reported like they had actions/steps.

If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem

Generate report for with -s:

import pytest
import allure

@pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True)
def module_dep(request: pytest.FixtureRequest):
    with allure.step(f'module start {request.node.nodeid}'):
    print('<<<  start  >>>')
    with allure.step(f'module end {request.node.nodeid}'):
    print('<<</  end  >>>')

def tc_dep(request: pytest.FixtureRequest):
    with allure.step(f'test start {request.node.nodeid}'):
    print('<< start test >>')
    with allure.step(f'test end {request.node.nodeid}'):
    print('<</ end test >>')

class TestFoo:

    def test_a(self):

    def test_b(self):



I assume the bug is in allure python due to

    "uuid": "1adbda40-73cc-47ab-a3f5-154adeab99db",
    "children": [
    "befores": [
            "name": "tc_dep",
            "status": "passed",
            "steps": [
                    "name": "test start",
                    "status": "passed"
    "afters": [
            "name": "tc_dep::0",
            "status": "passed",
            "steps": [
                    "name": "test end",
                    "status": "passed"

where children are test_a and test_b - I'd expect only test_b should be among children. Sorry hardly understand allure models. (ps: start/stop removed for a focused view.)

Long thinking on it, I asume there might be reason why each test shows e.g. "module" or "session" setup/teardown fixture. Would be nice if it can be visually clear "shared" parents.

What is the expected behavior?

Nodes/containers do not have nodes that do not belong.

What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?

Bug. This is very confusing. And making think that unconditionally skipped test somehow executed fixtures

I spent couple hours in prod environment checking "why do I see it", while provided steps above - explained anomaly.

For a heavy setup/tear down, visual feedback for "children" a bit confusing.

A bit offtopic...

pytest execution protocol:
- module fixture - setup
  - class fixture - setup
    - test fixture - setup
      - test_foo
    - test fixture - teardown
    - test fixture - setup
      - test_baz
    - test fixture - teardown
  - class fixture - teardown
- module fixture - teardown

in allure report shared "class", "module", "package", "session" are shown with each test... and it seems from this issue "function" sometimes too. Nice to have visual indication of shared nodes. _Glamour-allure tries to do it (here)_ but I cannot aford more dependencies and nice if it can be considered "from the box". I'd really like to try to understand is this Item was the first and started "higher-scope" fixtures, or it is just "reported here" (a pointer :) ).

Please tell us about your environment:

Other information

[//]: # ( . e.g. detailed explanation, stacktraces, related issues, suggestions . how to fix, links for us to have more context, eg. Stackoverflow, Gitter etc )