Open mrodespin opened 2 months ago
When we are trying to create a quote using the Magento API we have the following error
{ "message": "No such entity with %fieldName = %fieldValue", "parameters": { "fieldName": "customerId", "fieldValue": 3 },
Included a validation to not load quote by customer integration ids.
Create a new quote using following API Methods:
Issues 0 New issues 0 Accepted issues
Measures 0 Security Hotspots 0.0% Coverage on New Code 0.0% Duplication on New Code
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Reason for change
When we are trying to create a quote using the Magento API we have the following error
{ "message": "No such entity with %fieldName = %fieldValue", "parameters": { "fieldName": "customerId", "fieldValue": 3 },
Code changes
Included a validation to not load quote by customer integration ids.
How to test
Create a new quote using following API Methods:
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