allure-framework / allure-python

Allure integrations for Python test frameworks
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Replace version comparison with duck-style checks (fix #802) #803

Closed delatrie closed 3 months ago

delatrie commented 3 months ago


We currently have two occasions where we need to support backward incompatible changes in test frameworks:

We initially handled those by directly comparing Behave/pytest versions with packaging.version.parse.

The solution works fine in allure-pytest since the packaging module is a transitive dependency of pytest.

On the other hand, allure-behave crashes with ModuleNotFoundError unless packaging becomes available either by hand or via some other package (e.g., setuptools). That happens because packaging is missing in the install_requires metadata of allure-behave.

After some discussion, we've decided to abandon version comparison in favor of duck-style checking:

  1. It doesn't require an extra dependency to parse versions.
  2. It's more resistant to future changes (in case the change will be reverted).

Compatibility with Behave

We now try to access the tag_expression attribute first. If the attribute doesn't exist, the tags attribute is accessed instead.

Compatibility with pytest

We're checking the getfixturedefs signature. If the second parameter's annotation is str, it's provided with nodeid. Otherwise, it's provided with the node object itself. The inspection is only done once, on the first call to getfixturedefs. The remaining calls use the cached result of the check.

Additional changes

Log capturing tests

Log capturing tests for allure-pytest and allure-pytest-bdd now raise --log-level to WARNING instead of turning off the logging plugin when checking the case of disabled capturing. That prevents the unrecognized arguments: --log-level=INFO error when running against pytest 7.

CI actions update

As described here, actions that use Node.js version 16 are now deprecated. This PR updates such actions to the latest versions.

Flake config adjustment

This PR configs flake8 to ignore the new A005: the module is shadowing a Python builtin module rule for already existing modules allure_commons.types and allure-robotframework.listener.types.

Fixes #802.