After update kernel tree patch, subdirectories pm and rf from arch/arm/mach-sunxi/ were removed and now during the compiling I have the following errors:
drivers/built-in.o: In function platform_wifi_power_on': :(.text+0x1c94e0): undefined reference towifi_pm_get_mod_type'
:(.text+0x1c9548): undefined reference to wifi_pm_power' drivers/built-in.o: In functionplatform_wifi_power_off':
:(.text+0x1c95c0): undefined reference to `wifi_pm_power'
After update kernel tree patch, subdirectories pm and rf from arch/arm/mach-sunxi/ were removed and now during the compiling I have the following errors:
drivers/built-in.o: In function
platform_wifi_power_on': :(.text+0x1c94e0): undefined reference to
wifi_pm_get_mod_type' :(.text+0x1c9548): undefined reference towifi_pm_power' drivers/built-in.o: In function
platform_wifi_power_off': :(.text+0x1c95c0): undefined reference to `wifi_pm_power'and current pm.c looks like fake.